Cuck Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Woke

30  2018-08-12 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Starving an entire nation to own the mayos

Worth it tbh

Not like Zulus are people.

Does anyone else like watching what happens in the world and laugh when it fails because people were to stupid to use any forethought?

There's quite a lot of forethought in these things. Land confiscation will cause famine, which will be unevenly distributed and used against enemy ethnic groups. There is essentially no downside to this policy.

I guess I lack forethought for not being able to tell this will be like the one video of a hippo at the zoo pooping.

I'm gonna enjoy watching the country starve tbh. I've been saying this for a while - the western world should grant automatic citizenship to any white Africans, let them go back to Europe, and leave these woke retards to starve.

Go back to Europe, wigger

Yeah, especially the US, it has been an unceasing shitshow there for the past two or three years. South Africa is pretty good too, though!

ANC Releases Zimbabwe 2.

real shit 🅱️??

Starvation Boogaloo.