Unite The Right organizer admits to living with parents, gets yelled at by dad during live stream

114  2018-08-16 by grungebot5000


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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😂 😂 😂

Interestingly enough, this seems to be a common thing about followers of "extreme" ideologues: most of the self-proclaimed commies, anarchists, nazis and ancaps live in their parents basement. Probably because it's the only place where their narrow worldview can remain unshattered.

The only people who want to radically change the world are those who have failed the hardest in this world.

Well yeah the reason they are such massive failures is because anybody else would be proactive and learn from their mistakes these people prefer to blame liberals, brown people, misogynists, whatever instead

blaming brown people

Is that a less radical version of blaming the blacks?

More inclusive

And, of course, the requisite "it's not that I'm a retard, it's the system that caused my misfortunes!" song and dance.

Oh you fucking moron. That's not quite how it works.

Found the failure.

Not really. Plenty of radicals in history weren’t failures. It’s just that currently, failures tend to become radicals. Presumably out of desperation.

Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like that's a strong argument for making sure society isn't filled with failures, not treating making fun of them as some panacea.

you're not wrong, but you're just boring. make fun of the crazies and make more of em, let it all go to shit, way more entertaining.

make fun of the crazies and make more of em, let it all go to shit, way more entertaining.

This. If you're not actively trying to make some fragile mayo snap and shoot an elementary school you suck at life.

Imagine having real opinions about the future of the human race.

You're right, but the average person isn't going to be able to show compassion towards somebody who has adopted an ideology that is hateful towards them. The trick is to prevent losers from getting sucked into hateful ideologies to begin with.

I don't even look at it as compassion, just a level of sanity on par with not prodding a wild bear with a hot iron.

It doesn't have to be compassion. In fact it probably shouldn't be compassion at all.

The creation of these people in large numbers is a societal problem with societal consequences. We should be figuring out exactly what changes have caused this and how we can throttle them down to normal levels.

There will ALWAYS be people at the bottom of the social order. They will always be angry and a portion of them will always turn to violence. As a society we need to limit the number of these people and their ability to do harm.

Middle class boomers tied their wealth to equity and become intense nimbys as a result of supply and demand. Young rejects cant afford their own housing because they're priced out. They cant even marry into housing because american values state that you must be able to carve your own path at age 18, and the longer they flounder, the less desirable they are. Consolidation of market power to already large companies through the power of the internet through the ease of communication centralizes power to the cities that cant meet the demand of new housing for new residents. Rejects stay home in areas that have no jobs outside of processing plants that are majority Hispanic workforce and see this as a "changing of american values". The two paths then are "companies are taking all the wealth and I can't afford housing" in the cities or "too many fucking Mexicans" in the rural areas.

Nah I think it's cause of roasties

Occams razor says yes

There will ALWAYS be people at the bottom of the social order. They will always be angry and a portion of them will always turn to violence.

and there’s that typical libertarian quitters attitude again

As a society we need to limit the number of these people and their ability to do harm.

oh nvm then

Stopping the defunding and villification of education and academia might be a good start.

America spends more on education per student than the rest of the first world. This is silly.

You didn't even read your own link

And even with the decline in spending, the United States still spends more per student than most countries. The United States spent $11,319 per elementary school student in 2014, compared with the OECD average of $8,733, and $12,995 educating each high school student, compared with an average of $10,106 per student across the OECD.

You're exactly the kind of person that pulls the "Source?" shit. Someone who has no idea what they're talking about but still thinks they have an enlightened and informed viewpoint.

Oh, I read the link.

The difference is I'm not illiterate and can remember the things I said in my previous post.

The American government spends

I'd call you a retard but that wouldnt be fair to the rest of the less handicapped denizens of this fine sub.

I cant wait to see where you take the goalposts from here.

What? I'd assume you were fucking with me but your post history says that you're sincere. What point do you think you're making? Don't tell me you're making some sort of state vs. federal government distinction, which would be irrelevant.

Also, it's really clear how upset you are at being exposed for the uneducated loud mouth you are. Don't know what caused that, but it wasn't American education funding.

What point do you think you're making?

I wrote it out in plain fucking English in my first comment bud. "Stop the de-funding and vilification of education and academia." You didnt bother to argue the vilification at all and instead jumped onto a retarded tangent about spending...which means very little when most of the "spending" is student loans or from outside sources entirely...aka not the government, unless you want to argue that loans are short term government spending.

