Slav thot gets $500,000 life insurance payout for fiancé' that she was convicted of murdering. #AWALT

39  2018-08-15 by EmployedDM


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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What kind of losers kayak on flat water?

If a man did this it would be straight up murder. Because the thot has a pussy pass she gets manslaughter.

Latvians aren't Slavs retard

You are right. They are worse

This entirely depends on how you would define the slavs. To me the main thing ain't the language: It's the looks (broad in the face, broad in the rump) and, through unspeakable poverty, the materialism.

Balts aren't slavs looks wise, language wise, or anything wise. So no, it doesn't.

They uo say they're of needings more wisdom?

They have the same horrible dental work though.

Slavs do, not Balts.

Even if ethnic Latvians are, a huge portion of their population is ethnically slav.

“This is why MGTOW exists” said the incel commenting.

Anyway Latvians aren’t Slavs, they’re Balts.

TIL we have a few Balts loose in America.

'Women can do whatever they want!' - said the feminazi SRDine.

That fivehead

Balts have gigantic fiveheads typically

killed by gf

Mother and sister barely put up a fight

Women, not even fucking once

Yo, kayaks don't drown just because you take out the plug. Dead dude just dies because he's a mayo loser who had to import gussy and clearly can't handle water.