Nazi ex Marine Patrick Little doing an anti-Jew tour of the USA has hobo who confronted him arrested.

26  2018-08-14 by StephenKingIsADrunk


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Imagine unironically posting on gab.

I can understand against Muslims, Americans or Russians but you need to be seriously retarded to hate the smart part of humanity (Israel, Asia and Eastern Europe).


even Vietnam kicked your ass...provided you're from the u.s. that is...


but if you cant figure out any reason why people might not like jews then youre not looking particularly hard

yeah, made up conspiracy theories + their idea not to kiss british ass unlike america/india and also: their own language and alphabet...what else?

lol made up conspiracy theories

what else?

blood libel and ritual pedophilia mainly

Anyone who actually believes in blood libel needs to go in an oven immediately. In Minecraft.

lol why what makes it so unrealistic

do you know how the kosher meat ceremony is performed?

also i notice you didnt mention the pedos

lol why what makes it so unrealistic

Lol imagine falling for medieval propaganda in the lords year of 2018

also i notice you didnt mention the pedos

Cause bris is gross man, I ain’t gonna waste time arguing about that.

lol thats an interesting way to avoid answering

theyre a culture that only eats meat if you drain the blood a specific way, and also cuts up baby dicks to suck the blood out as some sort of gross ritual

but yeah totally unrealistic to imagine theyd do the specific thing that theyve been kicked out of hundreds of unrelated and non communicating countries for

lol thats an interesting way to avoid answering

theyre a culture that only eats meat if you drain the blood a specific way, and also cuts up baby dicks to suck the blood out as some sort of gross ritual

but yeah totally unrealistic to imagine theyd do the specific thing that theyve been kicked out of hundreds of unrelated and non communicating countries for

so one story of some pedo rabbi = "they're all pedo blood drinkers". It's like saying all christians are, given the ~10% or so pedo priests...

if i said catholics are pedos nobody would bat an eye

We get it, you lost the genetic lottery

im white so i obviously won

jews have like a million genetic diseases its not even going to work as a joke tbh

You being white doesn't negate your aggressive autism and life-long virginity. I'd take any Jew disease over those

lol i bet you already have multiple jew diseases tbh

Wealth, intelligence, world domination, ability to change into a lizard. How are you genetically superior again?

im talking more like tay sachs and the ones you need stem cells to treat

dont worry im not saying you personally suck baby blood

i mean im not saying you dont either but still

I never mentioned race, I was talking about you, you're a fucking genetic disaster. The only thing you won is a lifetime of jacking it to hentai in your mom's basement.

top projection you have there

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imagine thinking you have to be unironically retarded to hate israel

Isn't eastern europe where all the white people with weird shaped heads come from?

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smart part of humanity

Eastern Europe

Will some of you woke Anti-Semites give me a quick rundown of how the Jewish hivemind communicates?


Clicking noises?

Secret underground meetings?

Smoke signals?

Are they actually lizard people that can speak at a higher frequency than the human ear can recognize?

This is a good comment.

Patterns in the movement of the stock market.

The qultists believe that the Jewish run cabal communicate via people in the entertainment industry giving interviews. They think handlers coerce celebs into using code during interviews to transmit their messages because that's somehow easier than periodically buying burner phones

U/BussyShillBot quote

Matza had RFID chips inside of it