/r/news gets triggered when someone points out some flaws in the, “don’t serve white nazis,” mentality.

72  2018-08-10 by [deleted]


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Why hello there Elliot

MuH pRoTeCtEd ClAsS

The excuse used by every leftist which conveniently allows them to discriminate but not anyone else.

Explain why I should tell you to kys.

If I keep myself safe, who will clean it up afterwards?

only leafs have one-way protected class roads

ameriburgers just sends lawyers with dicks into Ladies Nights and then sues

and theres nothing wrong with that

That's because leftist discrimination is good and beneficial for the country.

It sounds like someone got triggered because someone pointed out that discriminating against someone for something they can't change (such as their race or sexual orientation) is leagues different from discriminating against someone for their choice to believe nazisim.

But I'm excited to see how this strategy of comparing gay people to literal Nazis works out for conservatives. Weirdly enough they seem to love advocating for MUH FREE MARKET until people start discriminating against Nazis.

Honestly I’m annoyed by both sides. Bake the damn cake, serve the idiot fascists, everyone kindly stfu.

But I enjoy observing the hypocrisy of, “well then. They’re ok to discriminate against.”

it just seems like apples and oranges to me. like if I walked into a place with a planned parenthood t-shirt and the owner was pro-life, they would be perfectly allowed to kick me out and I wouldn't have a problem with that.

regardless of whether or not it's the owner's right to kick you out:

do you really want to be inconvenienced? Why can't we all just get along?

Fuck you gimme drama

That restaurant would get shut down so fast lmao

I doubt it, man. Never underestimate how quickly billionaire evangelists in mega churches will rally behind/throw resources at drawing attention to anything that coincides with their persecution complex agenda.

"Proud Christian woman UNDER ATTACK after refusing to serve CONFESSED CHILDKILLER".

Depending on the state. I doubt that the law would actually be enforced in favor of someone pro-life but that would be illegal in California. Political affiliation is a protected class in California.

we need more sane people like you

In the cake case the issue wasn't actually about baking the cake it was about forcing the cake baker to attend and participate in the wedding which was part of a wedding cake related service they provided.

I remember reading somewhere the wedding cake was supposed to be pretty graphic, if that was the case I could see why he didn't want to bake it. If it was a normal cake but for two men instead, then shut up and bake the cake.

I haven’t seen that claim before. If true then I can understand it.

My understanding was they never got to the cake design, the baker learnt it was for two dudes and told them it was a no.

Maybe I read it wrong, because I kept thinking why wasn't it made a bigger deal, no one wants to make a cake full of dicks.

What if it's for a hetero wedding but they just really wanted a giant cake of buff gay dudes fucking each other?

Do you bake the cake or no?

It's the same thing, though. People can't voluntarily choose their own political beliefs, particularly when a prerequisite to having their political beliefs is being retarded.

That's a very good point, Delta'd.

i mean a gay guy wanting a cake and a guy wanting a gay cake aren't the same thing

but it makes for great drama so my discrimination would be obligatory extra mayo on all mayo people sandwiches

People should be allowed to discriminate against whomever they choose to discriminate against for whatever stupid reason they choose. Unfortunately religion, sexual preference and even political affiliation are protected classes in Many states and jurisdictions. This means that it would be illegal to kick a Muslim pedophile member of the Nazi political party out of of a chuck-e-cheese without breaking the law.

Did you even read what they said? They said LGBTQ supporters, not actually LGBTQ people.

Supporting LGBT is also a choice m8

Not surprised. Logical consistency isn't a strong suit of mayo teenagers.


displaying any form of politics on clothes

Why are americans so autistic when it comes to freedom of speech? Supposedly they have it way better than most European countries, but the attitude on reddit is like reversed.

What the fuck happened with:

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Apparently debating ideas that you disagree with, and using logic and reason(tips fedora) to come to an understanding and prove that your idea is best is now the wrong method... You know, like a free market of ideas, where bad ideas sink while good ideas float?

