Nazi loser Jason Kessler gets yelled at by his dad for livestreaming with another Nazi in his dad's room

92  2018-08-15 by walkthisway34


The twats are saying that Sam Hyde was there. MDegenerates have to go back.

Its a meme

Look at the guy later who is like: is this same hyde?!? And the voice doesnt match at all lmfao

lol watch as Patrick little dies inside when he gets yelled at

Nazis are the exact sort of people I would support gassing if Hitler was resurrected.

You thought Hitler was ashamed with the whites when his boys got stomped by a black at the olympics, he’d have an stroke if he saw the people who support him today.

MFW my Aryan ubermench chads are no more and I must make do with guys like this

This one is my favorite. I've noticed him at multiple rallies.

Man sent his own chin to the ovens

He looks like he roasts people in the ovens, then eats them.

''Everything bad that happens in my life is because of ze jews ree, scholomo will get me evicted, he is the reason why i can't find me a cute aryan princess since they are all degenerate democracts ree''. These people legit look like huge slobs, no wonder they turned to nazism since they obviously have nothing else to be proud of

Ubermensch indeed. It's hilarious watching all those losers go bankrupt

Do these guys work somewhere? I wonder what their bosses think of them being neo-nazis while being so open about it

Probably not lol That's why they're living in their parents' house and a boat

Umm do we live in different realities? He's got two kings and a twin. When the collapse comes and all the cucks on land are wailing and gnashing their teeth this guy's gonna be sailing the high seas with a boat full of bitches calling himself Cap'n Blackbeard cause of all the muff he'll be diving

I've seen a few friends try the "fuck it, I'll live on a boat!" They talk about how great it's gonna be and they're gonna save so much money. Then they move on the boat and bitch about how much living on a boat sucks. Three months later, they've moved back on land and refuse to talk about it.

Too real

Were you the boat guy or a friend of the boat guy?

Next you're going to tell me that having a pet alligator on a boat doesn't turn out to be feasible in real life.

I'm not here to tell you what to do. Give it a go and report back

Put a strong rope on it and tie it to the boat. Keep feeding it and give it just enough room to swim around and get any kids trying to mess with your shit

One of Kessler's "keynote speakers" for his upcoming rally runs a failing business in my city. The guy uses all his online aliases to write fake 5 star reviews on himself.

hahahaha this guy is 34 and lives with his dad, what a cuck

True genetic superiority right there
