Horrible idea gets up boated in the minstrel show subreddit and a riot erupts in the comments after someone names the mayo

61  2018-08-14 by BasicallyADoctor


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Anyone that screeches about US military spending and demands massive budget cuts should go spend some time in one of Russia or China. That's what the world will be like when the US hegemony ends.

america buys some pretty fucking dumb shit tbh

Thats probably a feature and not a bug when you realize the point of projects like that are just to make tons of money for the people involved. The only guy getting hosed there is the taxpayer.

But that's because the costs ballooned due to downsizing, not because the idea was trash from the start.

Why spend anything on R&D if it's not 100 percent efficient?

well i mean you could probably predict that 800k per bullet isnt going to be very efficient in the design phase

Here's what would happen:

  1. Military drastically scales back spending. R&D contracts are dropped immediately. US Manufacturing and engineering firms will close themselves down overnight.
  2. Immediate drop in economic activity causes investors to panic; they all hit their Emergency Escape and try to pull out of the market. It would be lucky if it was only a recession, but it could literally take the entire Western economy with it.
  3. Funding given to someone's insane "convert malls into homeless shelters" plan. For about a year, progress is steady. Construction takes a ton more money than expected because of the poor condition of many of the buildings. In some cases, it may have been cheaper to bulldoze and rebuild.
  4. Shelter is finally up and running, and is still allocated something like a trillion dollars taken from the military. Despite this massive budget, keeping these New Projects clean is basically impossible. Immediately become cesspools of crime and drug use. Property values in nearby neighborhoods, once some of the nicest in the region (since they're by the mall) tank, hurting the economy even more.
  5. Ships now sit abandoned in harbors, rusting away. Our planes are either scrapped or sold at discount prices to our enemies, who will quickly be studying them to reproduce.
  6. Economy is bad, so lots of people lose their jobs. Since there's such a big budget for helping the homeless, many people take a gamble on ditching their mortgage and going homeless themselves. Despite having the largest shelter system in the world, the system is perpetually above maximum capacity.
  7. Complaints come in that the workers involved are "overworked and underpaid", just like they used to be, except now the scale of the problem is much worse.
  8. Russia, China, and every other militaristic power who wants to conquer the world (or at least their immediate regions) not only runs unopposed but finds a world that is both unprepared for a real fight and a steady source of technology from scrapped weaponry and former engineers looking for work elsewhere.
  9. At this stage, even if whatever Congress was retarded enough to enact this plan went "oh hey maybe that was a bad idea", it's too late. The economy is gone. The technology lead is gone. We're behind, even. You refund the military but the jobs don't just come back. Former members of the military don't just rejoin. You lost knowledge. You lost experience. You lost momentum, none of which can be regained. And you handed it all to the people you're now looking at fighting petty wars with for the next century or twelve.
  10. Homeless problem still not solved, and in fact is much worse.

The reality of the US slashing defense funding is the collapse of Western society, and that's not even an exaggeration. We're living in a lovely little Pax Columbia at the moment, and it surprised the Romans, too, how quickly their great power faded and barbarians appeared at their doorstep.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Lol this doomsday scenario hedges on the budget cuts being immediate and drastic. Not likely to happen

American military spending is pretty much UBI by another name. Its the single largest jobs program the world has ever seen. While I agree that its a stupid way to spend money, it works a hell of a lot better than UBI would. At least people are actually making something in exchange rather than just boosting inflation.

Or you do reasonable cuts where the military budget is still fairly high, we then invest the other money in infrastructure and mitigation

shut the fuck up commie, do you hate freedom?


And their military spending is barely more than France and gets utterly destroyed by the EU.

This myth that Russia is a serious military threat needs to die. Sure they can cause trouble and be a nuisance but they will NEVER invade a NATO country. Even if America leaves NATO their rusted up military stands no chance at all.

Use some common sense at least.

And china doesn’t benefit from invading countries. You’re looking at this from an American perspective.

China doesn’t rule by military force. China rules by economic force.

Man at least do some research before acting like you have a clue

China is most definitely looking into the future to rule by military force. And Russia is still a huge threat, they have 2000 planes in their Air Force compared to America’s 3300. Yes they are not as advanced but I can guarantee if they have any sort of chance to expand their power they will. Same goes for China.

