SJW's on Science don't handle the new findings very well.

127  2018-08-10 by [deleted]



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Chapo is on suicide watch

They're always on suicide watch, that's why they can't buy guns

It is hard to revolution would swallowing the gun is so enticing lol.

Fucking lol.

Sadbrains lmao. I knew commies were a bunch of tards but I never realized that they were children as well.

They are mayos avocating for their own genocide. It's only a matter of time

That comment section is more nuked than a Nevada desert test site.

patrolling that comment section makes me wish for a nuclear winter

We won't go quietly, the sardines can count on that

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

It wouldn't be a science post without hundreds of deleted comments. They say its because they hold a higher standard for discourse but I've had comments deleted for disagreeing with the post (with citations to back my opinion). I even got temp banned for pointing out that a mod's post was factually incorrect and that they were using misinformation to karma whore.

r/science has as much to do with science as Scientology.

Please don’t insult Scientology like that. What did it ever do to you?’

Is it really science if you don't censor the half of the discussion you don't agree with?

Freddie gray was given a rough ride and they severed his spine.

Freddie's wild ride

I want to get off Freddie's ride.

The ride never ends.

It did for Freddie tho

Some say his ghost is still riding in the back of that van.

lmao I'm dead

I love how the MUH SYSTEMUC WHATEVER crowd totally glosses over the fact that three of the six police officers involved were black.

So that justifies it?

That's not what I said or what I meant to imply, no.

Okay so why does it matter their skin color?

Because it's often framed as am incident of white-on-black violence when really it isn't?

But since the article is missing alot of facts... we are allowed to question it or say its not enough evidence OVERALL. As many have pointed out theres ALOT more studying that could be done because this is a VERY complex situation. I'd also like to see something like this done be a group of people who are non-biased in any way. By that I mean someone black, someone white, someone asian, someone republican, someone democrat...etc. If they can all agree with the evidence. Then I'd believe it.

Totally not biased there


Its a well known fact that if you CAPITALIZE random words in you r comment, PEOPLE can't argue against it.

It's proven to raise your IQ by 1 point for each capitalized word

That's how writers of British tabloids got to be so smart.

Tbh this is just one study, more have to be done to build a better picture.

Not saying that it has to be apportioned by race tho

Standard stuff, across the board. Evidence against my position must be bombproof, easy to understand, and come from the highest authority, but I'll take half a paragraph written in crayon on the back of a Hooters napkin if it supports my worldview.

But this has been studied over and over again, with the same results every time:

Black suspects are not significantly more likely to be shot than white suspects. In fact, it's usually the case that they are shot slightly less often than whites (though this difference has not, iirc, been statistically significant).

Which is exactly what a standard economic model of police behavior would predict when shootings of black suspects receive more media and IA scrutiny.

I amazes me that people are shocked that a demo which is responsible for like over 50 percent of all murders and is also over represented in violent crime is also over represented in police shootings.

It's amazing how many things about society that are taken as true suddenly became "problematic" and had to be re-proven by actual experts.

Remember the shitfit they pitched when someone came out with a study showing women are attracted to wealth and muscles? Fucking hilarious.

Ugly chicks crying over how they don't find hot guys with muscles hot is never not funny to me. I bet if you were 40 lbs lighter and actually had a shot we'd be talking a different story.

40.0 lbs = 18.1 kilograms 1 pound = 0.45kg

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Good bot! People using bananas for scale instead of actual units are so annoying.

You have been blacklisted filthy yuro

Dunno. I have friend that absolutely loath muscular guys. He prefers people like his dad which he calls for "big bears" pretty strong but still high body fat.

He prefers people like his dad


basic psychology.

Is your friend a male bussysexual?

not a normie

Is that a yes?

So he prefers muscular guys with fat.

No this is what the faggot don't want.

But rather this faggot wants.

They're both muscular. The bear probably is carrying a lot more muscle anyways.

Does your friend happen to like being treated as a spinner per chance?

dunno even what a spinner.

Spinners are usually short petite women that can basically be sat on your dick and you can spin them around. Guys can be the same depending on the strength of the guy on the bottom.

