Ubermensch downgraded to mensch

61  2018-08-10 by AnnoysTheGoys


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it's the mayo's turn now to sit at the back of the bus.

did you manufacture the whole DC spergathon just so someone would write this article and you could post it with this title?

i think i'm gonna convert

quality title OP

pure verbal iq

Well they are Unter as fuck

Drivers with the transportation company Uber will have the chance to refuse passengers who attend the upcoming Unite the Right 2 white supremacist rally in DC on August 12.

Inb4 some guy refuses to give a lift to some antifa guy and everybody loses their mind.

The Growing Crisis Of Racist Uber Drivers At Protests - This Is So Problematic

Let’s have an Uber drive deny Sarah Jeong a ride and see what happens.

what's that phrase they keep spamming in TD? 'rent free'?

let's have you try to calm your bussyblasted, fragile mayo self

This is some SRD title shit

An SRD title would be "Uber driver in r/NYC decides not to take a certain passenger. Rightists are not amused".

oh pls, this is the best title for a post i've seen in months

very boring article, but good title so get one up-voat

They're going to go from saying

REEEEE they can't force me to make a cake for fags

to saying

REEEEE they can't make me walk to the 14/88 rally

Breaking news Chick-fil-A press release affirms company policy to deny service to ISIS like favorite subscribE!!