Azalea Banks says Musk was high on acid when he tweeted about taking company private.

185  2018-08-13 by AnnoysTheGoys


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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That's just part of it. More weird shit about threesome attempts and crackhead-ass crackers.

Yeah but that hoe has been lying about shit since she was relevant and even now after relevancy has passed her by.

Let’s be real.

If Elon said, “hey Azalea, I’m gonna need you and a hot thot in my bedroom, naked and ready for action.”

Azalea’s only response will be, “you want that thot blonde, brunette, ginger, Asian, or black, Daddy Musk?”

I take it you don't know much about Azalea. If Elon asked her something like that she'd probably fly into a screaming rage, call him a slave owner, and shove a broken wine bottle into his chest

No I just figured she’d be wowed by his piles of money and desperate because her own money levels are not rising.

If Azealia Banks gave a shit about monetary success in any way shape or form she wouldn’t be Azealia Banks.

Nah, Azealia is obsessed with rich, white older guys. She's oddly proud of the fact.

>tfw not a rich older guy

All I need is a little time and a lot of money

She has a fetish for white men that's rooted in something at least akin to racial resentment, so it makes sense that she probably took "I'm alone in this home with a white man and his white girlfriend" as some sort of sexual fantasy queue.

I feel like it's fifty-fifty either way when you realize that Elon & Grimes are basically the pinnacle of a Burning Man power couple.

I really like that description of Muslims and Grimes

I really worked on that one, thank you 😍

It was a good one. Too good for this sub.


He was modded then they kicked him out

I guess /r/Drama is the 110th place Jews have been expelled from.

110th 111th place Jews have been expelled from.

Your mom spits

Well she was engaged to a Jewish guy before she married my dad, I guess it would be 112.

The spirit of this comeback (ayyyyylmao!) was fire, but it doesn't really work unless you have two moms

ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers!

Dongers Raised: 36643

Check Out /r/AyyLmao2DongerBot For More Info

How do you know his dad isn't an FtM tranny?


that dude is special but I dont want him to be worn out like u/pizzashill or ed_retard

They had to demod him after he went all powertrippy and started banning people and shit.

Nah, it was being modded by a new mod without clearing it with the other ones.

Don't even try, I won't fall for your jewish lies.

But you will fall for my Jewish eyes 👁️👁️

I already have bby




Oh you.


He is definitely one of the best posters, but on drama having a custom flair and being a mod basically put you at the same level.

Get Out was absolute garbage 🤢🤢🤮🤮

All movies are haram

shut up, fag

make me mommy

speaking of MILFs, has anyone here seen Mother!?


Jlaw is a 2/10

JLaw is overrated tbh fam.

Yeah, I liked it but I also think it was super pretentious

I thought it was pretty good except for the stupid comic relief friend who stopped it from being really good.

I thought it was pretty good

Thank goodness. I was worried that Musk didn't have a good reason to be talking and acting in ways that are harmful to himself and others, but it turns out that he was just on drugs. Even if it's a rerun of the Delorean episode, we should be able to get some good drama out of this.

Also it's probably impossible for even a billionaire to acquire real LSD in 2018. 'Acid' is now Ecstasy mixed with whatever your drug dealer's supplier thought would be funny to add.

I know chemists who have synthesized the stuff for personal use. It's not trivial, but it's not impossible.

Yep, these days synthesizing actual LSD has become a labor of love, there's just no money in it.

RIP nuclear missile silo lab guy. His service to making people see pretty colors and making them think they've connected to the cosmos will be sorely missed. By someone.

Holy shit, he tried to warn the mayos

RIP Wamego LSD Missile Silo

I don't know if it's THAT hard if you're a billionaire, it's used for legitimate medical research in some countries.

But yeah it's more likely the idiot was mixing wine and Ambien like he's bragged about doing in the past.

A billionaire who owns actual rocket scientists could probably make his own in a lab if he wanted to.

Rocket scientists don't know shit about pharmaceuticals. It's like saying you own actual brain surgeons so they can just build you an artificial robotic limb.

I’d bet that plenty of musk’s employees know enough chemistry to synthesize LSD.

No, but if you've got the kind of juice to push forward fucking rocket science, getting some guy to make you some LSD is not very hard.

