Man records video of stolen Alaska Airlines plane flying and doing barrel rolls. Media outlets want to use his footage. Hilarity ensues.

11  2018-08-11 by Son0fSun


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Is it that easy to steal an airplane? Like the keys are just in the ignition?

Apparently this model. Remember, all the people that have access to these planes go through extensive background checks to be in a high-security area.

This particular model of plane and is really low to the ground so one person can open and then close the loading ramp and is apparently really easy to operate with rudimentary piloting knowledge, which this guy had.

Does the planes even have keys?

Soon nigger will have it's spot as the N-Word taken by "No."

reported for white people nonsense

Allllright. My wife talked me into it. Ok to post, I don’t want credit if possible. I did take the video.

Marriage = castration, Exhibit 738383626516162662662626ass626266262

Surely all they have to do to get around this is embed the Tweet itself on their page?

Hilarity ensues.

Is circa 2003 retro now?