If you're friend looks like a manlet twink, he might have that fetish. In my experience, it's the short small chubby women who have it as well. Similar to the women who would decide to take up strongman as a sport.

no, mate you can't even lift even joking without getting bottle in the head. He is fucking hardcore respect dude.

Your friend sounds fabulous.

Haha that must've put menslib on suicide watch

Pft, they don't the balls to consider suicide.

You'd be surprised. A lot of them have admitted to harboring suicidal thoughts, citing "male guilt" as the reason.

/r/science drama is great - alpha fucks, beta bucks - nobody likes a soyboy - women are bitches to each other

Coming up next: females are more emotional than males and most men are turned on by big tits.

Hahaha damn, thanks for the links

Black culture has a violence problem

Like master, like slave. Southerners were violent, stupid and hot-headed. Their former slaves are still emulating this cultural pattern.

I think the model of Obama is going to do a lot of good for the next black generation, being intelligent and erudite is now no longer looked down upon as "talking white" or whatever. Nobody is cooler to a young black kid growing up in the past decade than Obama, and he's a very good model to follow.

Lol took a halfie

... have you seen the trend race-relations have taken in the past few years? acting white" has become even more ostracised in the black community than ever before, not least thanks to modern sociology giving them a pseudo-academic justification to hate ytpipo and segregate themselves from "yt" society. People hate being wrong, so of course these justifications that lay all blame for the problems black people face on white people are popular, but at the same time it prevents them from ever improving their situation. The black community already has a massive problem with their "crab in a bucket" mentality, the last few years (and movements like BLM) have only turned that up to 11.

I don't think it was his intention, but I think Obama has been horrible for race-relations. He needed to do much more against black extremists. They've been boldened by Obamas rhetoric and have taken over the discussion.

this is what mayos actually believe

Where the hell are you getting all this info about black culture and the black community?

His ass and /pol/

No they haven't. Half of black twitter is stuff like #blackexcellence or celebrating black dads or black families who stay together. Celebrating getting into and graduating college, getting good jobs and starting businesses etc..

that's just normal people shit except with a hashtag.

Yeah obviously my point is that it’s not seen as ‘acting white’.

Sowell goes one step back and says that that's because unlike new england settlers that came from nice places, most of the south settlers were sheep fuckers from northern england. Dont know about the academic merits but its interesting at least

There were sheep fuckers in the northern colonies too. They went to Canada after the American revolution.

Yeah if you look at the UK which shoves it's under class white population into projects the results don't seem to be that different. Imagine if chavs had access to firearms comprable with our urban dwellers.

Petition to airdrop thousands of Liberators into the council housing?

That would result in the deaths of thousands of British men, women and children. I'm no longer allowed to express support for genocide.

Thomas Sowell is a pretty well regarded scholar, so I would bet that there is a lot of evidence backing up his claim. However, I would love to see a peer reviewed response to his claims. Regardless, I love me some Thomas Sowell. He is such a great debater.

The book Black Rednecks and White Liberals lays out his case extremely well. Tons of footnotes and citations. He really goes in on those backwoods Brits lol

Yeah let's blame the whites from 200 years ago rather than holding black people accountable

Homie southerners are still like this. Read Thomas Sowell's book Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

No. I'm just explaining why the blacks act like morons.

"The blacks" lol you're 100% a racist

This is actually pretty accurate, there are some great books on the "black redneck" phenomenon.

They're shot at a lesser rate if you account for crime. Hispanics and whites are shot the most.

Either way, this stuff is so rare that I can't believe it's a major issue. The chance of you being wrongfully gunned down by a cop is close to zero. We have more important shit to worry about.

Yeah like ignoring the economic disadvantages black folk grow up with

Far more poor white in America than poor blacks but they still commit half the murders

Do you want me to explain statistics 101 to you?

No because you are probably terrible at stats.

Ok mein Kerl

Nothing worse than a germ with white mans burden.

Facts don't care about your feelings

Yeah but they're all killing themselves so it doesn't matter amirite?

Far more poor white in America than poor blacks


The chance of you being wrongfully gunned down by a cop is close to zero

There's other ways police can be violent and abusive besides shooting at people, so acting like a small amount of shootings is the same thing as a small amount of police brutality/racism is just wrong. And the problem is that they face almost no accountability for what they do.

