Drama Queens

0  2018-08-15 by mage_68

Your idea of paradise is drama. You rip off pure angel wings when you feel you got a good opportunity and then you poop on them. This is your main theme of life, when deep down you think you’re great cause you’re kind to your inner circle and fake with everything else. Lifes a joke and you are persistent that it stays that way.


No u

=D I love that saying! Say it when you’ve got no counter argument.

Did someone make a post about you op? 😘

Lol, jelly patrol? Different levels? I can play the assumption game too... it’s one of the drama roller coasters, 😋

you sound upset and confused, whats wrong?

It sounds like the perfect subreddit to get a response like that.

I have nothing wrong, I am absolutely perfect like the next drama queen. But who can achieve that!

If I’m mad it’s a bit difficult to measure cause I feel mellow with just in the corner of my mind this annoyence croud that so far are talking to me in part way of how trump likes to tweet about things. SAD 😞


You can’t even attack my opinion apparently, you just act like some child who can’t have a conversation


Haven’t ran into the grammar nazis yet. 😋

what opinion? you're a raving lunatic that posts word salads with literally no meaning

Not according to any other of the subreddits I venture, I got on the top 5 posts in the mindfulness reddit and one of the better posts in the wim hof method sub Reddit if you compare them to what most people post. I got 100 Karma in a week, with just me sharing my good old humble opinions. 😋

And you don’t know what ad hominem is? That’s all you got. You just pretend the post is impossible to decipher. Instead of taking anything out of ANY of my posts, you basically just say “you crazy dog” “sorry I don’t speak bad English so I can’t decipher stuff” which is funny because I thought I’m speaking in plane English. I have people thanking me in other sub Reddit ms but no obe here thanking me in telling them they are wrong and can’t make sense of things. I’ve deciphered your stuff and it’s mostly just garbage ad hominem stuff that elitist use to get away with shit like Donald Trump. You should watch some of his rallies and see how dumb his followers are. You hit a brick wall in learning if you are just another blind follower and afraid to challenge yourself with opposing views.

you need a psychiatrist

You need to get over yourself

a conversation ABOUT WHATTTTT???

you've lost the plot dude

How drama queen ms destroy the world. They are just another form of scum on this planet that are just another sub set of sickos justifying being sickos. They distroy the peace, they get hard on for destroying relationships, or what betty said.

I think it’s fine I’m being a complete dick about this since you ignore the fact that I said I got three to four upvotes in this thread and the fact that you’re being a major dickwad yourself.

ok you sound fucking crazy, are you off your meds?

what are you even talking about?

Hmmm... I talk to lots of people and we generally laugh and smile a lot, even after I go after there belief structures things generally end on a good note with me. But here, maybe my explanation are vague and cryptic or something but this is the only subreddit that I have had a bad response. I have different accounts and this one is for butting heads

you need to take your meds

Your insults are great. Don’t argue, pretend you’re right instead of having an opinion or bother arguing, just ad hominem. I expected not much else from this forum. I see through this desperado tactic.

not an insult, just a simple observation.

also these words salads of yours dont mean anything, there's nothing to respond to or argue with.

Ok, so your saying nothing to pick apart? Guess I’ll pick it apart myself to make the plate easier for you to try and taste de food I’m feeding ya. And remember mr concrete conclusions, after just 40 views I had two upvotes, magic! And when I did my first ad hominem joke two upvotes! Magic!

Do you believe in magic? 🎶

Or do you believe you are just wrong?

i think i'm gonna stop replying to you, you are obviously not well

It’s the best thing people do on the internet. Just ignore the fact that the person who is not well and is making no sense got upvotes. I was watching them go up and down. It was funny

Everyone has different deciphering skills. Maybe you need to sharpen yours.


Lazy mind sleep. Don’t think too hard. 😉

So tired of getting just two upvotes after the first 24 views. Holy sheet! Magic carpit ride! Now it shot down when double amount viewed the perspective presented in this post.

I can be a rude dude to aholes and a bully to bullies. But I think even them deserve moments of compassion to help get them out of the sickness of justifying themselves. Just my opinion.

How can you get truly angelic and euphoric if you are always bitter of this world and can’t even feel the great strong energies that can be illuminated in others.

Are you ok?