On hating furries: "I'd say hating people for harmless hobbies is very embarrassing..." says the user whose post history is full of whale cocks and yiffing.

112  2018-08-09 by CanadianCartman


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Snapshill back at it again with the self-awareness.

Hate is only justified if you hate prideless mixes (Western Europe, America, Russia), but hate is completely unacceptable if you hate amazing monocultural places like Israel, Eastern Europe and most of Asia.

Bulgy boi at it again

Can't argue with that

Same with the anime hentai degeneracy. Weebs and furfags are a disease.

can't wait for open season on those fuckers

This generally a male problem to have extremely weird sexual fetishes. It's pretty rare to see women in the furry community because woman don't dress up as animals and fuck one another. Just goes to show you that men are overall more mentally ill.

It's rare to see women in the furry community

This is completely wrong, lol. There are plenty of women that are also furfags. As a matter of fact, a woman created the most degenerate part of the fandom (sergals)

Men overall are more mentally than women

This coming from a mentally unstable druggie like you, lmao

I'm not mentally unstable you fucking asshole! You don't know what you're talking about I use drugs responsibly!

Your interactions with our sub and it's posters say otherwise

Just wait until you're shadow banned. I bet you're on of le epics accounts!

Lmao, not even close. You sure do love screeching insane accusations about people

This reads like satire.

u/Women-Warriors spams weird RF lady shit all over this sub. It's either satire or someone who is mentally ill.

Maybe you're the mentally ill one because you can't even begin to comprehend my ideas!


Ah, there's that sweet sound I missed. Tell me, what drugs are you abusing today my dear vapid TERF?

You're a bad troll. 😴😴😴

She's the real deal; she and a couple of other retarded users of /r/rationalfeminism have excellent drama, partially caused by the number of trolls which infest the subreddit. For example, she chewed on her bathmat recently and posted a picture of it to check for hidden listening devices after a troll instructed her to do so.

Holy shit that was her??

I thought it was all a joke. Fuck that's amazing

Don't forget the running around Texas naked, free bleeding, breaking into homes and stealing food and alcohol doing it all for feminist liberation because her family and the other mods of her sub were after her.

In reality she was just off her meds again.

The only thing you should be getting high off of is our love for dinosaurs 🦖

Poor sergals :( They just wanna serg.

I dunno about you but a prehensile clitoral hood is totes what dreams are made of

Can you explain this further because I’m curious and I’m not googling that shit.

I wonder what it is that makes men so degenerate. It is what it is, I guess. Kinkshaming is bad, right?

Take a woman and add heaps more testosterone, entitlement and a sense of invincibility.

I think I read somewhere once that paraphilias (fetishes) are correlated with autism and autistic-style thinking.

And autism is correlated with "male-brain" (4x more likely in men also).

lol. everyone i've ever met IRL who had a super degenerate fetish was a woman. one girl liked her boyfriend to piss on her and humiliate her.

Trannies aren't real women.

Just goes to show you that men are overall more mentally ill.

This is just a statistical fact. This is why males need to be protected by society, and given ample opportunities to succeed in such a hostile environment pitted against them. This male suicide and freak fetish epidemic needs to stop!

ty im glad your such an ally of the men's rights community

I don't think hentai weebs have the same sort of ties to pedophilia or bestiality like furries do, plus i don't think most weebs or hentai fetishists are as socially retarded and depraved as furfags to the point where they'd dress up in public and show/tell everyone about it.

most weebs aren't socially depraved

Absolute cock, half of /r/anime is jokes about being lonely and depressed, or talking about how they don't go outside. 4chan itself is a example of weeb degeneracy who cant get out of the computer chair because they're too fat.

There's even a stereotype of anime fans being neckbeards who cum on anime figures or buy body pillows. Weebs and furries are one in the same in terms of depravity.

