At what age are men and women more attractive? /r/datingoverthirty discusses, and it is not looking too well...

48  2018-08-11 by Pastelitomaracucho


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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A 40-something who doesn't have any wealth is just a middle aged schlub who ranks below the 20-something's because if a woman is going to date a guy with lower status, she might as well go for the guy with visible abs and functional boner.

looks at the guy's subredditflair :[β™‚ 40]... ouch!

He's not wrong, tho.

"he's not wrong tho" is the "I'm with stupid" of the digital age

But he's not wrong. Whst are you doing with your life if you don't have a job, a massive pile of money, or some kind of business when you're 40?

But he's not wrong.


Cougarfood and well-assembled middle aged guys are bait for different animals, yo.

Yeah you need a job and a fuckin shower, but "only rich guys get laid when you're my age" is some incel boohoos.

I like how triggered people get when someone mentions how hard it is for men to date online, lol.

πŸ‘ you πŸ‘ smell πŸ‘ in πŸ‘ cel πŸ‘

I'm a go take two showers rn

Your fault for not being a mo.

😠What😠did 😠you😠just 😠call😠me?😠

(idk,but I feel like I should act mad)

A homo. It's your fault for not being a homosexual.

ikr, turn me gay daddy


This really puts chemicals in my water

i'm sure drama is full of wealthy muscular middle aged men, who are swimming with dating options.




I mean, if you're in your 40's, still struggling financially, and your body-type is best described as "dad-bod", you're not really bringing much to the table.

do you know how desperate 40yo single chicks are yo. 'in your 40s' is only a problem for gussy.

if you can convince her friends she's not a cat lady on suicide watch and aren't an autistic bum

that's πŸ‘ good πŸ‘ enough

do you know how desperate 40yo single chicks are yo

No, because I'm not so degenerate as to have sex with gussy, and as pathetic as I am that still isn't so pathetic that I'll have sex with 40-year-olds. That's practically necrophilia.

i mean, you right

But if fit and abs and all your hair then at least the hunk factor isn't a problem.

Are 40 year old hunks who aren't high on status at a loss? By comparison probably, but some women are into plumbers, servants etc.

You're literally most people that age.

The average redditor. particularly the average cunt who posts on meta boards, is going to have a hard, rough date with reality before too long.

reality is so hard for incels 😭😒

How is this different for any adults? If you don't have a job/some income and you're older than 20, you're fucked if you're a guy trying to date. More importantly, you're fucked as a human being.

But this really only matters if you're divorced, widowed, or just trying to get someone on the side. Because if you were halfway desirable as a man, some woman probably already locked you down in your late 20s.

It isn't. Although your career is still starting when you're 20 so you get a little more leeway.

We're all with stupid when we're with you <3

He is. I'm younger than him, but I have never been in better shape, never received more attention from tha hoez.

The physical attributes that characterize men's ageing can be benign and even, to a point, advantageous ; but ( and of course this is rough ) those same physical attributes work against most culture's sense of what constitutes feminine beauty.

They're lucky to live in the age of eventually sex-bots and one day AI waifus. 3D can't hope to compete with that.

VR porn is pretty good tbh. Impossible to use unless you live alone tho.

Yeah, it's not like there's sugar daddy dating sites for broke middle-age guys.

How would broke guys afford a sugar baby?

How would broke guys afford a sugar baby?


Degenerate ageplay fantasies fulfilled for the low, low price of stickers and binkies.

A 40-something who doesn't have any wealth is just a middle aged schlub who ranks below the 20-something's because if a woman is going to date a guy with lower status, she might as well go for the guy with visible abs and functional boner.

where is the lie though?

Seems pretty accurate.

if you're single past age 30, nature has decided that your shitty genes are not fit to live on, and it's time to accept that.





that's when you should consider importing a wife

My paternal grandfather didn't accept that. His youngest son is...weird.

His youngest son is...weird.

That's no way to talk about your dad.

Getting married before I've peaked

Nice try Becky

In the study, men’s desirability peaks at age 50. But women’s desirability starts high at age 18 and falls throughout their lifespan.


50, lol

Oh no I only have half a century to get my shit together what am I gonna do???

Are you literally an embryo?

You couldn't spell while in embryo? Are you some sort of retard?

Well, I meant mostly to fix my social atism which has been a work in progress since about then yeah

My recent doctor was 55 by my estimation most beautiful man I've ever seen IRL. Even with a lot of wrinkles.

50 sounds weird, 40 is more plausible?

Honestly 50 sounds about right. Hell I've got successful friends over 50 that still crush ass.

More ass than at 40?

I'm only in my late 20s so I didn't know them then.

Oh, hm, well. 50 seems like the age where aging detoriation starts, 40 is like peak hunk - but maybe it's true shrug

maybe that's when men peak money-wise, but 35 is the sweet spot for looks

Blanche Deberoux could fuck the entire freshman population of a campus in one night.

That doesn't mean grandmas are peak sexuality.

Obviously not 50 year old broads, read the article. I mean for dudes.

Hey don't kink shame. You get free cookies with GILFs

Most mayo women peak before 20, change my mind. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world.

That's literally what the article says

Mayos age the worst of any race. Yeah they can be hot when they're 20 but by the time their 30 a 50 year old Asian looks better.

True, hedging your bets by not marrying a mayo but an Asian woman seems like the best choice. Sure the mayo might look okay for now but one should think long term

It's mostly all in how she takes care of herself. Most chicks in their 20s and early 30s are too busy partying and shit to really care about maintaining a good skin care regimen, let alone being proactive in other ways beneficial to your skin/body.

For those of us fortunate enough to have started good skincare regimens in highschool (and stuck to it), we usually see the benefits of our actions in comparison to others our age (I'm 29 atm and have no crow's feet, smile lines, etc. but I can't say the same for the rest of my highschool class).

If I'm single at 33 I'm just gonna go be a priest or some shit

Being single in your thirties is infinitely better than being single in your twenties. You have an amazing selection if you have your shit together.

Or I can brew beer for forty years idk be fine with that

no you don't. your selection is other retards who no one else wanted to lock down in their 20s.

Nah, you just date younger girls and it's great.

lol, sure you will champ.


That's when Jesus hit his prime. Maybe you're Jesus?

Well yeah that's why I chose 33

What I want to know is why are there so many gilfs in new york?

Why are you poking fun at a sub in which you regularly contribute in a non-satirical fashion?

because why not?

You invite trolls in who might have otherwise left us alone. And it's not congruent.

And it's not congruent.

But its hilarious