Where do you base that China comment on? Because that sounds like an assumption and isn’t really grounded in reality.

And those 2000 planes need resources to fly though not to mention the fact that an outdated fighter plane is comically outmatched by modern ones and modern air defense.

China's increasingly becoming more aggressive with their Navy towards US and ally ships. It has slowly ramped up the past couple decades and almost seems to be water boiling over the pot. Also, their military budget has skyrocketed.


Keep in mind, this is just military budget, not defense, so the numbers are lower. For comparison the US's military budget is $540 Billion.

You have to be really fucking stupid to think China will go to war with US or any NATO country. Ever.

I know it’s hard to understand that not everyone acts like America and just waltzes over countries with their military. China just builds infrastructure in shithole countries and then slowly takes over. They don’t invade. They don’t have to.

I’m not talking in the next ten years buddy, I’m talking about in the coming century. Economic power can only get a country so far and if you think the Chinese don’t have an eye on expanding their military power the you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. If all they care about is the economy then please explain why they are expanding their defense, and why their navy ships have continuously become more hostile.

I work in Asia, have spent years in the South China Sea, and am an officer in the navy. Have you even been out of the country?

Haha that’s cute.

I’m in China 3 months a year. Chengdu, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Shanghai mostly. Work in the music industry and 30/40% of our income comes from China these days.

Not surprised a navy officer doesn’t understand China outside of a military sense.

Newsflash: America looks like the biggest aggressor to everyone. They are expending their defense because they are able to do this and to reduce American hegemony in the region.

Imagine China’s navy being omnipresent in the Mexican gulf. America would freak the fuck out. This is quite literally what America has been doing for decades to China. Yes they’re becoming more aggressive because they want to take full control of their own seas. The fairness can be debated but to act surprised by this while you’re a US NAVY OFFICER is fucking hilarious.

its understandable that you’re incapable of understanding this for a different perspective. That has been hammered out of you in your education of course so I don’t blame you here. But don’t for a second start acting like you’re better than anyone and know the world because you travel from US naval base to US naval base.

They really teach you you’re fighting barbarians or something don’t they? Just because the economic growth might slow down doesn’t mean they just go take over the world. That’s a sure fire way to destroy your economy and get Xi overthrown.

Are you really so badly educated on China as an “officer”? China regresses back into itself when economic hardship hits them they don’t expend aggressively as America does.

It’s literally pointless for China to invade countries as a way to prop up a dying economy. All the resources they’ll ever need can be found within their. Borders pretty much. Economic imperialism AKA belt and road is INFINITELY more efficient than classical American style imperialism.

The military industrial complex is an American concept. Not every country has an economy driven so much by constant military expansionism.

Wtf do they teach you in navy school.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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We are constantly harassed by Chinese ships, we are never aggressive towards them, they try to create incidents and casualties with us constantly. They also arm and fund fake fishing vessels to gather intelligence and, again, try instigate US and ally military vessels. This is basic common knowledge that has been reported on for years and it is also obvious how much it has ramped up in the past couple decades like I said.


We are not in those waters because of China, we are in those waters because of North Korea. China knows that they have nothing to actually worry about having our ships there, they are simply starting to show that they need to be respected as a military power.

Please tell me why China is building fake islands to claims waters if they ONLY care about economic power? What does building fake islands do for them other than give their navy more space to excerpt their force?

Again, there is no reason for China to be invading countries right now, but do you really think that’s not a possibility for them in the next 100 years.

Also, lmao, you’re hilariously putting words in my mouth. Where did I say that the Chinese are some big boogey men? All I’ve stated are facts, you are the one that has thrown an insane amount of hyperbole into your posts. I never said they were going to try to save themselves from collapse, you literally just put those words in my mouth.

If I were the Chinese, I’d be doing the exact same thing they were and I would definitely have my eye on expanding my military. At the end of the day though, I am glad America is the super power and not them. We are very far from perfect but we are no where near as oppressive as they would be.

we are nowhere as oppressive as they would be

Assumption based on cultural bias

And I wonder if children in Yemen agree that you’re not oppressive. Or any other of your recent victims. But nvm I’m not going to argue with someone part of the imperial cog we’re getting nowhere. You’re literally assuming they will invade eventually because of “reasons”.

