What the fuck Taylor Swift?

372  2018-08-11 by Ayylmao11023


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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Hey at the time Germany didnt treat the blacks as bad as Burgerland.

Who's the manlet?

I'd watch that porn

Tactical tayposters, trounce this troglodyte

That hover hand

Look at Tay's fucking soulless eyes.

Didn’t see the first Taytay for about half an hour – a slay queen– thirteen footer. You know how you know that when you’re in the venue Chief? You tell by lookin’ from the flat chest to the flat ass. What we didn’t know was our bomb mission had been so secret, no distress signal had been sent. They didn’t even list us overdue for a week. Very first light, Chief, Tay Tay's come cruisin’. So we formed ourselves into tight groups
the idea was, the Tay Tay comes to the nearest man and he starts poundin’ and hollerin’ and singing "Shake it off" Sometimes the Tay Tays go away. Sometimes she wouldn’t go away. Sometimes that Taylor Swift, she looks right into ya, right into your eyes. Y’know, the thing about Taylor Swift she’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When she comes after ya, she doesn’t seem to be livin’ until she fucjs ya, and those black eyes roll over white with jizz and then – aww, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the venue sets off the pyrotechnics and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and rip ya to pieces
in that first dawn, we lost a hundred men. I don’t know how many Tay-Tays maybe a thousand. I don’t know how many men. They averaged six an hour
Noon the fifth day, Mr. Hooper, a Lockheed Ventura saw us. He swung in low and he saw us
and he come in low and three hours later, a big fat PBY comes down and start to pick us up. You know, that was the time I was most frightened – waitin’ for my turn. I’ll never put on a condom again. So, eleven hundred men went in Madison Square Garden three hundred and sixteen men come out with dry dicks and the Tay Tays took the rest, June the 29th, 2015 Anyway, we delivered the bomb.

After listening to “Look What You Made Me Do” on the radio, I’m starting to think she doesn’t like this anymore.

What kind of friendzone is this?

The TayZone




There is a subreddit for everything

Why is this a thing?

You knew it was trouble when you walked in

distortedlines, explain.I

Explain what? The child was graced by tay touching it. That's how generous and nice Tay is!


Aryan Goddess


Kill Nickers Am I Rite :)

The poor or the black could rub off, can't chance it.



holy shit, I never thought I'd get the chance to tell this story. I can't tell people in real life because they will never believe me, and I guess you guys will probably call me a liar too, but whatever.

I went on a date with Taylor Swift before she got super famous. It was right out of high school, when she was making a name for herself, but not yet a gigantic deal. I knew her because we lived near each other. It was the craziest thing, really, I only asked her out on a dare because even not famous, she was way out of my league. But it turns out she was really nice and enjoyed the opportunity to go hang out for a while (she always had a reputation as a girl who burns the candle at both ends, and she's always stressed, so I think she just wanted to relax). It was a pretty basic "just out of high school" date. We went to see a movie and I got to feel like a jackass rolling up to her super nice house in my POS datsun honeybee. Don't let her early work fool you, she's a rich kid.

Anyway, on to the crap you guys are actually wanting to hear about. So, after the movie and some dinner, we go back to my place to listen to some music. After a while, she pretends to be interested in checking out the hiking trails out behind my house. She said she really enjoys being out in the woods, but I figured she just wanted to be away from my parents. So we get out into the woods and very quickly get into some heavy making out. Clothes go everywhere, and that's when this story starts to take its turn.

Gentlemen, I have some things to tell you about Taylor Swift. First thing: turns out she loves giving head. Pretty much the most enthusiastic beej of my life happened on that trail. She couldn't get enough. However, she's terrible at it. She's got heart, but I hope for all future guys' sakes that she took some lessons. She's all teeth, and she's got that thing where her tongue is just ridiculously rough. After a while of that, we get down to the main event. Another thing you should know about her is that she is somewhat...hairier than one might expect from a super hot rich girl. I never got to ask her what was up with that, actually. So anyway, we're getting our awkward teenage bone on, and she's just as crazy as she was before. Except this time she's just straight up clawing my back to shreds. I'm not going to pretend I didn't make it where I needed to go, but god DAMN I was expecting some kind of revelation from her. It was one of those things where it is so disappointing because you had expected so much from it.

