/r/drama users waking up on the day of #UniteTheRight2

39  2018-08-12 by QueenOfTheIncels


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Dramacoin will sky rocket

Stay off the roads.

Don't go to school tomorrow

What Key & Peele sketch is this?


Are they gonna do anything or just leave me with bluballs again?

No way they let someone die in DC. Gunna be cops everywhere.



Unless you're from the hood

Well DC cops are like a professional police force and whatnot, Charlottesville cops deal with college kids. No one will die and that's- to be serious and lame for a sec- a good thing. But people still have their phones and funny melodramatic dickheads will be filmed and that's just as good for drama.

I think these dumb ass protests have already set a limit on what municipalities are willing to put up with. I don't really blame Charlottesville for not having the foresight of someone going all car of peace.

I really doubt that this sort of thing happens again anywhere, unless one of the groups steps it up with explosions, but the very last place anything bad happens is DC. That would pretty much cause mass panic.

No one will die and that's- to be serious and lame for a sec- a good thing.

Ugh, moralfagging.

excuse me but some of us like cruelty free , free range drama.

There is no such thing as cruelty free drama. And it's a good thing.

25 people showed up https://mobile.twitter.com/calebecarma/status/1028726002753531905 If you want to see some epic virtue signaling , go to /r/Washingtondc

Telling nazis to go fuck themselves is not virtue signalling - it's just a patriotic good time.

Tru that.

Nazis fucking themselves is implied by their very nature. acknowledging them in any way is virtue signalling

You might be able to make an argument along those lines - but complaining about virtue signaling is definitely virtue signaling.

pointing out my virtue signalling is a red herring. checkmate incels

Right cucks cucked, what a cucking.

Her sternum protrudes two inches on each side