Oh yeah and those fake islands? You’re aware how extremely depleted fisheries are yes? And how much food china consumes?

And saying you’re in the waters because of NK is extremely dishonest. South Korea is an American puppet state on Chinas border. The only reason America is in South Korea is to have power on the Chinese border.

If you where there for NK literally one aircraft carrier would be all you need to make their “navy” obsolete.

Hell South Korea can protect themselves against the North Korean Navi.

Assumption based on cultural bias

The only thing we have to go off is how China treats their citizens, and all you have to do is watch "Ai Weiwei Never Sorry" to get a feel for that.

You’re literally assuming they will invade eventually because of “reasons”.

First of all I never said they would invade anyone, I said they were going to expand military power, just as they have been the past two decades. Do you think they're just going to stop sometime soon?

Oh yeah and those fake islands? You’re aware how extremely depleted fisheries are yes? And how much food china consumes?

Yes, typically countries expand their military power based on the need/want for supplies, that doesn't make it not a military expansion because they want more resources. America wanted more oil, I guess that makes it okay to use their military to do so, based on your logic.

The only reason America is in South Korea is to have power on the Chinese border.

No, it's mostly because of North Korea and Russia.

If you where there for NK literally one aircraft carrier would be all you need to make their “navy” obsolete.

You obviously have no clue what our Navy does or how it works. Aircraft carriers don't track North Korean or Russian missile launches/test missiles or submarines. An aircraft carrier also can't be in two places at once. All it would take is for North Korea to launch missiles from two different sites to negate the defense of one US aircraft carrier.

Which reminds me, China has been building a lot of submarines the past twenty years:


Hell South Korea can protect themselves against the North Korean Navi.

You do realize our navy doesn't just protect against other nation's Navys, right?

Lol really A weiwei?

That’s like saying “don’t trust America because there is prison slavery”. Don’t play that card.

It's just one example out of many. Are you really going to say that America is more oppressive to its people than China?

Here we goooo lol

No I’m not. I’m showing how ridiculous your claim is.

Shouldn’t we be worried about Saudi Arabia, Russia, Philippines, Israel etc. attacking us equally? Because they all have their own Weiwei stories.

Or should we maybe not jump to stupid ass conclusions based on a childlike perception of society.

Shoo away now go bomb some kids or something

Why compare yourself to China and Russia to make yourself feel better? Both are awful places to live

What places do you want to compare the US to then? All developed countries I think of have been able to maintain said lifestyles because of American hegemony. I know that sounds super shitty but that’s the way it is.

Britain's museums are only free to the public because of American hegemony, it's why as tribute there is a portrait of 3 separate Presidents on display at Buckingham palace next to the Totem pole and pair of chairs

Those chairs are like a sarcasm tag but for museums.


They buttered her up with sweet chairs before most of them left the country to go to England

Honestly nah, developed countries maintain their lifestyles thanks to high taxes and the fact that war is quite simply not worth it with how entrenched globalisation is. National level specialisation is prevalent everywhere (eg UK and finance, China and consumer goods), a big war would halt access to those and cause huge damage to economies.

I‘m Italian, and I believe without a doubt that the 73 years of post-WWII peace and prosperity in Western Europe have been greatly helped by the American military hegemony.

You forgot about the war in Jugoslawien. Sadly, there is no 73 years of peace in western europe, the period of peace started thanks to the EU.

Western Europe. If I had wanted to include Yugoslavia, I would have said Europe.

The EU (or the entity that would have become the EU) started with the Treaty of Rome in 1957. The Yugoslav War started in 1991 and ended mostly thanks to NATO intervention. My point is that it would have not been possible without the American military hegemony.

he thinks Europe wouldn't be speaking Allah or Slav if it weren't for US military.

Was 'war not worth it' for Russia in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine?

In what world does that compare to wars between leading economies?

The US could easily afford universal healthcare if it were not so incredible bitter and stubborn about sticking to an awful system.