When I first learned what rule 34 was all those years ago, I said to myself, "that makes sense." Now though, when I actually see rule 34 fully realized across the thousands of porn subs and Tumblrs, I find myself muttering things under my breath like "no fucking way" or "what the fuck" as though I'm shocked that some collection of antisocial weebos jack off all over action figures.

I guess the bright side is that they are cumming on things that can't get pregnant, so maybe this bullshit will die of in a generation.

Not like the people jacking it to action figures would have reproduced anyway.

On the other hand, having enough money to buy expensive figurines and then ruin them by cumming on them is in of itself a paradox with relation to that. It's like the nips who work a full-time salaryman job and then their room looks like a hikkomori's. You can say they are pathetic and weird, but at least they are contributing to society.

Every time I think I've seen the entire depth of weeb depravity, someone posts something new that I wish I'd never learned about.

On the other hand, having enough money to buy expensive figurines and then ruin them by cumming on them is in of itself a paradox with relation to that. It's like the nips who work a full-time salaryman job and then their room looks like a hikkomori's. You can say they are pathetic and weird, but at least they are contributing to society.

Lmao dude good luck finding anything to do with millenial culture that doesn't joke about being lonely and depressed. That's not an indication of anything retard.

To be fair, half of reddit are lonely, depressed incels in denial.

Hentai is absolutely full of lolis, sweaty.

did you mean sweetie? or am i retarded?

I don't know if you're retarded, but you are clearly new.....sweaty.

shit... ive been found out

I don't think hentai weebs have the same sort of ties to pedophilia or bestiality like furries do

lolicon is not a furry word, famalam.

I’m a proud foxkin and I won’t hide who I am from BIGOTS LIKE YOU!

Amen dad

You leave my 2D waifu out of this thank you very much

Imagine kinkshaming in current year.

God, I miss kys-posting.


Being a pedo is not a kink smh my head 😒

(You) 💥🔫

Reported to Reddit Admins for inciting violence! 😡😤


Your title is actually incorrect. My post history has just one whale cock in it.

Do you identify as a whale person because of your weight?

Nah my weight is pretty healthy actually.

For a whale?

"mommy says I'm a healthy boy"

amerifat healthy isn't healthy sweetie


Dude lmao

please justify the whale cum bathtub meme then

I've not heard of it.

Looking at your profile has confirmed that the only cure for the disease you just gave me is suicide. Goodbye /r/drama

Goodbye! UwU

thanks for visiting this subreddit without us pinging you

You're whalecome!

I like this guy

* whalecum



The most hilarious thing about furry hatred used to be people who would virtue signal on and on and on about gay rights and then turn around and be horrible to furries for the exact same reasons people often call out the gay rights movement


Whale cocks and yiffing

The absolute state of degeneracy

What a dork

> Oh it's rainfurrest and nazi furries again


I keep my degeneracy to myself like 99% of the fandom

The ones that shit themselves in public etc are genuinely mentally ill or seriously ree-levels of autistic; but no one cares because it's a chance to hate on those weirdos

Not that we're not weirdos, it's just... you know. I'm a lovable weirdo xx

#notall _____

Has become a joke a bit, but it's a legitimate defence. When you attack an entire group because of the actions of some small member of that group, a reply saying "not all members of the group are like that" is a legitimate comment.

Furries are the exception to the rule




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can you clean this up, it's a little dusty


I thought furries were about cartoons and mascot costumes so I was surprised to find out they also fuck their pets

Yeah, he's correct though.

It is harmless. Being straight is also harmless, but some men rape. We don't blame that on their straightness, we blame it on them for being degenerates.

He might have some embarassing things too, but the point still stands - hating in someone for their harmless fetish is dumb

It is called "Finding Dory" not "Fucking Dory"



It is called "Finding Dory," not "Fucking Dory."

Comment of the year.

Yeah ikr. Bailey is clearly the sexiest character in that film.

Furries were a mistake.

Yiff in hell.


Cry me a river, you degenerate.







