Racism drama in /r/australia.

23  2018-08-10 by [deleted]


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Australia is like Portland on a national scale and it’s hilarious

so many white immigrants mad because some brown people immigrated there before they did, like planet earth operates under “finders keepers” rules or something

Australia is like Portland on a national scale and it’s hilarious

Only on Reddit. For sure we have some whiny cunts here, especially amongst the younger generations who overdose on shitty American pop culture and idpol, but most of the guys from r/Australia are the worst of the worst from places like Melbourne.

Imagine if someone went to a sub for Americans, but 9 out of 10 posters were Antifa from Berkeley. It would definitely give you a false impression of what America is like. That's r/Australia in a nutshell.

dude we all just watched that farewell video to Chin where at the end in big letters it said “WE HERE AT THE TV STATION RECOGNIZE THAT $ABBO_TRIBE ARE THE TRUE JANITORS OF THIS LAND ULURU AKBAR”

This is an actual quote

In the past fortnight alone, concerted attacks by Australian racists on media figures such as Osman Faruqi and Benjamin Law have caught my attention. In Faruqi’s case, the racialised and disproportionate abuse he received for supporting the banning of plastic bags from supermarkets has threatened to silence his activity on Twitter. Meanwhile, the racial abuse directed at Law involved a thinly-veiled death threat for suggesting Virgin Australia cease broadcasting Sky News in their lounges.

Plastic bags and TV channels in airport waiting rooms?

WTF, Australia?

/r/Australia isn't actually /r/Australia. it's the Melbourne pumpkin latte cunts who populate that sub. i mean they aren't bad people but fuck they are annoying people.

How can you be racist to something that isn't even human, this is more animal cruelty

I dunno, as a Shrek-American would you consider the abuse that you experience everyday as racism or cruelty? Please explain why, citing sources where appropriate.

It amazes me how places like the Austrailan and UK subs are so far left wing on reddit. It is to be expected because it is reddit but it is way more unbalanced than you would think.

Same with r/canadapolitics who constantly pat themselves on the back for actually be representitive of Canadians compared to the right wing r/Canada who did a poll with like 80 percent of them supporting the NDP in the Ontario election.

Most power users are also active commies or anarchists.

Entryism is internet activism 101 for commie scum. They live to subvert any environment ripe for "praxis".

Here's a picture of the POC author.

Talcum X has been dethroned.