In r/starterpacks, one user submits post satirizing politics sans polarization. Other users see problems, starting drama.

45  2018-08-15 by Ghdust2

First, the original post (sorted by Controversial), "Person who knows nothing about politics posting on social media about politics starter pack". This spans hundreds of comments across numerous threads and topics, many of them featuring OP as they try and defend their creation.

On Centrism

"The enlightened centrist asshole starter pack AKA everyone but me is wrong starter pack.":

"“Enlightened” Centrism in a nutshell.":

"But what if both sides are actually wrong? are you a supposed "enlightened asshole centrist" for pointing that out?":

"It's weird how the guy that posted the both sides thing turned out to care so much about the right being criticized.":

"If you should give anyone a break in this political climate surely it's the centrists.":

""Anyone with any political opinion knows nothing about politics" -Enlightened centrists":

A single XKCD panel:

"Blm is comparable to MLK. As more genders and sexualities are recognized LGBTQ+ will get longer. Also the children cages do look Gustapoesque on some real shit.":

"Found the brave, and radical, and brilliant centrist, you put everyone else to shame with your intellect OP, hopefully one day I can become like you":

"What makes me furious is, if you're somewhere in the middle (like most humans), and criticize either side, you're automatically branded a die-hard, lifelong supporter of the opposite side.":


"I agree. BLM is anything but peaceful.":

"I'm pretty confident if MLK were around today, he'd absolutely support BLM.":

On Immigration:

"It's not racist to say that mass migration has a negative impact on the working class.":

"And how would you describe the child cages?":

On Taxes:

"Taxation is theft tho":

"Taxation is theft though" (yes, another fucking moron) :

"Lmao I love seeing unironic Burnie supporters in the wild it's so fucking clear they're clueless 😂":


"So really just supporting Bernie Sanders means you don't know anything?":

">Posts "We live in a police state!" >Suffers no consequences for making said statement.":


Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.

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You’re getting lazy Snappy.

Baby... Are you OK?

Haha totally sentient amirite

Pls do not bully snappy is my pure drama waifu

I fuck the purple hair chick tbqhfam.


I know tumblr has popularized the "girl dyes hair for attention" trope, but if someone can pull it off, it is hot.

hot is hot

Tay in a six foot tall poop mascot outfit would still be hot.

Good point, it might wash out

Really nice work OP

The enlightened centricism stuff is so dumb.

It's not even that they're making fun of centrists, they're hating everyone that doesn't agree with them.

Nuance is inherently evil.

Germans have always liked the details.

Liberals don't know what words like centrism and moderate mean.

They think you're advocating for some middle ground in every single one of their little pet issues.

There is no lower form of life then the artists behind XKCD

Haha buddy I am just going to comment /r/enlightenedcentrism that means ur wrong 🤣🤣