Bill Maher just admitted to being Q on live TV

2  2018-08-11 by uniqueguy263


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Didn't watch it yet but it was clearly a joke. Maher is a semi retarded boomer who is antivaxx. Even though I like him and watched his shows since the 90s.

Well yeah but you have to blow everything out of proportion

I'll blow your bussy out of proportion. You twinky minx.

Wait I didn't know he was an anti vax.what a cunt.

He's the smuggest twat on TV, worse than Steve "two scoops" Colbert. He makes Fox news look watchable

How is this guy still on tv after yelling that n word while Papa John was exiled? Googles Maher's ethnicity.

He claims he was given permission to use the word

Oh wow a Nazi

For starters he sticks up for black people more than pap John

Only John De lancie can be Q