Jews did this.

28  2018-08-09 by Strictlybutters


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Imaginr having even one Discord notification on your phone let alone two...

I’d rather:

  1. find a very heavy flatbed truck

  2. suspend truck 800 feet in the air

  3. stand underneath

  4. have someone shoot the cable and wait

Than waste any time on the AARP of social media.

fucking lol

I went looking for you on discord this week.

literally wtf is wrong with you?!

I got labeled meme account lmao

They prob think I was you


Imagine noticing that

The Longnosed Oppressor

Best superhero name?


I just need to get bitten by a radioactive bagel

That last comment should be a snappy quote

I wish we could take credit for this, but it's more to do with Russia's Afghanistan adventure.

But then all slavs (including the Armenians) started doing heroin and immigrated to America. Whose fault is that, if not yours?

Speaking of immigrants, go home MDfugee