Apparently debating ideas that you disagree with, and using logic and reason(tips fedora) to come to an understanding and prove that your idea is best is now the wrong method

it unironically is, no one cares about that neckbeard logic shit, it's about marketing and emotional manipulation

I mean, Trump is president

Of course it is about marketing and emotional manipulation.

Civics hasn't been taught in most public schools for the past 20 years and a large percentage of black and brown children have been taught that everything about America is unjust and evil.

What's a darkie supposed to do with a white supremacist?

WS: I want to kill you.

Darkie: Aw geez I wish you wouldn't.

SW: omg this the free market place of ideas! What ever happened to compromise!? Ree ree ree

Darkie: Well I may not agree with your opinion, but I'll die for your roght to express it! Kill me now.

Hey, why don't we try to find some middle ground between the western world and ISIS? Obviously the only logical thing to do is fond some kind of middle ground, eh?

You're a retard tbh

I know drama is a place radical centrism but that is not actually the same thing as freedom of speach. You don't have to reach every retard halfway in a compromise, just let them speak their retardation out loud without clobbering them in the head with a bike lock.

tbh I wish antifa learned this

you smash their face, they look like victims

you let them open their mouths, they look like retards

If only they smashed the faces of actual nazis, not some rando bystanders.

It always warmed my heart when I read news about commies and nazis crippling each other at retard rallies in my country.

Oh boy are you in for a treat tomorrow...

I may be wrong, but 'radical centrism' has never seemed to be 'le enlightened centrism' around here.

Honestly it seems to be the term for this subreddit's attitude of "anybody is welcome to spout their ideas without censorship, but you will get absolutely torn apart by trolls and people much more autistic than you"

Or maybe it's just what people who don't like Trump but also think the whingy hatred for the guy is funny idk

If your interaction with Americans is limited to reddit, you're sampling a completely unrepresentstive area of the United States. If you think the power fantasies of 24 year old limp-wristed lefties online ("I would totes discriminate against les fascists if I owned a business instead of served cappuccino for a major corporation!") are valid for America in any way, then I'm gonna slap ya.

Why are americans so autistic when it comes to freedom of speech?

Liberals.xls Look at all the social media bans lately.

Burgers continue to hate the very concept of free speech, news at eleven.

24 year old redditors arguing about what they would do with their hypothetical businesses in massive power fantasy and euros thinking that somehow represents America, news at nine. Some of us have to get up early.

24 year old redditors arguing about what they would do with their hypothetical businesses in massive power fantasy and euros thinking that somehow represents America, news at nine.

There are other burgers redditors than those guys ? Big if true. 🤔

Je taime you weird fuck

Thanks, I love myself too.

Oh shit I meant je t(verb for hate).

It's "Je veux te sucer la queue". We don't have have a verb for hate, so we need a longer phrase.

We don't have have a verb for hate

Imagine mi sopresa.

Sorry, I don't speak nachos.

Man I though the frogs were something, but the fucking spans are insufferable. They throw lit cigarettes onto the ground like they are competing to see who can fuck up a square meter of sidewalk fastest.

They throw lit cigarettes onto the ground

It's not normal to do so ?

Dude I'm from a messed up state. Even a homeless man carrying two pistols on him while snorting a fentanyl tablet and brewing a batch of meth under a bridge would say "have some fucking decency."

That bad, uh ?

"Stop judging me for my deeply and sincerely held beliefs omg this like the holocaust only real this time. I just wanna kill all non whites, you want me to eat my chicken tendies somewhere else, arent we basically the same?"

Really makes ya think.

Civil rights movements work when they've reached a critical mass of support and are able to convince the last few people they need.

Fact: Homosexuality leads to genocide as they don't reproduce. Quit supporting genocide. :P

No successful civil rights movement has effected change via shifting the views of those opposed against them.

No, naturally successful civil rights movements have only ever affected change via killing everyone who disagrees with them