Doctor Lobster's self-help book is more popular than male feminism; nice Guys of MensLib hold a struggle sesh

81  2018-08-13 by Iarwain__Ben__Adar


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Caelrie is such an unlikable, deluded smug propagandist.


We all know Caelrie has named half of his dildos "Jordan Peterson" and the other half "Totalbiscuit."

I cannot fudging stand that schmutz

Isn't caelrie just female/tranny strich-9?

I love that guy. I was dunking on him so hard back in the /r/againstgamergate days he had to forever leave and hide in ghazi. Good times. Sorry for bragpost.

Could you imagine being such sad fuck in life that you need to buy a self help book.

Yeah, fuck people that try to change themselves.

If you need a book to do it, the only way it will help is if jump off of it when you neck yourself

Idc what people use as long as they use something.

Lets be real, the kind of people that need a self-help book from Memeerson, were never gonna get better.

I personally know people that have changed their life based on the memerson and are unironically better people.

If they haven't kept themself safe, then there is no way they are better.

You sound like a person who really could use a self help book.

Is there one for retards who post on kia?

Maybe you can help me with something: Why do idiots like you always jump straight into digging through peoples post histories?

Like, you did not even do a good job at it for fucks sake... "L-LOOK GUYS HE POSTS IN [INSERT SUBREDDIT HERE]!". I mean fucking really? I am really starting to get upset at how fucking bad of a job people like you always end up doing. The last retard at least tried making a thread here, but that shit went nowhere.

I can give you his nick so you two can go form a support group for brainlets like yourself. Maybe you two can spend an afternoon really digging in there for some juicy bits.

And what comes to the book: Let me know if you find one. I know a few people in the mod team there who really need some fucking help with their brain problems.

Way to live up to your retard stereotype. Adding a dash of manic-depressive is interesting too.

I suggest you buy a self-help recipe book that calls for extra bleach. It'll solve all your problems.

Can you give the the self help book that came with your degree in closet psychology?

It's about ethics in video game journalism

Did they clean their room?


Did they clean their poophole?

I personally know people

Why are you lying ?

Have you seen the people that write self help books? The majority of them are con artists and wannabe cult leaders.

Oh please.


“Life coach”es too.

LOL, @ fancybooklerning amiright?

Memerson's book is more Clifford the Big Red Dog than War and Peace

yeah everyone else is really dum.

Are you upset I'm making fun of your idol?

Im pretty sure the only one being made fun of here is you.

What happens to Sam Harris and Memeerson in your erotic fan fiction? Hopefully it ends with you drinking bleach

Look, don't be upset, just try to be a bit less low effort next time.

Low? Like the IQ of memerson's average fan?

Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?

lol booklets

Yeah fuck people that try to change themselves

You're talking to Pizzacel

Improving yourself is a way of cheating the sexual caste system. You're supposed to stay in your lane and content yourself with whatever is freely given to you. To admit that you as you are is insufficient to get what you want, you're admitting that you don't deserve any better.

If you actually 'change' yourself to the point that you go from being in a state where women won't have sex with you to one in which they will, that's rape.

I agree one should fulfill his own dharma

The point of self help is to develop values that bring out the best you already have.

Self help is like the big rig machinery that digs out gold from earth. That big rig machinery is only digging up gold that is already there, not creating new gold.

A few years ago, I was an introverted person. Now, I am introverted AND someone who can crack jokes that make people laugh in social circles. Its because I spent 30-40 minutes a week or so for 2 years with a comedy writing workbook.

The point of self help is to develop values that bring out the best you already have, and to plant seeds of new values that will grow up to be a better you in future.

wrong. you are not cheating by changing for better. you are becoming your potential. if you become better by changing, it was already in you to begin with, you just took the road to it, instead of choosing to not reach your potential or changing for worse instead.

I haven't read or heard a single word from JP directly, but I can assume his advice is more useful than a billion words and platitudes intended to put you at ease in your role as an inoffensive background character for the women protagonists in the feminist utopia.

You'd be wrong

JP's advice seems to make people think they can have the world from Mad Men back.

I think you mean Mad Max

Maybe, though I think most of these guys might end up as the fuck-toy strapped to the front of the car, and not Lord Humongous.

Captain Lobsterman's advice is all obvious banal shit men without autism learned by the time they left college, like "have interesting hobbies" and "bathe regularly".