At the same time though black people get higher sentences than white people for the same crimes and the DOJ has found racial bias in some of the police departments they studied.

Sentencing disparity is a good example of a form of widespread, institutional racism. I'm surprised so few people actually bother to talk about it.

The difference between 3-years parole and 3-years behind bars is massive when it comes to recidivism and the like.

Mods went Hiroshima on that comment section and then gave it a Nagasaki.

doesnt mention any 8hour long raids with thousands of bombers over europe or firebombing runs in japan, just muh two atom bombs xxxxddd

Yeah nah nobody's gonna say "Mods went 8 hour long bombing raid on that comment section and then gave it a firebombing run."

Studies also show conservatives are dumb. I expect everyone to be consistent.

Hodson was quick to note that the despite the link found between low intelligence and social conservatism, the researchers aren't implying that all liberals are brilliant and all conservatives stupid. The research is a study of averages over large groups, he said.

"There are multiple examples of very bright conservatives and not-so-bright liberals, and many examples of very principled conservatives and very intolerant liberals," Hodson said.

Did you even read this article?

How does that contradict the fact that conservatives are dumber than liberals? The term you should mentally be inserting into sentences like these is "on average", not "all".

"conservatives are dumb" != "on average conservatives have lower IQ than liberals"

No, those two things are definitely the same thing. No /s.

k mate

Would it be more fair to say that while most conservatives are not necessarily dumb, most dumbs are conservative?

"fox news: not dumb, but #1 with dumb people"

It shows that dumb people are most likely to vote conservatives, which makes sense.

I remember that study. To be pedantic- Republicans are much smarter than Democrats but social conservatives are slightly dumber than social liberals. Put those two together and you'll realize libertarians are the real geniuses.

You can't combine correlations like that, for several reasons.

Yes I can. Libertarianism means you can't tell me what to do. 🖕🖕🖕

But ten, or 30 or 70 or more a year is an abhorrent amount, and should not be considered an anomaly!

Except 10, 30, or 70 out of 320,000,000 IS an anomaly. Literally less than “million to one odds.”
I agree that we should “aim for zero” but you make it sound like a much more significant occurrence than it is.

These are not random acts of nature, but rather systemic violence committed by an institution which is supposed to be protecting people.
I’m sorry, but even just one person being murdered by the police is a significant occurrence to me, even whether or not it is deemed justified!

Wait a moment... What exactly is the meaning of the word "systemic"?

It goes on the pile of words which don't mean what they used to now that it's current year:

Race realism
Identifies as
Free Market
Enthusiastic consent
Person of color

U forgot toxic yo

People who unironically use the word "toxic" as a descriptor of behavior should drink bleach

Best Britney Spears song.

I couldn't believe it yesterday I got down voted in r/investing for dating China was communist lol. Then I had some China shill inform me it is ackshually state capitalism.

Fucking Marxists and their redefinition of words lmao.

Well, I didn't make this list as a honeypot to attract retards, but I guess it worked, anyway lol.

Yeah, you're the dummy in that exchange, son.

Also, thanks for reminding me that retards like to use "Marxist" for all kinds of things that have nothing to do with what Marx wrote. I'll add it to the list.

I should've said postmodernists, but it's all derived from Marx

No, you should have said 'were heavily communist, but have steadily been capitalizing their economy since Mao was put out and the 4 got necked', but you didn't cause you're retarded

It's still far far far closer to socialism than capitalism, and the fact that they are still under autocratic rule lends itself to more correctly being characterized Stalin/Maoist communism than anything close to what the US or even european countries have.

It's still far far far closer to socialism than capitalism,

Oh hey a quick google search disagrees with you

but keep being retarded if you want I guess it's great drama

no it doesn't lmao. It's in China's fucking constitution.

Like where are all you people coming from that are determined to say China isn't even socialist now. Like its actually crazy.

Literally all land in China is owned by the government.


Dont nailhouse shame china!!!