Me chuck Pringles can into space so me male special stuff that makes brain go funny

'Acid' is now 25i or some other RC, not ecstasy

fuck no if it has a taste swallow it, nbome is destroyed by the stomache, real 'mides will be unaffected

Test kits are just 20 bucks Anybody who is not a retard should make sure what they take is safe.

Test kits are just 20 bucks Anybody who is not a retard should make sure what they take is safe.

> not buying from the dark net markets

lol pleb

Not buying lab grade 1p-LSD for scientific non-human consumption research only.

lol pleb

Not true, there is still Owsley acid around, I'd imagine Musk could afford it

Lol you have clearly never done psychedelics if you think people are selling ectasy as LSD... it's all analogues and RCs like nbome, bromo, 25i... ecstasy is more expensive than LSD... retard


/r/LSD would like to have a word with you

Why would she think anyone would be outraged that he tweeted while high on acid?

Because he's a CEO of a very high-profile public company making big statements about the future of the company. It's not like he was just tweeting about inane shit.

I'd say I'm disappointed you're more interested in your short picks than dramacoin, but I guess I can't complain since you're just observing your religion.

Oh I sold my Tesla puts last week. I'm invested in this purely for the drama potential.

He also moved the market value of the company by billions with said tweet.

And emboldened the wretched S*udis. Sad!

Geez Snally, again with the anti-Semitism

Are Muslims considered Semites?

Arabs are

What's the difference amirite?

We contribute to condiment control in our own special ways

i see you havent heard the truth about (((islam)))

I mean I generally don't give a shit about the truth of Islam, but I guess that's the same thing as what you said

everyone between Iran and Mediterranean sea is semite

(Semitic group of people)

Learn something new every day.

Saudis are considered crypto jews

I don't know but I enjoy watching people discuss it

wow rude!

What’s more, if that ‘funding secured’ quip turns out to not be true, that’s criminal stock manipulation.

What’s more, if that ‘funding secured’ quip turns out to not be true, that’s criminal stock manipulation.

It's an image thing.

I bet a lot of crusty old investors with tons of money look down on the youngins' who get high on acid, regardless if said investors still do coke.

Musk's business rivals can also pay the media to spin it as Elon being an unhinged drug addict to help tank his stocks in a smear campaign. Just because Trump has this hilarious Teflon Don perk doesn't mean every radical celebrity gets to live outside the bubble of controversy.

I don’t doubt Elon Musk is doing zany shit and acting like a retard. But isn’t Azaelia Banks a crazy person who does voodoo in her closet with chicken bones and shit

Oh probably, but crazy vs retard = best drama

What about crazy retard vs crazy retard?


You'll have to check the mod logs for that.

crazy vs retard = best drama

That's why my workplace is so interesting. Damn, that made some lightbulbs go off in my head.

Burger King?

lmao didn't she also go on some racist tirade against Zayn over some stupid shit? Pitchfork occasionally puts out some "Why wasn't Azealia given a chance" piece for woke points and conveniently glosses over that

Called him a sand nigger. Presumably once she'd washed the blood off from sacrificing another chicken in her closet, but perhaps not.

I'm pretty sure she lost a twitter fight to 13 year old Disney star

If only she adopted stoicism and fell on her sword for such a failing

Ariana Grande gets in Twitter fights?

Azealia Banks best agendadramafu

Yep I am waiting with anticipation for the FTC to nail him for this one

RemindMe Never. Rocket Lord is in tight with the man sending the man's spy gear and what not to space. Financial tampering while wrecked is a "crime" beneath his class.

His proper title is SPACE 💦 DADDY 💦

This is what happens when you name your kid after an audio specification for the PC.

Two of the best retards on twitter, I'm shocked this hasn't produced better drama. Hopefully Elon 'Pedo' Musk responds once he's come down.

Honestly I could go either way on this. Banks is completely capable of just making shit up out of thin air, Musk is completely capable of doing something this retarded and then just straight-up lying about it afterwards.

yeah she's nutso loony tunes

this likely definitely did her head anyway

She has chicken bones in her closet for the same reason you find chicken bones all over the streets in Atlanta.

Literally every single person involved in this needs to ease up on the drugs.

I'm trying to figure out who rules more:

  • Elon Musk, a middle-aged father of five, for letting a woman who is literally only famous for being insane and starting drama stay in his house

  • Azealia Banks, noted lunatic who has been dropped by her label and is probably couchsurfing already, for accepting Musk's generosity (or whatever it is) and then sharing all of his personal business on social media anyway.