Just shows how pathetic MensLib is that they want to get in on the self-help book trend, when that whole industry caters to total idiots who need the ABCs of life spelled out to them with small words.

all obvious banal shit

Yet for some reason it is needed to be put into a book and sold to grown ups.

that whole industry caters to total idiots who need the ABCs of life spelled out to them with small words

This is probably a bullshit mischaracterization.


read his book dude, its either blatantly obvious or utterly inane

right wingers are retards

The whole point is there a shit ton of people in the modern world that haven't been taught how to be a man in society. And as they fall off the path they basically bottom out into pathetic existence. JP's book is targeted at these people to a degree where incremental steps that get people to see that each day they're improved over the last can dig them out of their holes. The book also takes this incrementalism and shows how it can be used by normal people to improve their lives.

So yes there are baby steps in the book, but those are useful to a lot of people and it's also not the only thing in the book.

Did you mean to reply to me or the other guy? You said pretty much what I figured it was like based on his "clean your room" video.

You seemed reasonable so I replied to you. Probably the wrong call on this sub.

Bang on. The self-help/advice industry both online and in print either can only restate common knowledge or simplify extremely complex interactions into buzzwords and platitudes.

There r a lot of pathetic losers out there

Most self-improvement is "simple" in the sense that effective actions are well-known and straightforward to implement. The problem is in getting the "patient" to comply with the "treatment", because said treatment involves putting in work and delaying gratification, which is especially hard if the patient developed a habit of avoiding such things.

Is there someone on the left who preaches self improvement like UP does? Real Q

That would imply a belief that individual choices have consequences, and are not completely the fault of sexism/racism/capitalism/frozen peaches.

no, us lefites dont need a self important blow hard to tell us to wipe our asses and make our beds

thats a right wing infantile thing they need

Have u ever been to /r/MensLib or /r/TrollXChromosomes



They rly need those obvious platitudes (I’m not saying this flippantly, they’re obvious platitudes but those subs are so dysfunctional they need them)

sadly you are likely correct

Because you leftists actually believe that boys need to be taught not to rape.

no but apparently gown ass right wingers do need to be taught to wipe their ass and make their bed

I mean holy shit

"NO U!"

I mean holy shit

calm down now ya dinkus

Please tell me you are just another case of "pretending to be retarded when you lose an internet argument"

Just curious, is your room a complete mess?


I even wipe my own ass without being told to by some self important doofus

join us. Its called "being an adult"

Yeah, I'm not buying it.

i understand

for you right wingers its a tough concept to comprehend and without a doufus there holding your hand it may be impossible

but hey...keep trying! you'll get there!

I meant you are lying and your room is an absolute pigsty.

well maybe dr lobster could help you with that nasty room of yours and teach you to wipe your ass while he's at it!

i believe in you

Indeed, I do enjoy Jordans rigorous examination of the metaphysical. Perhaps you should give him a listen, follow his advice and you wouldn't be such a craven slimy shitstain on humanity.


I did attempt to read his book

found it utterly infantile and obvious

but hey you do you buddy

no, us lefites dont need a self important blow hard to tell us to wipe our asses and make our beds

That's what the government is for in the Marxist utopia, after all!

Personal responsibility is a right wing conspiracy

They try to pretend in that thread that people dont remove responsibility by blaming patriarchy etc.

Telling people they have responsibility to better themselves is hate speech.

Most of Peterson's useful self improvement tips are lifted from other self-help books which are written by people across the ideological spectrum.

the first chapter of one of his books is on amazon for free

it fucking hilarious

its full of nonsensical run on sentences that go nowhere

he blathers on and on for an entire paragraph to make a real simple point

someimtes he goes on for several paragraphs and his point is utterly mysterious. What are you even saying you dick wipe?

its amazing to me how popular that horse shit it. Feel free to read it.

> the first chapter of one of his books is on amazon for free

it fucking hilarious

its full of nonsensical run on sentences that go nowhere

he blathers on and on for an entire paragraph to make a real simple point

someimtes he goes on for several paragraphs and his point is utterly mysterious. What are you even saying you dick wipe?

run on sentences you say?


its a shitpost on reddit doufus

I know. You can't be held to your own standards, you're better than that.


Forming a coherent thought and putting in into writing really is not that fucking hard for you, is it?

sensitive sally strikes again

That's it? For fucks sake you can do better than that.


Wait, why is he a Lobster? I thought he was Kermit the frog?

Don't pigeonhole him. He's speciesfluid.

What lobster characteristics does he have? No backbone?

Kermit, being a Muppet, doesn't have one either.