Right. And America's constitution said a whole bunch of nifty shit about liberty, freedom, and due process, despite all of those "unpaid interns" living in the south.

hey room and board is pay mate

A country that has less wealth redistribution and more income equality than the USA is considered communist?

more income equality than the USA


That's not taking into account PPP, aka why Sweden is also retardedly high despite being Sweden. Also a massive chunk of income for the wealthy in China is unreported.

Post Deng China is anything but Marxist. Funnily enough, the Communist party knows and so hide behind "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" and "Xi Jinping thought"

Add culture to the list.


Don’t forget “literally”

It's already on there.

You forgot “problematic”

No, I didn't.

Shit, you didn’t. Can I have one of those guillotines?

Are you just stupid? "systemic" means it's perpetrated by the system, not by lone individuals. So, you know, exactly the reason you'd expect black cops to have racist actions.

Sorry, but I really cannot tell whether your comment is satire or Poe...

That's because you're divorced from anything resembling logic or reason

So if police killings of suspects are extremely rare we can avoid talking about those like we do false accusations of sexual assault, right?

Mmm, this is good bait.

R8 it 8 out of 8?

I r8 it 88/8

gr8, m8!

False accusations of rape are as rare as actual rape.

Hottest of takes.

No - we must end the tricksy gender

Currently, the world cares too much about irrelevant dumb crap like race and gender. One day, we flat earthers will start publishing our research in big name journals, and we will be ones getting everyone riled up. I predict that, in the 2032 election, the hot-button issue will be the shape of the Earth, and the one who is brave enough to tell the world about the truth of the flat Earth will be the one who wins.

Look at Nostradamus over here

the world cares too much about irrelevant dumb crap like race and gender

Mayos in America and Europe aren't the world.

Daddy still has a lot of his finite energy swirling around inside him. I predict he changes the laws next term to allow him to rule indefinitely.

Doesnt change the fact that Black people generally live in worse of conditions and as such are more affected by this problem than the white population.

Damn those poor whites for being better off than those poor blacks!

Dude came here as immigrants and because of garbage political believes fucked themselves. Blacks came in a a sardine can

Ships back then were made of wood. A coffin would be a better example.

And that's why blacks have a lower standard of living 200 years later?

Jim Crow Laws existed until the late 20th century and the US government never gave blacks funding like they did to the White Settlers so Black People werent able to recover from slavery.

Dont they teach you this shit in school in the US?

I'm just trying to figure out how pitting lower classes against each other in the oppression olympics has anything to do with slave ship conditions 200 years ago.

I just explained it to you.

Besides you are the one coming up with oppression olympics. Never said poor whites have a good life. I said Black folk are worse off because they are generally poorer.

Homie, you wanna make it a race issue by moving the goal posts and bringing slavery into it after a study shows that black people getting shot by police isn't a race issue. Stay on topic yo.

Are you retarded? The history of slavery is a key component of the circumstances African Americans find themselves in today.

Dude if you are a white american you can trace your ancestry back.

Blacks can only trace their ancestry back to their grandma being raped by some englishman

So slavery is why there is so much gang related shooting in predominantly black neighborhoods? Slavery is why black communities don't pay enough in taxes to keep schools open? Slavery is why black children are overwhelmingly raised by single mothers? I better throw my alarm clock away cuz now I'm woke as fuck.

Slavery is why black children are overwhelmingly raised by single mothers?

Yes because of the poverty that that cause in the black community

Oh shit, wait, poor white communities have those problems as well! It's almost like poverty is a bigger indicator of quality of life issues than ancestors coming from slavery.

As I said before:

Never said poor whites have a good life. I said Black folk are worse off because they are generally poorer.

Slavery is why black communities don't pay enough in taxes to keep schools open?

hahahaha the fucking economic retardation of americans

how does it feel like getting butt fucked by rich people?

Like I said before, you're the one that decided to respond to a post about how cops shooting black people isn't due to racism by trying to make it about how much better white people have it than blacks. You literally saw a lack of race blaming and decided to fix it, I'm proud of you.

Its a good thing the black community has you around to make sure everything gets blamed on slavery instead of social issue caused by the black community themselves.

Do you think causality just ends at the black community?

Do you not understand what historical context is?

Where you fucking homeschooled?

