Trudeau shitshow thread in /r/Canada leads to downvotes, passive aggression, hatred (no need to sort by Controversial, as virtually all posts are downvoted to the cross)

51  2018-08-11 by AmitabhBakchod


This is why we need mayocide.


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The "new leader of the free world", everyone.

our Twitter fued is good because reasons

Trump wasn't an outlier, he was a trailblazer.

Soon all international relations will be conducted over Twitter.



I like the chain where asking for sources after making specific historical claims is somehow shitty.


I hope that shit was just auto correct cause otherwise, holy shot.

Fart you. Fart head.

But he wears colorful socks.

In That Thread : Canada struggles to understand the strategic importance of high rates of oil production.

Lol no one gives a shit about Saudi Oil.

Trudeau does one thing right and that is the one where the world don't decides to make him the god of it? Jesus, maybe mankind isn't worth fighting for.

Anyone see the comment about sources? That's just fucking pathetic mate. "You want proof to what I'm saying?!" Like jesus christ Canadians are some of the biggest fucking crybabies ever.

I don't think there's a single person who would call themself a patriot in Saudi Arabia.

Hottest fucking take of the century. How fucking white and insulated from the entire planet do you have to be to come up with an idea like this?

Canada doesn't have the power to strong arm anyone, but Canada is well respected in the international community. Thinking people listen when Canada speaks out.

Imagine being this naive.

Canada has no leverage. Our biggest asset has always been our geographic isolation and close proximity to the USA.

This is the most self aware thing I've ever seen a Canadian post.

Man, who knew Trudeau Derangement Syndrome would be so bad that you could get a bunch of conservatives to unironically start defending Saudi Arabia.

Now that's 4D chess.

The most Reddit country on the planet realizing it isn’t worth shit in the grand scheme of things

Canada doesn't have the power to strong arm anyone, but Canada is well respected in the international community. Thinking people listen when Canada speaks out.

This is the same delusion like claiming the United States is well-liked in the international community even before 2016. People do overestimate how well their country is perceived.

"Your prime minister let his eyebrow fall off in front of our President. It was very rude to say the least. But at least he still has those awesome Ramadan socks. Apparently that doesn't get you any credit with Saudi Arabia though."
"his eyebrow fall off"

When I read this, I thought this was some new turn-of-phrase for raising an eyebrow or something of that I looked it up, and apparently it's literal.