To the Sollux cosplayer from Portland, Oregon who beat me up, fuck you

18  2018-08-14 by Cleverly_Clearly



Shit homestuck is still a thing?


Tbh, I really liked the first 4 acts.

Most of the crazy people in the fandom left, the title of this post leaves out that the incident was in 2014. If you still don't like the comic that's fine, but please don't judge it based on the most noticeable of its fans.

Imagine defending Homestuck on drama

Let me get this straight, he got his ass kicked 4 years ago by a dude who was basically dressed up in a Halloween costume on a day that wasn’t Halloween? Keep yourself safe, dude

And it took 4 years for him to muster up the courage to say "fuck you" in an anonymous comment on some obscure internet forum.


omf this is fucking hilarious