I wish I had slavery to blame for all my shortcomings :(

Yeah you don't. So if you are a middle class white kid in the US you don't have to do much to stay middle class and live a luxurious life.

Good thing none of that applies to me :D

ok too.

Where you fucking homeschooled


Do you think causality just ends at the black community?

I don't think it ends there, but it really is the main cause. The insane tribalism and a victimization culture that doesn't allow for any personal responsibility.

I mean, do you remember how BLM interrupted the only candidate that was likely to do anything about for profit prisons and war on drugs only to rant their ridiculous identitarian talking points? As if there wasn't enough Americans who view black community with prejudice they have to do their best to alienate progressive people who are in favor of policies that adrest the greatest issues black community faces.

White folks have no excuse for being poor like blacks do. That's why white trash should be treated worse than black trash.

thats a bold stance tbqhbbqlmao

Accurate though.

I think slavery is a part of why there is a greater percentage of black people that are poor than white people who are poor.

Black communities have the highest high school drop out rates, highest single mother rates, and highest unemployment rate per race. Hispanics are the second largest racial group in poverty and only by 2% yet they were never slaves, so that debunks your theory. Its almost like it has more to do with the community and not events that occured 200 years ago...

You don't think that different circumstances can lead to the same conclusion of living in poverty?

You really think being enslaved 200 years ago has more of an effect on the modern lives of black communities than the factors I listed?

No, I think being enslaved 200 years ago was a major step on a long road that leads to where they are now. Saying that doesn't excuse any individuals actions, it just acknowledges that they have been born behind the starting line compared to other people.

Imagine being so afraid of accountability that you blame the actions of your great great great great grandparents instead over acknowledging the toxic behavior of your community.

Imagine being so ignorant of history that you can't tell how one historic event leads to another.

If only there was a single example in history of a formerly enslaved group rising to success within a few centuries!

You care way too much about this. Stop sperging and go read a history book.

Lol u mad

No I'm just at work and I'm tired of getting you're spegy messages. How can someone be so smug about their retardation? You take the cake my man.

I didnt come in here to engage you fam, you decided it was a good time to dodge responsibility for an entire race and play your "muh slavery" card. Now you're booty blasted about looking retarded in front of your friends.

If you're worried about what you look like on Reddit, you need to get out more often.

No u

Bottom tier bantz fam

Jim Crow Laws existed until the late 20th century

And yet MLK was able to rise up above it all.


I swear to god taking a statistics class should be prerequisite for being able to vote

you haven't posted any statistics in the entire thread, you just keep spamming "muh slavery"

Whats the point in posting statistics if people are so retarded that they think


Or if they dont understand how causality works

"I don't have to provide evidence because you'll disregard the fictional evidence I have if I provide it, which I wasn't going to anyway!"

Whats the point of giving you anything if you are incapable of critically examining it.

That's racist

prerequisite for being able to vote

The irony of this point of view in a discussion on jim crow laws.

Yes and no, mostly no, because black and/or southern history is a huge topic to discuss encompassing multiple academic disciplines with plenty to be embarrassing or awkward to pretty much everyone, and there's a lot of regional/local details that tend to be lost in big picture focused instruction of "history". I have a B.A. in history and in spite of the American history classes I took I didn't write a single paper about the south or the Great Migrations, something I consider insane given that I graduated from a southern university. Much of what I know comes from study later in life which concerns my own family history.

I'm oversimplifying here and drawing mostly from the history of Alabama because that's where I'm from, but I'll take a stab at this: Firstly, Jim Crow and the initial exclusion of black Americans from the New Deal and GI Bill along with their exclusion from the mid-20th century suburbanization thanks to segregation and redlining probably contribute the most to the black/white wealth gap.

Land reform in the postbellum south would've been nice but as a whole the agricultural economy of the south struggled after the Civil War and the King Cotton economy in particular was wrecked by the 1920s thanks to international competition and the Boll Weevil such that plantation owners were going bankrupt. Those old plantation counties remain among the poorest and least developed in the United States.

