I eagerly await the drama to come out of this NYT opinion piece from a person with a black-sounding name saying "Not every opinion needs to be underwritten by your race or gender or other social identity."

25  2018-08-10 by itsnotmyfault


They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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As usual, everyone should form their opinions based on the title, sub-title, and author's name, but make 0 effort to read any of the other words on the page. Except for the top comments.

I'd roofie you.

It's known

keepin it real 😤😤😤

You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I can hear the incipient Mayo histrionics already. Their labels are the o my thing that distinguishes them, they're worn like embellishments to disrupts the monotonous whiteness.

New here, what's a Mayo?

It's hilarious reading him outline exactly why this identity-obsessed mindset is a mistake, only for nearly every Times-approved comment to be a multi-paragraph justification along the lines of "it's ok when we do it".

Every time I see somebody list out their identity at the beginning of an article, my eyes roll into the back of my head.