Has this ever been posted here before? Apparently there's a group of Rachel Corrie-obsessed trolls who've been doing their thing on reddit for years after getting expelled from Digg.

57  2018-08-12 by snallygaster




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Oh, and some of the people in the group are/were often featured here. Tokkul, the guy who made T_D...reading through the titles in this sub is like opening a time capsule full of some of reddit's stupidest metadrama

Can you give me the lowdown on who Rachel Corrie is?

Blonde girl who got killed by IDF when she was protesting with Palestinians.

Bulldozer was bulldozing on the Gaza strip, she stood in front of it and the driver rolled right over her.

Lots of conflicting stories about how long she was in front and whether or not the driver knew she was there, but whatever the case she achieved martyr status.

It’s still on live leak but really quite grainy footage of the death.

I want martyr status for pineapple pizza love.

Looks like a flattened Emma Watson.

Flats get flattened. Either injustice or ultimate justice, depending on how you interpret the laws of flats.


That's a 4 dude.

that's a British 7 at best


Wow she sounds super anti-Semitic.

Tiny woman who decided to sit in front of an moving armored bulldozer. Shocking she did not even make a bump when it hit her

The point of a bulldozer is to make bumps no longer bumps.

Fuck this shit again, I can remember trying to get to grips with wtf all of this was about years ago. But it never made any fucking sense.

I'm trying to make sense of it, but it seems like one of those things that's impossible to really understand unless you're involved. But who is even a neocon anymore?

Yeh I could never place it on any standard internet political fight spectrum, if you manage to make a proper effort post explaining all that shit I'll buy you a beer. Here's an old post about it but again not sure if its true or not.

if you manage to make a proper effort post explaining all that shit I'll buy you a beer.

I'll see what I can do. The linked post sounds like the gist but doesn't take into account the fact that the nolibswatch people are pretty obsessive and paranoid themselves.

So nolib is no libertarian not no liberal?

To the best of my knowledge yes but like I said the whole mess doesn't really break down along standard internet politics retardation, or at least there is a lot of trolling and bullshit permeating all of it so hard to tell.

But who is even a neocon anymore?


Post is 4 years old. I'm missing something fresh?


ah /u/75000_Tokkul, never forget.

did we ever find out if he was the guy who send T_D mod dox to /r/Drama's modmail?

I seem to remember that is for doxing, but that entire drama was overshadowed days later, so I could be completely wrong.

did we ever find out if he was the guy who sent T_D mod dox to /r/Drama's modmail?

I don't think anyone knows. My theory is that it was someone trying to get a few different people benned, but Tokkul was the only one who fell for it. I wonder when he seemingly broke off from the group and started opposing them.

Come to think of it, if Tokkul was friends with the head mod for a long time, then it'd make sense for him to have the guy's dox. Though the person whose dox were sent was way younger than somebody who's been involved in online neocon shit for a decade would probably be.

I don't think anyone knows. My theory is that it was someone trying to get a few different people benned, but Tokkul was the only one who fell for it. I wonder when he seemingly broke off from the group and started opposing them.

Come to think of it, if Tokkul was friends with the head mod for a long time, then it'd make sense for him to have the guy's dox. Though the person whose dox were sent was way younger than somebody who's been involved in online neocon shit for a decade would probably be.

Interestingly, I seem to also remember the admins suspending his alternate account that he came back on. This /r/redditrequest post was related to the event, but I'm having a bit of trouble finding stuff (I probably never replied to it, which means it is in the ether, I seem to remember su telling us not to). but I did find /u/sodypop's mail about it (image, permalink).

This is what I found while digging through my own messages (no dox, obviously):

  1. Someone mails us about tokkul modding on an alt (permalink)
  2. Another person messaging us about the same thing (permalink)

I thought the person who doxed CWM had made it a point though that they were relatively old, but it's been a year, so I may have forgotten.

Oh, that's interesting. I wonder if it really was him after all. That would explain why the person sending the dox was completely humorless.

I wonder if it really was him after all. That would explain why the person sending the dox was completely humorless.

So I found a screenshot of the mail thread. I tried looking through my sent mail (since I seemed to have replied in that thread) but couldn't find anything.

I wish I could find some more information, and a permalink to that mail thread. It looks like /u/75000_Tokkul helped word the doxx so that it doesn't sound like whoever leaked it. That is unless they are the doxxer themself.

jk no permaban pls

Yeah, if you dive deep on NoLibsWatch you’ll find lots of juicy stuff. Sometimes it feels like the internet is nothing but a battle between autistic fucktards from RationalWiki and Conservapedia.

I was there for the Digg Patriots. Time is a flat circle.

What motivates people to obsessively argue about this shit for years and years? Doesn't it get boring?