Of course all of this is almost certainly fake so

TBF she has a handful of great songs

great - of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average.

has the definition of this word changed in the last day?

No but 212, Desperado and Chasing Time are all great tracks deal with it

wish I could do the laughing-so-hard-you're-crying-and-spitting-snot-out-your-face Emoji

I didn't ask to burdened with good taste

I read your post and died laughing for about 20 minutes. So you think Lil Peep and Azelia Banks is good taste? I got you now, you're 19 and grew up in the shittiest musical generation to date and literally don't know any better.

you also need to shave the part that's below your chin tho

I love it when you talk dirty Grandpa

Careful. I guarantee your grandfather had better taste than you.

I've literally only ever heard 212, and honestly it seems like a rip-off of the much more fun 718.

She's no Tay


thank god for that, one is too many as is

Lil Tay Money Way

(And that’s a good thing)

its sad bc as a musical artist shes gr8 but as a human being?? no thank u

She has like 3 great songs at a push.

Doubt vastly majority of people could name even one song

I have no issue with her per se, lunatics can be good artists, but I do question the judgment of a person who lets a famously crazy (and at times violent) stranger sleep in his home.

All her songs remind me of the eurodance they played on the radio in 90s/early 2000s

She was only staying over there because she and Grimes were going to meet up to record, but apparently Grimes ditched her.

I remember once she was talking shit on the whole ASAP group and they warned her to chill and she didn’t so they posted a pic of her sucking one of their dicks looking rough as hell.

You know you're in too deep when you try to start beef with Russell Crowe and he's the one who comes off looking normal.

So wait. If you see through the thinly veiled threesome attempt, why do you still go and crash at his house?


While making comparisons to get out

"Episode of Get Out"

How can a movie have episodes?

It's always space capeshit that has to be the example of stupidity.


Fucking wrecked.

How is this exposing anything? This is 4 screenshots of text wit weird wood/black background. Am I not getting something and getting old? Is this like some sort of app?

Am I not getting something and getting old?

Yes, but me too

Is this like some sort of app?

Screenshots of Instagram stories

How is that a proof? Anyone can just make one. And why have IG story with flat background?

Oh wow. So now she is his ex I assume? Why did she disclose such private information?

He's dating Grimes who's collaborating on a song with Azalea Banks.

Why did she disclose such private information?

Because everyone involved in this are crazy drama queens

Banks added: "He's not cute at all in person."

Finally investors are learning what they've always wanted to know about Tesla.

Gotta evaluate every asset, including "If the CEO had to start turning tricks to improve the bottom line, what's the expected ROI?"

well he's just a suit away from being irl ironman damn

I wonder what it's like being a billionaire on acid? SWIM finds that all coins just look like equally interesting shiny metal discs, regardless of their value.

I wonder what it's like being a billionaire on acid?

That's what Trump should be doing, instead of being a dipshit president.


Inb4 Musk calls her a pedo

Inb4 Azelia actually shanks him or something.

Azalea Banks vs. Elon Musk

God I fucking love this timeline!!!

Remember when I think RZA brought her to Russell Crowe's place, immediately made fun of Crowe for his Deep Mayo taste in music, and got thrown out?

Wasn't she the one complaining about being fingered when she was stage diving?

Isn't this the crazy chick who was booted off Twitter for homophobia or something?

Why do people pay this crazy bitch any mind?

Crazy Part 1 Crazy Part 2 List of Crazy

Why do people pay this less-than one hit wonder any mind? She's contributed nothing of value to our society

👏👏🤣👏😂haha 🤣😆😭queen going hard on elon musk 😵👏😵😂you crazy for this one zealia😆🤣finna get kicked off of TUF🤣😂😂😂😂 for this one zealia😂😆🤣savage af😪😂😆👏👏🤣😪smdh😂😆👏👏🤣😪😂I fucks with it 😆🤣👏👏👏👏😪😂so here for 👏 this one 😪😂😵😂 we here for it😂😂👏😂😂lmao👏👏👏😂😵 I’m dead 😂😂👏😂😂👏😂😂👏👏😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏😂😂😂😂👏😂😂👏👏👏👏👏