Unhinged Christcuck Anarchist Lunatic in r/COMPLETEANARCHY Really Believes The 'Fascists' Are Coming, And It's "Class War Now". "Over half of your country will be genocided"!

20  2018-08-09 by God_Of_Sky


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America needs to fucking die and soon.

43,000,000 black people; 57,000,000 Hispanic people; 3,000,000 Muslims; 7,000,000 Jews; 18,000,000 Asians; 4,000,000 Natives; 25,000,000 white people who are openly LGBTQ+;

its more fun if you end the post at this point. also:

Enough punching. Enough pepper spray. Enough signs and chanting and marching. Learn how to shoot a gun. Learn how to use a bayonet.

what year does he think he lives in?

1918 German Revolution copypasta

Britbongs had a bayonet charge in 2009. That's mostly because L85s are best used as spears though .

122 points

Lol anarchists

Pindoses have ruined anarchism. Sad.

43,000,000 black people; 57,000,000 Hispanic people; 3,000,000 Muslims; 7,000,000 Jews; 18,000,000 Asians; 4,000,000 Natives; 25,000,000 white people who are openly LGBTQ+;

Shit, Imma need some more rope. Like, a lot more rope.

To make a rope bridge.

So I can save all these poor people....

yeah, save.

Mormons are literally the master race. Mitt Romney is the inspiration for Captain America

It's the selective breeding program instituted by Master Brigham just after '47. True story.

If histrionic could be encapsulated by a Reddit post, this would be it. Sometimes you can heard the tumultuous panic in their minds as they acknowledge mediocrity and then the immediate profound relief that the Nazis will finally, finally, provide them with the opportunity to distinguish themselves.

Hyperbolic, incendiary delusions like this are emblematic of the chronically untalented and insecure. They’re just emulating the mayo supremacists they purportedly find abhorrent.


How much do you weight?

about time tbh

And don't think they'll stop after killing the socialists, and then the Hispanics, and then the Muslims, and then the Jews

Lol everybody knows you go for the muslims and jews first

Thinking ain't your thing. You're sinking with the ring. Like gollum looking solemn you're just blinking from the bling

Such bantz

I cant wait to genocide

This is what happens when you can't hold a debate with someone without calling them a Nazi. You become an idiot surrounded by idiots who all think Nazism is coming to America and the end is right around the corner. I'd assume these idiots watch Info Wars if they weren't so politically opposed to Alex "Lost my don't in a little boy's ass" Jones.