Tim Pool gets banned from /r/Anarchism, then gripes about it on Twitter

77  2018-08-15 by Kobobzane


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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People were a mistake.

"The internet brings us closer together" was more of a warning than a promise

"Oh.. Oh, no"

You definitely were lmao rekt

Exposing anarchist's fragility and inanability not to function as a hierarchy is always amusing though.

Every leftist forum inevitably devolves into a perfect analog of the USSR circa 1937

Or France in 1793.

But with far worse cheese.

Camembert on the tumbril is definitely superior to ... whatever Russians had before being shot in the back of the neck in NKVD basements.

Every leftist forum inevitably devolves into a perfect analog of the USSR circa 1937

FTFY. Every forum follows this pattern. You start off with a bunch of like-minded folk happily discussing shared interests. The forum is small so everyone gets along and life is good.

Forum rapidly gains popularity bringing in many new members. This irks the original members to no end (the "I was posting here before it was cool" phenomenon). We need moderators and rules to protect our little insular clique!

With popularity also comes trolls and spam. We need MORE moderation! MORE rules! MORE, MORE MORE!

With the over-moderation and policing of the forum, it starts to devolve into an us vs them mentality. Those in power begin to flex their muscle and lock posts and ban users from their forum. First they come for the most egregious rule breakers, then they become more aggressive. They start to like exercising their authoratay and become corrupted by the power they wield. Pretty soon they're banning people simply because they disagree with them. The free exchange of opinions and ideas is stifled and only those in the inner core are safe from the online police state they've created.

The forum has become a shadow of what it once was, eventually people leave and go find the next cool thing and the cycle repeats anew.

Honestly, people take this shit wayyyy too seriously. It's just words on the internet, if you don't like it, don't read it...or downvote it and move along, that's how it's designed to work. Moderation should be nothing more than housekeeping, delete the spam and obvious troll posts and let people work their own differences out, but it never works that way.


upvoted because funny and I ain't even mad

Why you would by mad?

Nobody but some old nerda is using foruma anymore though

>not being a thirty-year-old boomer in anno domini twenty ought eighteen

I've actually been going back to forums over social media lately. Forums are generally way more chill than all the political rageposting on places like facebook and reddit.

Yep, they are better. I even prefer them to imageboards. But at least imageboards have their place for the unique nature of anonymity, social media and sites like Reddit are just completely inferior, shittier versions of forums.

I usually avoid imageboards because a lot of people seem to take the anonymity as an opportunity to be incredibly caustic over the pettiest shit.

Like, I'm not offended by it or anything, it's just boring and trite. It makes it harder to find the actual conversation.

lol ya anarchist subs shouldn't have mods cuz anarchy i have a big brain

He might, you on the other hand cant Because the brain is a very hierarchy based organ

big everything ;)

You oughtta get those hemorrhoids checked out, buddy.

I'm just a gigantic human alright

Try fasting

If you can't live without an unmodded sub then how tf can an unruled society work lmao


/r/libertarian is a shitshow but they manage to moderate in a libertarian fashion, why can't /r/Anarchism do it

Their standard explanation is that they can't beat people up over the Internet, and if only they could then they could have a proper oppression free anarchist community.

Spoiler: it's because they're bedfellows with fascism.

Isn't organizing kind of antithetical to their beliefs anyway?

I am always open to talk to radical anarchists or communists. I ask them to describe that perfect world and they'll gladly do it.

And then, as much as I can remember, I've always dismantled all that with a simple thought. "Alright. I'm part of this society. I decide to act differently than this political ideology."

It confuses them. They've been in their echo chambers so long that the thought of someone having different values or opinions confuses them.

Then we do this dance, that goes...

"Well. Leave then."

"No. This is my country. I won't leave. If anything, I will gather my friends to agree with me."

And that's where the dance is closing to an end. Then usually one of the three:

1) We start inviting in the model new institutions like police people who will guard people. Taxes. Social security. At the end of the day we are right back at the democracy we have, only weed is now legal.

2) They'll get MK-ULTRA lvl mind control machines or something, because somehow there will be no crime, no opposition, nothing. They will see how great it is and join. Exactly like old communism portrayed itself.

3) Straight up Gulag. Just, fucking gulag. I respect these people the most. Because even though their answer is violence, they have an answer and they can admit that they are not above it. These are also the ones I'd like to shoot first, but I respect them more than I respect ideologists.

They'll get MK-ULTRA lvl mind control machines or something, because somehow there will be no crime, no opposition, nothing. They will see how great it is and join. Exactly like old communism portrayed itself.

Best bit about this are the magical words ‘class consciousness’ which basically means everyone will magically accept their ideology

Like that's difficult or something.

The true tragedy is I can’t ping tim pool to tell him what a cunt he looks like whining about his ban. He clearly hasn’t “lurked for years” or else he would have known they would ban him on the spot. That dudes a meme, and a bad meme at that.

