Potential right-wing terrorist alert: RebeccaRed

5  2018-08-11 by Etra


I found this account a few months ago and kept track of her because I thought she was a pretty good dedicated troll. Mostly, though, I hoped her insane rambling would make for good copypasta. The problem is I seriously think she might be mentally ill and worst of all, I can’t find anywhere relevant to use her comments because her shit is so fucked. As a result, I think we should start posting her shit anywhere it’s even remotely relevant while including a username ping for her each time. It’d be funny and I can only imagine it’d antagonize her further, which should lead to more crazy shit from her. We either drive her to becoming crazier and maybe seeking the help she so clearly needs or we instigate her into perpetrating a mass shooting. Honestly, it’s not fair other subs can directly or indirectly cause Redditors to murder people and we still haven’t earned that achievement; /r/Drama needs to get on their level.

I take no responsibility if RebeccaRed ends up tracking you down and uses your balls to make a bag for her D&D dice.


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. /u/RebeccaRed - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. /r/Drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

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This is taking manic pixie girl to schizo levels


moderator of /r/transquestions


Which subs are we talking about here? Just curious..

Off the top of my head, so not an in-depth explanation, but you can find more by googling the general terms:

  • /r/Braincels: The Twinkie incel that shot some people. I think five or nine people were killed. I can’t be sure how accurate that is since I’m pretty sure I’m only thinking of those numbers because they look similar.
  • /r/The_Donald: When a mating call between two whales went wrong and Heather Heyer was killed after spurning some faggot that should’ve been bullied more in high school.
  • /r/greatawakening: I guess the massive wildfire in California was supposedly caused by a Qultist, which I find funny since it’s likely the Qunt’s welfare checks came from the taxes Californian’s pay. How are they going to help you pay for your Dilaudid and Xanax addiction if they’re busy trying to find somewhere to live? SMH.
  • /r/The_Donald: I don’t recall the subreddits this guy frequented but he killed his father because he was “too liberal.” Personally, I think the father told his son to move out of their basement and the thought of a tendie-less existence made him snap.

Pretty sure r/childfree got one. The guy that left his baby in the car?

On you're last point the kid was a T_D/CA/TRP type of guy. His dad called him a nazi or said he was acting like a nazi which caused him to snap

Not your personal army faggot

There it is: the response we've all been waiting for. Staring ravenously at our screens, we hungered for it. We needed it. You are a cog in the hivemind of the Internet Machine. The aeonian meme rages on like an unbridled river of repetitive jokes, forced references, and mind-numbing puns. Without the cog, the machine cannot operate. Without the username checking out, we cannot succumb to the will of the forum. I can't breathe. lol

I'm not the one trying to bully crazies 'just because', you fucking coagulated bumbaclot.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but even SRD is too good for you.

Making fun of “crazies” is no different than getting entertainment by going to the gladiator arena in Rome. I continue my existence by drinking the tears of the wee ones like you. The weak ones. The soft ones. Do you have a girlfriend? No, probably not. And you wouldn’t admit to being mentally weak even if you were. I am carved from marble, 6’4”, and have had no shortage of Stacy ass in my day. I’m able to successfully juggle my play life and work life. Everything comes easy for me, because I’m good at everything I do. Including, but not limited to, making the soft ones such as yourself cry impotent tears.

I think your pasta machine broke. Try putting a new one of these in:

Is this supposed to be funny? All I see is someone who is posting just for the sake of posting, or perhaps pleading for undeserved karma.

LOL butthurt


If you're on Earth you're meant to rule the universe and that's why you feel important. I have you there. I know deep down you and each reader on Earth has a deep feeling of importance about themselves. That's because we are important. Everyone can be rich and the economy will flourish, this only makes more sense as we look at automation of windmills and robots.

We can skip-tech thousands or millions of years and rule the universe and should be doing so.

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One the reasons cited for losing pings was bullying mentally unstable people. Chill with that shit