RIP Reddit. Fuck Twitter

54  2018-08-09 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Will we still see this shit if we're using oldreddit?

No. They'll just kill old.reddit.

Does this mean we can ping retards if they’re Twitter verified?

Is the night over?


You can @ them on twitter instead.

This is good for dramacoin.

Exactly what I had in mind. Then we can link the Twitter drama to the sub and just have a cavalcade of nonstop drama.

honest question: who asked for this shit?

99% of reddit is people saying racist, sexist, or highly inappropriate shit across a variety of highly gross and problematic subreddits.

outside of the GW chicks, the 2% of diy who actually posts projects, and the omg le epic lulz people who post stupid garbage on the defaults.... who would ever want their reddit account connected to them IRL?

i say a lot of good stuff. Believe me!

Hi Ed😘


e-celebs. E-celebs asked for this.

Why tech companies keep thinking bending over backwards to get celebrities to post on your platform is a good strategy just because that's what Twitter did (even though they're barely in the black) is beyond me.

Twitter dies the second Trump leaves office

I'm hoping Trump winning reelection throws the verifieds into such an unmanageable outrage storm Jack just deletes the platform out of frustration.

Those followers weren't real

And? Twitter could continue to ban bot/propaganda accounts to show they’re serious about cracking down on this sort of thing and legit users will still continue to leave in droves because they’re sick of social media over saturation and having their info sold to advertisers.

Publicity through outrage will only get you so far. Eventually people just get tired of it.

The 2% lost never existed anyway. That being said, they did lose 3 million subscribers this quarter

That and they can target ads to you more accurately.


who would ever want their reddit account connected to them IRL?

TBH I'd fucking kill myself if anyone knew about my dirty little /r/drama habit

Or god forbid my /r/familyman habit

People are slightly overreacting, this seems like an extension to more easily start up AMAs using the celebrity's Twitter account.

Which is hilarious considering how reddit has burned their AMA infrastructure to the ground through sheer incompetence.

the omg le epic lulz people who post stupid garbage on the defaults

Doesn't this make up the majority of reddit?

Well if it speeds up the destruction of this website it may be for the best, I come here way too often.


Are you fucking retarded

Are you? Reddit generally is problematic.


Any time someone says this I automatically think of a fat, ugly, middle aged bitch with blue hair. Just knock it off.

Are you seriously getting triggered by a word? Sure you're not the fat, ugly, middle ages bitch with blue hair who needs to knock it off?

Yeah, I am. If you say that word you’re a faggot, period.

"Why football man not stand up"

I don’t care about that at all. Why are you so terrible at this.

But for some reason a simple word gets you all riled up.

Riled up is a bit much, I’m typing a few words on reddit. Stop being a fag, dude.

Which is all I'm doing so stop being a fag yourself

that's ableist and extremely problematic, reported

Thanks for confirming.



imagine using reddit redesign


It's gonna be a dark day when the admins disable

As long as they leave alone I don't care what they do.

Reddit has an API, just make your own site. Or a desktop client. Or literally whatever.

I don't code anything more complicated than automation/environment monitoring scripts, my work is too close to the metal for anything else. Trying to customize an application gives me hives.

Oh right, rdrama is too autistic to make anything of value

Sticker programmer work is the least valuable aspect of tech, which is why every hipster hops on board after skimming through ruby on rails documentation. None of that shit would accomplish anything if it weren't for people like me keeping the network path alive.

Hopefully you die off and take the rest of the field with you. We’d all be better for it.

Until the minute your ISP fucks up an "internal" update and your gateway router's WAN connection is reduced to a long length of copper and plastic and not much more.

You say that like it’s a bad thing

Twitter is for twats but just in case I want to do a AMA in the future, may as well have twitter accounts which marry Reddit Alts.

Spez continues his retard quest to kill reddit.

retard quest to kill reddit.

One man's retard is another man's hero.

Hey, if he also killed of twatter I would build a monument for the man.

I hope everyone leaves to use Voat in the near future so I can use that website without having to deal with MDEgenerates.

Lol half the shit on Voat's "front page" is posted by the same dude.

To be fair that's just for the default subverses. There are some good parts of the website that aren't filled with MDEgenerates.

Just you and CTH

He is already doing a very good job.

And people said "Voiceless get twatter", jokes on you twats.

Just when you thought it couldn't get worse.

Twitter: Alex Jones is a pretty cool dude once you get to know him

Great timing on this Reddit!

scroll scroll scroll... ah, there it is.

Rather than wasting your time with shit like this, why aren't you doing SOMETHING about the extremest white nationalist /fascists on this website and there breeding grounds, aka t_d among thousands others

unbelievably brave, such a hot take.

I'm looking forward to future drama

Can't wait for them to make this mandatory in a year or two.

Meh you can just not use it right?