You could be on to something.

RULE 1: Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

Holy shit, I think you're onto something. Why would someone with a backbone need this advice?

Because the lobster lifestyle is inherently antagonistic to evil chaos dragons and promotes order, obviously.

I’m not really ok with that. Memerson can stay lobster.

And then there's bullshit like this:

There's a reason why uniform schools often don't allow teenage girls to wear rouge and bright red lipstick, or boys to wear muscle shirts; they accentuate sexually attractive aspects of their bodies.

Not only does this excuse sexual assault/harassment, it paints men as so stupid and insatiable that they can't help but harass women. That's ridiculous and we at MensLib know that men are smarter than that.

Take a month off for victim blaming.

How does he get from 'some things accentuate sexuality' to 'its your fault you got raped'

I like how you can get banned in these far left subs for citing factual information. It really jives with their narrative of being the "rational, science based" shit flinging monkeys while their eternal enemies are the "irrational, religionists" shit flinging monkeys.

In case anyone is wondering - it's been accepted by sociologists for a very long time that certain aspects of say, make-up, are intended to simulate the effects of a sexual flush. Literally saying "I'm horny right now". Wonder why men find this attractive? HMM?

These people just cant wrap their obese heads around the concept of sexual attraction. Probably why they are in that fucking support group to begin with.

Did you read the top comment?

Rather than pride and a call to action, feminist messages often get internalized by vulnerable males as paralyzing shame and self-hatred instead (if they're listened to at all) - which is the opposite of what self-help / personal growth tries to instill.

So, so close to being self-aware.


The mods are the worst part of that sub

men aren't really the intended audience of feminism

/r/woahdude material for male feminists

and it has this problem where it's actually really good!

r/MensLib in a nutshell

If you're not banned from menslib at this point, your penis is probably under 4 inches long

Anyone who sincerely thinks Zoidberg is "dangerous" is out of their mind.

Dude, have you ever actually watched Futurama? Zoidberg could fuck you up

Dude can rep out 500lbs on a bench press and snap through an inch of steel with his claws like it's no big deal.

Yet he is still fat

On the subject of all the arguments about whether Jordan Peterson is a bigot or misrepresented, I will just include this bit from our announcement thread:

A role model for young men who are disaffected is most certainly in dire need during a time when masculinity is currently in a state of flux. Jordan Peterson, however, is not the role model that is needed.

Much like The Red Pill, Peterson gives advice that is rather commonplace--stand up straight, keep your workstation and living area tidy, be concise when speaking--but surrounds this seemingly innocuous advice with rhetoric designed to maintain the social hierarchies that negatively impact several people in favor of a select few. Someone who...

suggests that "enforced monogamy" is a viable solution to quell the violent rage of Incels (essentially putting the responsibility on women to not anger them)

implies that women's makeup and clothing choices are in anyway responsible for sexual harassment and that men and women cannot work together in the workplace

believes that feminists unconsciously wish for brutal male domination

thinks that women who don't want children by a certain age are "not quite right" and that their outrage is due to them finding it difficult to be in contact with babies, even to the point of suggesting that women shouldn't focus on their careers(notice that he says this in an interview with Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad, the guy who blames feminism for Eliot Rodger's massacre)

implies that IQ is a legitimate measure of intelligence and is linked to race (again, he's having this talk with another alt-right talking head, this time with Stefan Molyneaux)

gaslights his patients into thinking that they haven't been raped

threw trans people under the bus by objecting to a bill that would classify them as a protected class under the veil of opposition to "compelled speech", which in turn propelled him to stardom in the first place a person whose worldview is completely incompatible with the goals of MensLib. He and the other members of the "Intellectual Dark Web" (as deemed by Eric Weinstein), including Sam Harris (another person who wants to play around with the theory that race is genetically linked with IQ by bringing Charles Murray into the foreground) and Ben Shapiro, are not the rebel thinkers that so many accolades proclaim them to be.

/r/MensLib neither endorses nor supports and therefore disavows the works, ideas, and attitudes expressed by Dr. Jordan Burnt Peterson.

still unemployed then?

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This is what they actually believe about Jordan Peterson;

"He is someone who...