Oh just moved the goalposts there bud. He was responding to someone talking about how much the US spends on the military, not healthcare. For all we know he could be in favor of universal healthcare.

Its because no American wants to pay for the 600 lb losers triple bypass surgery.

I think you’re seriously underestimating how detrimental the rampant individualism in American culture has been to development vs some Northern European countries. Stuff like public healthcare, education, rehabilitation of criminals, not having a police state, not having a government utterly corrupted by corporations has nothing to do with being “protected” from a crippled shithole like Russia. So it’s not really an excuse to say “Europe” is what it is purely due to American hegemony.

Not really an excuse, just kind of a fact. Things could be better, but hell, things could be absolutely worst for Europe and the rest of the world tbh. While I loath socdems in my country and don't really agree a 100% with American interventionism in this region, I'd rather have this than being a commie nation like Venezuela or Nicaragua.

Besides, the most important minority is the individual. So nothing wrong with individualism, and certainly not the cause of the things you mentioned.

What about Venezuela is communist exactly? Last I checked most businesses are privately owned?

Oh boy.

Terminology matters so I’m confused by what he means

"Privately owned" meaning people on paper own them not privately owned in the sense that they have any real control


Oh boy triggered some people with my question boohoo

But I guess I won’t get an answer to my question that’s too bad

expecting seriousposts about communism on arrdrama

typical commie retardation

now spread'em and lemme get into that socialist twink bussy

Starting to cry when people talk about something besides bussys because you’re insecure - that’s retardation

When Bernie Sanders is praising your country, you know your a commie

Real communism is downvoting the lolcows. SO STOP IT

Rehabilitation of criminals doesn't work. There was just a post on r/ukpolitics about some slave-trading pimp who did two-years in Sweden for it and then moved to England and started right up again.

What's your fucking point? I can show you 10,000 anecdotes that show the opposite. How the fuck do you honestly think that a single anecdote proves your point you fucking tard?

Imagine being as dumb as you are, fucking pathetic.

Russia and China together could not beat current US hegemony, let alone encroach on it. The military spending we have is overkill 100x over and a lot of that burnt money can go towards things like healthcare

The EU would be a pretty good alternative if the US would stop spending all its time actively planning its destruction so that it can remain a unipower.

Hahahaha nigga no

If we don't aren't the world's police someone else will be and you won't like them.

Imagine being poor 😂😂😂

Homeless people should be rounded up and shot. Put them out of their misery

Put them out of our misery

We should help them move to canada without documents

No. We should draft them into the military, and station them at the army base in German closest to Merkel's office.

Edit: I didn't expect this to blow up but I'll say I was just trying to sound edgy by saying white people in particular.

lol would have never expected that a guy trying to make fun of white people was just being edgy and butthurt

the part i always expect is mayos in the replies unironically being mad about some other mayo making a light joke about wypipo


imagine pretending to be racist and then also pretending you make other people mad, just because other shitposting racists make you mad

you know everyone knows thats whats happening right

Damn I hate white people

[insert 500 totally not mad totally just shitposting comments about how white people invented the device you're typing on and how you're racist]

no youre just trying to be edgy because the internet angers you

I have never actually read rule 2 before.

r/blackpeopletwitter definition of "arguing in bad faith" is basically "I disagree with you"


every time

Maybe... we don't need as big of a military...

if the point is "but thats someones job" okay, great. Just change it into a different job, one that would actually help the country.


I mean on the surface it makes sense. We do certainly overspend on the military and we could in theory use that money on other services. However the bpt folks would probably find a way to spend it on something with little return instead of investments in infrastructure or mitigation or something like that

Edit 2: Holy shit this blew up and calm the fuck down y'all yes I said white people idk what to say except I was trying to be edgy and shit but I am white I am not racist and y'all have been cracking me up.



I am sure all the mentally ill will be real thankful

Simple, cut education spending and dump it into homeless assistance.

These people have never been in the military or worked with homeless people.

Requisitioning of privately owned properties one of the self-proclaimed communists is advocating for. Okay, I require one dilapidated abattoir and one contingency of Antifa--no returns policy on the mayo Antifa members--and every Mayo in the proximity to the building.