I literally just pinged him posting in r/anarchy. You literally have me posting in r/anarchy. Sad


Wow. Blaming (((us))) for the ping ban is where I draw the line on anti-semitism

Oh please don’t act like this isn’t Jewish tricks, (((tim pool))) ffs

oy! /u/froibo! I'm tapping the Papists in!

No worries, Pope Fran is an inside woman.

Tim pool is this your alt? Be honest

The only pool I am aware of is Milpool.

I was a left anarchist when I was younger and this is what made me realize it cant work. That and my "friends" would beat strangers for some reason, fuck that.

lmao he made this up.

Tim has admitted before that he's too dumb to understand what even social democracy is. His understanding of what anarchism is probably just molotov cocktails and Guy Fawkes masks.

His understanding of what anarchism is

If he’s too retarded to understand social democracy than Anarchism is right up his street since it appeals to fags who are borderline anti-social

True, but I meant that Tim was probably the "I listen to the Dead Kennedys" type of anarchist rather than the "I've read all of Kropotkin's books" type of anarchist.

He doesn't seem like he puts very much thought into his political "insights".

I honestly have more respect for anyone that would adopt a moronic ideology because of a band than for anyone who would read tripe like Kropotkin and think to themselves "yeah, I can get behind this." The former is the sort of retardation almost everyone engages in during their youth, fueled by the sort of ignorance only naive and hopeful young people can pull off. The latter is just boring, ordinary retardation. What I'm really saying is if you're going to be a retard you need to be an entertaining retard.

>implying anarchiss can read


Your post implies you are an anarchist faggot who is upset that he called you giant cock gobblers out. End it now OP, for all of us

Getting banned in left reddit is like being a dude and able to stand while taking a piss. What I'm saying is, it's fucking easy

Getting perma-banned anywhere on Reddit is ridiculously easy. Neogaf probably hands handed them out less frequently than some subs do.

Well some subs still do hand out bans preemptively if you comment in other subs they don't like. Pretty hard to beat that.

Except if you have a tiny dick.

This isn't about your personal issues. Try to stay on topic.

I have no trouble getting banned from leftie reddit tho.

Too bad you can't extend your tiny dick, Stumpy.

I got banned from /r/socialism for posting the idea of Sexual socialism, because the top 1% have more than the bottom 50% and it's not fair and it should all be evenly distributed

that really seemed to trigger a lot of them

It triggers them because male feminists worldwide have been covertly seizing the means of reproduction for years now and you gave away their game.

it's 2018. antifa doesn't fight fascists, nazis are accepting of gays, jews and blacks (or all 3 in case of milo), north korea isn't a democracy and anarchy subreddit has nothing to do with anarchy in any way, despite the name.

Lol Milo isn't Jewish no matter how hard he wants to have every victimhood banner so he can pretend he isn't a completely retarded cretin.

well fine, it's still very inclusive of nazis to have a mentally differently-abled person as one of their top leaders.

His mother is Jewish so technically he is.

the democrats are the REAL racists

I think r/libertarian is the only political sub that lets people who disagree post freely.

Which is ruining that sub. It's practically flooded with left-wing idiocy, and only gets worse when one of its posts hits the front page. It's just another example of how anything that isn't expressly right-leaning becomes yet another left-wing property.

I sometimes vist /r/libertarian, and the real libertarians don't care and enjoy the comedy of leftists pulling their hair out more than they are offended by leftists making utopia claims (or saying capitalism is evil from their smartphones/laptop)

Not sure if they're strictly classed as 'political subs' but KiA, C_A and MDE don't remove disagreeing posts, either.

T_D will remove anything remotely critical of Israel.

Not sure if they're strictly classed as 'political subs' but KiA, C_A and MDE don't remove disagreeing posts, either.

MDE has/does restrict submissions and they do remove posts. Kia is retard central and I've never checked out their sub because even I am not that retarded. CA not removing posts is precisely why that subreddit is a shithole.

T_D will remove anything remotely critical of Israel.

Oy vey! Btw, do you happen to be an MDEtard yourself?

Most of the progun subreddits do that to.

/r/progun, /r/firearms, /r/gunpolitics, /r/shitguncontrollerssay, etc.

If an antigunner wants to go have their arguments demolished by people who actually understand statistics, and have data to back up their claims, then they're more than welcome to.

Lol look at the actual thread! All that warm special needs sperg out is just delightful.

fuck off reactionary scum

Isn't anarchism a reaction to mommy and daddy telling you to get a jon

Going by how triggered they get over lawns, I think it's more about Dad telling them to mow the lawn on weekends.

Has anyone else heard Tim Pool's views on education? He honestly doesn't believe in it at all, sees it as a waste of time, and often spouts platitudes such as 'those who can't do, teach'. He clearly had a rotten time in school and has some of the most jaundiced opinions about it I've ever encountered.

He is extremely humourless too; I've seen over 300 of his videos and he rarely laughs or smiles at anything. He also never takes his hat off, for some reason (probably balding, I guess).

He keeps his weed under that beanie.

lol, shut up nerd