Politics gives them the edge to assume whatever nonsense they follow has concrete effects in the real world, therefore it's worth being that obsessive.

Everybody needs something to keep them going. The advent of Internet enabled the need of broadcast their autism 24/6.

True, but you'd think that they would shift their topics of interest at least a little bit over time.

You are right. I just tell myself that they live in a completely different world, and I can never understand their obsession.

It's literally all they have to smugly try and feel superior

I remember all that stuff as it happened.

I can't fucking image actually caring about now though.

Post is 4 years old.

I remember nolibswatch stuff being posted on SRD years ago, and I could never make any fucking sense of it.

It was pretty much just threads full of accusations that so and so burner account was "nolibs".

Blast from the past

This is ancient drama that I still don't fully understand.

The other side of that feud used to hang out in subs like r/StalkerWatch (it looks like they've stopped removing spam in there) and it goes all the way back to the Digg Patriots drama.

One of the r/stalkerwatch people was the original creator of r/the_donald, but I don't think they have much to do with it now.

If I could username ping in here you could probably get some of them to comment.

What's the Digg Patriots drama?

[Only the most autistic of sources for you Snally]([https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Digg\_Patriots)

That source is wrong; the people watching the Patriots are at nolibswatch

Did that guy imply that RationalWiki is a credible source?

I wasn't around for Digg, but there was supposedly a quasi-secret Neo-Con group on Digg (the Patriots) who were using their position to push a certain political agenda and "bury" articles that opposed their worldview.

There's even a Wikipedia page.


Usually I change the lnks to the full site, but the one time I'm too lazy to bother... meh

your alive

after 13 days of inactivity

jesus christ

/r/StalkerWatch? for some reason I remember there being a different subreddit, but it was something stupid like antinolibswatch or something like that.

I will say, the trend of naming subreddit XWatch did end up dying, and EnoughXSpam took it's place. XBroke was up there at the time too.

What made me finally pick sides was the pancake with jam constructed to look like Rachel Corrie'S dead face


So which side did you pick?


Is tokul still around? I feel like he could give some sort of biased explanation of what the fuck.

His main and alts were banned for doxxing. Strongly suspect they’re still around somewhere but not sure which names they’re using now.

Wait, I don't get it, are jews evil in /r/conspiracy or has the paradigm changed since Trump said some nice things about Israel?

r/Conspiritard mocks conspiracy

Depends on who you ask. Jews are usually behind everything, but if you're trying to use the Jewish ethnonationalist state as a good example of a country ( like Richard Spencer is) then you give Isreal a pass.

FYI the OP of that post is crazy. Not just normal internet lolcow crazy but legitimately mentally ill. I doubt more than 10% of what he types is true.

Can you give a quick rundown?

Only if you take the Bogpill.

Dusty used to post here every occasionally, he and Bipolarbear0 used to clash every now and then.

He also was modded to /r/conspiracy something he worked on for years, but he was kicked and accused the other mods of "ruined the integrity of the entire subreddit." Here's the related /r/drama thread.

Jesus these are some old names


Here's a quick rundown:

  • Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

  • In contact with aliens

  • Possess psychic-like abilities

  • Control france with an iron but fair fist

  • Own castles & banks globally

  • Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

  • Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

  • Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

  • First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

  • both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

  • Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

  • They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

  • You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

  • The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

  • They learned fluent French in under a week

  • Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

  • The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

  • In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

7 users here now

So this "NoLibs" crew is like A guy?

Meh. I prefer French toast to pancakes.

They are even using jokes from LittleGreenFootballs, a site that did a super 180 on its politics almost a decade ago.

I'd advise anyone who hasn't did autism before to cut this shit with baby laxitives, because this is the pure, high powered stuff right here.

Oh man I remember being a lizardoid. And ZombieTime.

Here's the post about its 180: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/35243_Why_I_Parted_Ways_With_The_Right

I remember him freaking out about Robert Stacey McCain, Pamella Geller, and Jim Hoft (gatewaypundit).

Fuck it. I was reading LGF before even Rathergate. Back when media white-washing Islamic cultural issues was a serious fucking issue.

Hell I even was around for Denbeste https://erbosoft.com/ussclueless/ (holy shit he died)

Oh my fucking god I was here before the warblogging era. Before pajamasmedia. Like .... I actually remember and know where Hugh Hewitt and Glenn Reynolds come from. I'm fucking OLD.

Kill me.

Ah, ZombieTime. Back when the (((neocons))) felt the need to deny that Israel blew up an ambulance instead of just saying the ambulance was Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhamas

So much drama, gone, like tears in the rain.

lmao, in my country trolls are doing these things on Digg clone xD

the connections between these people are so confusing

St Pancake...that's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.