Canadians argue about handgun bans and a mod removes comment chains of people disagreeing with him

28  2018-08-15 by metameanderer


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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I've come to realize that a large portion of Canadians want to ban guns just to be able to show how much more enlightened they are than the Drumpf Rethuglicans

Most of Canadian culture is smugness about not being the states

Imagine having your national identity be “not america”


Like America but whiter, more effeminate, and totally inconsequential.

More effeminate 😍 moving to Canada to get me a cute little trap boy

Hey, Canada is still good for buying our outdated military merch.

That and women fucking actual bears

It is a pretty good thing to be smug about.

American culture is about being happy or proud to be from or part of America. The dominate Canadian culture is "thank God were not American". I told a Canadian coworker and he spit his coffee back into his cup and nodded.

That's a pretty good thing to be smug about.

Someone tell Leafs that Trump breathes air

Literally everything about Canada is based on their obsession with America. It's why they never bothered developing a culture of their own.

A few of them did, it's just smelly, French, and even more smug and self-satisfied than the commonwealth Leafs.

Quebec culture is just smugness about not being from the rest of Canada

Nested layers of smugness, how appropriate

That's true, I usually exclude Quebec when shit talking Canada but I've gotten lazy.

Even other left wing country political subs don't really have mods like r/canadapolitics does.

They frequently get into arguments and delete comments responding to them and one time when the one mod was basically going against everyone in the sub instead of continuing to argue he just stickied a comment explaining why everyone was wrong.

Most of the power users there are the mods or the tankies that hang out there now with top comments talking about getting rid of juries.

It's gotten better since Trudeau got in I think. They can't just ree about harper every day any more. Dougie is the new big bad guy to jerk each other off about though.