British tankie can't deal with people criticizing his dear supreme leader

41  2018-08-10 by rustrust


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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keep downvoting for facts guys

Here's a fact for you, wanker.

The greatest judo move UK conservatives ever pulled was deciding that anyone who speaks against the rich is automatically cringey anti-Semite. Thinking.jpg

That might very well be true but Corbyn is a rabid anti-Israel guy and Labour have a LOT of these pseudo Islamist Muslims who are legitimate anti semites.

British politics is so fucked, the pro-brexit party is lead by someone who's against brexit and the anti-brexist party is lead by someone who's for it. Corbyn keeps on blocking Labour moves against Brexit because he knows it would make bringing about his socialist paradise easier.

Brits deserve all the shit that comes their way 😆

New Zealand is the only anglo country that isn't completely retarded

Well, it's mostly sheep. So that makes sense.

Absolutely delusional to believe that the majority of Labour's traditional voterbase voted Remain. Working-class people voted Leave in droves.

what a goofy country

r/unitedkingdom is basically r/labour