-suggests that "enforced monogamy" is a viable solution to quell the violent rage of Incels (essentially putting the responsibility on women to not anger them)

-implies that women's makeup and clothing choices are in anyway responsible for sexual harassment and that men and women cannot work together in the workplace

-believes that feminists unconsciously wish for brutal male domination

-thinks that women who don't want children by a certain age are "not quite right" and that their outrage is due to them finding it difficult to be in contact with babies, even to the point of suggesting that women shouldn't focus on their careers(notice that he says this in an interview with Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad, the guy who blames feminism for Eliot Rodger's massacre)

-implies that IQ is a legitimate measure of intelligence and is linked to race (again, he's having this talk with another alt-right talking head, this time with Stefan Molyneaux)

-gaslights his patients into thinking that they haven't been raped

-threw trans people under the bus by objecting to a bill that would classify them as a protected class under the veil of opposition to "compelled speech", which in turn propelled him to stardom in the first place a person whose worldview is completely incompatible with the goals of MensLib. He and the other members of the "Intellectual Dark Web" (as deemed by Eric Weinstein), including Sam Harris (another person who wants to play around with the theory that race is genetically linked with IQ by bringing Charles Murray into the foreground) and Ben Shapiro, are not the rebel thinkers that so many accolades proclaim them to be.

/r/MensLib neither endorses nor supports and therefore disavows the works, ideas, and attitudes expressed by Dr. Jordan Burnt Peterson.

Holy fuck i hope Peterson says more retarded shit just to watch these people melt down even more

None of those are things that he has said, they are all things that have been twisted or fabricated by morons with an irrational hatred of him.

Well, that’s a lie. Jordan Peterson is a total monster! I was a student at the University of Toronto two years ago and saw with my own eyes the despicable nature of this man. I was at the Sid Smith lecture hall, in the men’s room, where I saw Jordan holding this trans woman by the throat yelling at her. “Say you hate Justin Trudeau! Say it or I’ll break your neck you faggot!” he yelled at her. That monster deliberately misshendered that poor woman. I tried to stop him by placing myself between Jordan and xer, but being a vegan feminist I lacked the muscular strength that only red meat can build. He pushed me aside with one hand and reached into his jacket with the other. He pulled out a gun and BANG! BANG! BANG! He shot me in the chest. I fell. He laughed sinisterly as he repeatedly kicked me in the head. He could have left me for dead, but that was not enough for him. He picked up a jerrycan he had with him and dowsed me thoroughly with gasoline and then set me on fire!!! I begged for my life as the flesh burned off my bones leaving me an ozzing mass blood and vomit.

OK, I got better...but still, he was not very nice.

thank god people are standing up to this man!

well he did say all of those (well i dont know about the gaslighting or the IQ ones) but i agree that they have definitely twisted all of them.

my point still stands though. the anti peterson people are absolutely hilarious and make for some tasty drama and i hope peterson keeps making them lose their shit

If men are looking for advice on how to date women, wouldn't it make sense for women to write about how they want men to date them versus men telling other men how women want them to date?

If I'm understanding incorrectly please correct me but to me the idea that women shouldn't would be like saying how cis people should be the ones to write about how to interact with the LGBT community and white people should write about interactions with the black community.

  • u/ Dhalma.

It's just so sad to see naive, utterly lost people fall victim to a cult.

Taking advice from a woman on woman is a suckers trap. They don't even understand their own feelings half the time, how the fuck are they supposed to tell anyone else how to do it?

What is MensLib trying to liberate men from?

Being manly


Check out Dr Nerdlove. He's a feminist, and his blog has exactly the type of advice you are looking for

How long until this retard is outed as a rapist.

"This guy over here gives great advice, but he also says some problematic things, so everything he says is garbage.

Us Male Feminists/Rapists really need a fellow rapist to give great advice, but he has to have never ever said anything remotely problematic."

JP is overrated but, he has never ever stated that the state should force women to have sex with men. There's enough to criticize him for instead of making up outright lies.

Yeah, but without the lies there isn't anything to work yourself into a frothing, chimp-out rage over. Reasonable critique just doesn't give me that self-righteous rush.

Do these people not realise that personal improvement need not be centered around fringe political views? Look at Dale Carnegie, who has been dead over 50 years and still is a best seller in that category.

1) Delta is not married

2) He does not use an alt

3) The most "beta" thing on display here is you having such a hard-on for a single user that you came in to harass him and make hackneyed "beta" jokes to prove how much of an "alpha" you are. Fuck off

I assume you're coming in here to defend DeltaBaryon?

The limey fuck that denies the life experiences of poor whites because they happened to be born the wrong skin color?

Yeah, fuck that racist.

Kermit Memerson... Alt right... sigh.