SRDines are too, apparently, shaken (not stirred) at the idea of Idris Elba playing 007

59  2018-08-13 by PuppySlayer


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After Man from UNCLE and Mission Impossible, I would love to see Henry Cavill as Bond.

Also, a non-white Bond is totally cool too.

Man from UNCLE was incredible, I don't know why it was received so poorly.

Too many "cut backs" to show what was going on; should've just trusted the audience.

Because it was trash.

Now that's just nonsense. Even the harshest reviewer on Metacritic seemed to think the reason it deserved a 40/100 was just because it wasn't as great as the top spy movies we've had in the last 20 years.

There’s some nice early-60s period production design and the whole thing moves along smoothly, if unhurriedly. But it never delivers anything like the punch of Tom Cruise’s M:I adventures, nor the wit and distinctiveness of 007.

I watched 2 minutes of it and it was really ultra-serious and nothing like the TV show. Sorry, but after JJ Trek, I'm done with millenials rebooting my culture just so they can ass-rape it.

Cultural appropriation?

Daily Mail would have a field day with this

They already

If Batwoman must be played by a Jewish lesbian, then Bond must be played by a white misogynist.

what have you got against trans people tho?

They are disgusting and unfuckable.

Hopefully they'll do another scene where Bond tapes his eyes all slanty so he pretends to be Asian again.

Finally, someone else wants Cavill.

U.N.C.L.E was really really good

As long as Idris Elba acts like he was written by an erotic fiction writer from the 50's the movie would be authentic.

Personally I'd fully support a female James Bond if they retained the character's womanizing misogyny and alcoholism.

A lesbian Bond who drinks too much and treats women like dumb disposable sex objects would actually be kinda interesting

Fuck a hundred men you barely remember? Totally empowered woman!

Fuck a hundred women you barely remember? Misogynistic asshole who sees women as disposable sex objects.


Try to at least keep your angerposts relevant.

Ok sweaty

It's such a shame that the doctor botched your abortion.

Hush child, maybe one day you too will feel the warm embrace of another human bean.

I would totally go watch that.

Nah, I want a lady Bond and Bond dudes with names like Andy Phucter or Clint Toris

Art Areola

Not gonna bother going through that fucking legion of comments because I think I know what it's gonna contain:

  • An unbearably smug circlejerk over how you shouldn't watch James Bond without first acknowledging the franchise's prahblemaaatic elements, combined with an equally smug counterjerk where the SRDines do enough penance to make themselves feel good about watching the movies, sort of like that time the MDEtards went into overdrive trying to explain why watching the majority-black NFL isn't race treason.

  • Someone like fallouttubes or MizzMoose acting like a retard.

  • A few Dramaposters who jumped the fence.

Did I miss anything? Anyway, I think Idris could do it. He'd probably look the part for at least two or three films, provided they work on a fast schedule. And it's time for Craig's Bond to retire. I refuse to recognize as canon any sequel where his new lady-love gets killed off.

Timothy Dalton was my favorite Bond.

This whole thing kind of reminds me of the female doctor stuff. There's nothing inherent to bond's character that says he has to be a white guy, same as there's nothing in the doctor's character that says they have to be male.

One of the key motifs of the whole franchise is that Bond is a relic of British imperialism.

He's fighting xenophobic caricatures of villains that ceased being a real-world threat decades ago in most of the films. How much more on the nose does this message need to be for them to get it?

Oh right, they're a Doctor Who fan...

i like that srdines deny its a shoehorned in pc idea

people only ever said idris elba for bond because he was the only black actor they knew, its not like he suits the character

Yeah and they say it's not a big deal because being white was never a key feature of the character. How much would you bet that these are the same people who cheered on Elba in The Dark Tower where the character was actually implicitly white and it was a big part of the story (in the books)?

it really just feels like they default to the anti-white option and then try to justify it afterwards.

how else are they going to pretend to be progressive? do things irl? fat chance

people only ever said idris elba for bond because he was the only black actor they knew, its not like he suits the character

Kevin Hart for Bond

Ice Cube for Bond

The Rock for Bond

well the first black guy that wasnt a stand up comedian

and the rock isnt black is he

tbh i have no idea what race he is he could very well be black

The Rock is half Samoan, half Black Nova Scotian (descendants of the blacks the British freed to help them fight the Revolutionary War).

he was the only black actor they knew, its not like he suits the character

Sorry if we don't all "study" black actors each night, then look down at what we sprayed out and suddenly feel a tinge of guilt and remorse.

lol yeah its clearly on my mind

At least he's British.

God help us if they ever cast another fucking Australian in the role.

Steve Irwin could have been a good bond

Steve Irwin fucked koalas.


No, no no nononononono.

James Bond must be from places I approve of.