So, after it was all said and done, we're putting our clothes back on, when I notice that I'm actually bleeding from my back. I had known she had hear heart in it, but I didn't expect for her to draw blood. But then I noticed her nails were longer and sharper than I had noticed before.

And that's when I started to put it all together.

She Clawed my back. her BJ was all teeth. She likes being in the woods. She went on a date with a guy driving a Datsun Honeybee.

Guys, Taylor Swift is a motherfucking bear.

I must have shown on my face when I put it all together, because she got a glint in her beady black eyes and roared. I didn't even bother putting my clothes back on, I just ran for dear life. Luckily, I knew the woods behind my house better than she did. Even more luckily, I was able to squeeze through some spots that her 1000lb frame just couldn't get. Winter was coming soon, I knew if she caught me I'd be killed and stuffed into the cave she cleverly disguised as an expansive suburban home so that she could keep her energy up before hibernation began. I eventually wound up hiding in a stump by a stream until she gave up and left. It was the most frightened I've ever been in my life.

TL;DR don't date burgeoning starlets. You never know who they really are.

All dented

This is so stupid. I love it.

I uh... Wow.

I mean, getting ready to hibernate kinda explains the weight gain.

Man, wasted my work break reading this.

What are you, an Amazon employee?

Haha no I do get two breaks. This was my 15 minute break. It goes so quickly so I try to find stuff to entertain me as fast as I can. Even reading a paragraph of garbage is too much time wasted.

I was looking for this for a while but the original post in Askreddit was deleted and nothing came up for "Taylor Swift bear".

Haha, I thought the beginning sounded familiar

I have not finished this, does it end in three fiddy? Had that feeling.

fuck off with this shit. Don't disrespect Taylor Swift like this.


Haven’t seen this in a minute.

I guess she didn't want to be your endgame

PC police say hover hands is the new acceptable form of affection. Everybody on the beach with bared shoulders will be punished. Inter-racial relationships involving white people are by definiion slavery, and POC who take part in them are "Uncle Tom". Both of the people in this photo must be incinerated on several counts of PC violations.









We've come to a crossroads /r/Drama and you must decide which path you take.

One one side you have Mayocide, and the promise for a better future

On the other side you have some anorexic mayo taytay.

These choices are mutually exclusive. Choose wisely.

These choices are mutually exclusive.

No such thing. I'm a radical centrist who supports both

I'm pudding in Taytay's Frauenhöcker

That's easy. Get rid of swifty


Tfw Tay will never send you to the concentration camps 💔💔

My penis has no moral compass.

She hates em

tbf kids are pretty dirty and gross

Only if you cook them wrong.

Leave TayTay alone đŸ˜ŁđŸ˜„đŸ˜«đŸ˜­

Hover hand. TayTay confirmed a beta male.

Chill the fuck out. ANYONE will feel uneasy about touching you just met. Heck I haven't even shook hands with my friends of 8 years yet.

Is it possible that she was placing or removing her hand in this frame or did she truly hoverhand the entire engagement?

This subreddit is a drama one. It is quite obvious the photo was just snapped half a second too early by her finger placement.

Maybe she's just not comfortable touching other people's kids?

This subreddit is one whose puepose is to create drama. She did actually put her hand on the girl's arm. This Taylor photo was just snapped half a second too early.

Oh cool.

She doesn’t wanna get #metooed.


If any child was all sweaty I'd probably do that, too.

Or maybe the picture was taken as she was putting her hand on her?

It was taken half a second early. This subreddit is r/drama since they create drama to entertain themselves.

I knew this chick was “Old Money” racist.

Now that's, fucking, based.

Yeah I hate getting close to kids too they're fucking disgusting

maybe she just picked her nose or something

not even a full hoverhand, pick a better frame people

That’s 2 fingers 2 many