Along with the above, while there's plenty of guilt to go around some things weren't anyone's fault, really. Black members of the Great Migrations overwhelmingly wound up in industrial rust belt cities in the north and midwest and established themselves just in time for those economies to decline if not collapse. A lot of the Great Society era projects (including projects themselves) came from good intentions but had bad results.

I say all this as a white southerner whose grandparents migrated to Flint, MI for awhile in the 1950s to work for General Motors. Growing up in a dying unincorporated rural community infested with meth and dumb rednecks sucked but had my grandmother not nearly frozen to death in Flint and convinced my grandfather to move back home (luckily to the newly-industrializing Tennessee Valley in north Alabama, which had been bad off even by the standards of the Great Depression when they were children working in the fields) I'd have grown up on the set of Roger and Me.

Jeremiah Wright may have said "God Damn America" but my view is "God Forgive Us".

I don't quite see how you are disagreeing with me?

I never claimed that after Jim Crow Black folk didn't suffer from economic decline because of new developments, just that they had a bad start that was never taken care off.

I'm not disagreeing with you. This may be /r/drama heresy but I wasn't disagreeing, just trying to elaborate your point further.

Oh ok thanks for your input my dude :)

Chinese came over as slaves 100 years later than black people and they are doing just fine.

What percentage of Asian Americans come from the railroad slavery, how many are immigrants?

The same amount that can shift a goalpost because their argument is retarded.

its what your argument is based on????

if 99 % came from railroad slavery that means Chinese were more successful in climbing out of poverty than blacks.

if 99% came from immigration that makes you point irrelevant

Do you want me to draw you a diagram?

Are you saying China was sending their best and riches people?

Sardines have around the same brainpower as niggers, so this is a particularly apt comparison.

Wow they even got the ride here for free

I had to endure retards branding their BLM propaganda for months because SJWs are fucking statistic illiterates.


"It's OK for blacks to be thugs, they're poor :'(:'(:'(

Amazing critical thinking skills my dude

It's your 20th serious post on this thread, maybe take a breath sometime.

Go play some DnD.

Yeah and I hope you choose to bite the bullet

Christ aren't you a sad sack of germ CTH posting shit.

Chapo is garbage my dude

That much I agree on. However your incessant excuse finding for the behaviour of people due to "previously historic injustices" are utter bullshit seeped in the mayo mindset that white is right and just because there's other ethnic groups they can't be hold accountable for their actions based up some rantings from centuries ago.

Nah it's academically accepted fact.

And that fact doesn't care about your feelings

"Fact" sure bud. Keep yourself safe tonight .

my dude

Please don't use that phrase here. 😕

r/science and [removed] name a more iconic duo

Most police killings are well justified, the one's that make the news are obviously the problem cases, otherwise they wouldn't be in the news. That's kind of the problem with the news, people see stuff on the news and they think that's representative of the general issue. No, it's like a thousand cases of cops killing some idiot waving a gun during a robbery, a couple of unfortunate edge cases, and maybe one incident that's clearly unjustified.

Toupee fallacy

Tupac phallicy

It's all the MDE really wants!

Police killings are a very, very small subset of the horrible fucked up ways cops can abuse their power. Asset forfiture, police beatings, unlawful searches, arresting people for trying to film them, convenient body cam "malfunctions" whenever a cop fucks up, fuckup cops getting off scot-free and reassigned ...etc. etc. Etc.

That's what pisses me off about all this attention on shootings. When they actually shoot people, that's the one situation where they're virtually always in the right. Concentrating on it takes away attention from all the corruption that's really going on.

It's been known for years. Heather McDonald and co got physically assaulted on campus for saying such things.

It won't change a thing.

On the plus side, Americans killing other americans is a fine spectacle.


r/science has gone to shit. It's really sad. That's one of the hallmark subs of this godforsaken website. Completely taken over by agenda.

I think you should take a step back and wonder who has the agenda here

The sub that picks and chooses which articles are allowed to be viewed maybe? Is there a point somewhere in that vague ass comment

It's okay he probably just means the jews.

I blame toxic reality!

Yes, I am sure it was only SJWs that were angry about a study that showed systemic racism in police forces. Glad /r/drama could provide the public service of allowing a safe space for the idiots who couldn't chimp out in the science comments.