Jeremy Corbyn admits to attending memorial for Munich terrorists and UK reddit spergs out

101  2018-08-13 by FalsePercentage

A bit of background, Jeremy Corbyn is the left wing leader of the Labour Party in the UK and has been known to associate with less than savoury members of far left society.

A few days ago the Daily Mail released an article and pictures showing Corbyn attending the memorial. Most people dismissed this as the Daily Mail is literal shit. But Corbyn has now said in an interview that he did attend the memorial but didn't lay a wreath.

Drama /r/europe thread With appearance from known lolcow belleariel juicy comments

/r/uk thread

/r/ukpolitics threads 1 2

A few comments


The only thing melting down is your ability to influence this Sub in any way other than making them all hate you unanimously because of how much of a faggot you are πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  1. Daily Mail - Outline

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would people kindly stop downvoting me to hell for having a different view? I thought people were against censorship.

Downvotes of censorship!!!

Still doesn’t top pigging = dangerous.

The whole situation kinda seems like a Curb bit where he was given a wreath at a foreign memorial service and he just puts it down at some place he thought was fitting.

So you're telling me Corbyn flew all the way to Tunisia of all places, laid a wreath at terrorists grave and he has no idea what's going on.

Especially when he calls Hamas and Hezbollah "friends"

Are you being daft on purpose?

I'm pretty sure I saw that on Mr. Bean once.

It’s possible. Could have just been a staffing miscommunication

give me a break

maybe his assistant was a russian troll agent, and told him it was the grave of a person who died trying to save hundreds of poor orphans, puppies, and kittens, so that Putin could later use the pictures to undermine Corbyn 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Yes. Corbyn genuinely is that incompetent.

Do you not understand the concept of a joke

That sounds entirely plausible. Reminds me of that time that that Austrian guy accidentally signed those papers that started all those wars and the press printed all kinds of awful slander about him.

Honestly if it was anybody other than Corbyn I’d call bullshit. But he does seem a bit soft in the head so I could totally see him Mr. Beaning his way into a situation like that.

That would be funny if true, but also proof that he's a total retard who shouldn't serve in office for being duped so easily.

The dude definitely just hates jews tho

The Left's allegiance with radical Islam is so puzzling

really activates my almonds

If you're against western imperialism, you're inherently good.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

also, the thing that makes my lifestyle possible is my enemy

also, that’s not really what makes my lifestyle possible, but it does so in my childish worldview which remains untainted by any polluting knowledge of formal economics

my childish worldview untainted by any understanding of economics

I am feeling so personnally attacked here.

The only explanation is through the lens of full spectrum cuckoldry: they hate the West and the muzzies are more than happy to hegemonize the West.

It's not because every pinko read the Quran and thought : gee this is swell.

This makes them seem really stupid though

They are.

But why willingly commit slow suicide?

because Islam has the solution for global warming, inshallah

Part of it needs to be that they know they need a contingent in their movement actually willing to fuck some shit up if their revolution ever happens.

the right doesnt like islam, so they do like islam because it must be good if the right hates it

dont even imagine theres anything more complicated involved

Its also because in their minds Islam = brown people and brown people = left wing

yeah that too, their political views are that simplistic

its also why theyll ignore or outright deny stuff like the pedo rape gangs in england, because it fucks up that narrative

Nah there are plenty of white extremists in the UK that have converted to Islam and they can suck a dick just as much.

There are plenty of other religions 'brown people' follow which are good. Zoroastrians, Sikhs, even Islamic Sufism are all dope.

It's at least comforting to know that if Islam wins, they'll kill the left as well.

I mean they both hate jews.

Corbyn is a cult.


From one of the linked threads, corb your enthusiasm, I enjoyed!

Damn dude Parliament is fucking brutal.

I did not know these existed, but now that I do, I'm a happy man!

belleariel is cheating at this point

The absolute fucking state of uk politics. The leader of the two biggest parties are both retarded.

Honestly the biggest piece of evidence that we descended from them.

The entire world has gone mad. Trump is merely the most obvious symptom.

BelleAriel is the embodiment of mentally ill. Imagine being that obsessed with Trump and not even from the US lol

Why are the British so obsessed with Israel anyway? It's not even their proxy state.

Corbyn and significant parts of the UK are still mentally stuck in like the 70s or something, when the UK still mattered and it was very important for politically woke Brits to have Very Strong Opinions on Israel/Palestine

Nowadays it's only the immigrants, crusty old boomers and student politics LARPers who still really care about Israel and Palestine either way, but those demographics are basically 70% of Corbyn's fan club