So, you cherry picked half my argument, built up some dumbfuck strawman in a sad attempt to counter it...then got BTFO when you got asked for a source and completely misenterpreting the entire point.

I never said anything about how much is spent per student...the exorbitant cost of American education is a whole other topic entirely. Try having the self awareness to separate the two you stooge.

Anyway, forget all that and admit you're retarded because either:

A) You're right about Americans spending getting much better education than everyone else and are just being outperformed because they are as retarded as you.

B) You're wrong.


Can't just take the L huh? So you admit that I was right and you were wrong, but you're still writing a long sperg post about how it's not fair? And I'm the dumb one?

You spend all your time discussing politics on the Internet and yet you've proven you don't know shit. Addressing one of your points and proving it wrong isn't even cherry picking. I didn't need to provide a source because YOUR source which you obviously didn't read said exactly what I said.

And no one said Americans are getting a better education than everyone else. Our teachers are garbage. Education majors are the lowest scoring college graduates when tested. It's not a funding issue.

The American Left ladies and gentlemen. More inclined towards mental illness, being ugly, poverty, suicide, and being wrong on the internet.

This is some b-tier butthurt mental gymnastics if Ive ever seen it.

Let us know when you find the balls to back up your statement bucko.

I've talked shit on Trump today. I'm a moderate who isn't particularly interested in politics. Just one more reason I'm clearly better than you.

Oh, and that was government spending. I understand that now you're trying to imply the increase is due to private education but there is nothing in the study your article is based on to suggest that.

Think about this. You've dedicated yourself so thoroughly to an ideological narrative someone else made up that you response to finding out its wrong is to get mad. Not to learn (ironic for someone so vocal about education) from the new information, but to just try to ignore it.

I can't imagine how empty your life and bland your personality must be for you to need this as your identity. What the hell boring part of the country are you from that you didn't manage to form a personality?

My god its the same old tired tropes from you retards everytime you get BTFO in an argument.

I mean my post history makes it clear I don't have a political side. Which makes it much sadder than I'm more informed than you.

So what childhood tragedy made you make silly internet versions of politics part of your identity?

Repeating yourself over and over wont make it anymore true, Dorothy.

I genuinely want to know. Come on, no one else will see this far down. What happened to you?

Mate I'm just bored at work...sorry to disappoint your delusions.

Bro you post on /r/politics. Something went wrong, and you're definitely not at work.

Doubling down on delusional is a bold move, Cotton.

The budget has decreased 4% in the past year, and Trump's new education plan promises to cut 5% more for FY 2019(https://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/budget19/index.html)

Defunding is a real issue in this country. Just spending more money than other countries per student doesn't mean anything, especially considering that our math, science, and reading scores lag behind other countries who spend less (http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/02/15/u-s-students-internationally-math-science/)

A better question than "How much per student are we spending?" would be "Where is that money going?" If you look at the budget set aside, there seems to be a new program for low-income students that gives them scholarships to private schools. It's pretty telling to me that we set aside so much money for kids to leave our public school system to go to a private school rather than deal with the reality that our public school system is broken.

In summation, "we spend the most per student" is an incredibly reductive way to look at the failings of our public schools.

Oh I totally agree that American education sucks, but the argument made by that guy and often championed by the teacher's union is that it's a funding issue. It's not, we already spend more. It's an issue of our educators being extremely low quality (education majors perform the worst of all college graduates when tested) and the structure of our schools being all wrong.

The Republican party is openly hostile to education and the way we fund education is absolutely retarded.

You're absolutely right, though obviously you're not going to get much of an impactful discussion about it going on drama.

What I find interesting is that we currently have more sociologists, gender studies experts, psychiatrists, psychologists, cultural critics, political scientists, and economists than have ever existed in human history. And not just in pure numbers, but as percentage of the population.

And yet no one is talking about this as a social issue or proposing any means of fixing it. The results of it are a major part of our national dialogue (mass shootings) and the resentment from it is at least partially driving politics, but there is no serious discussion going on about it.

I genuinely can't figure out why that is.

It is because white male losers are not seen as "victims" by academic monoculture that trains those sociologists, gender studies experts etc. Richard Rorty noticed it a while ago:

Nobody is setting up a program in unemployed studies, homeless studies, or trailer-park studies ... because the unemployed, the homeless, and the residents of trailer parks are not ‘other’ in the relevant sense

this will result in:

…Members of labor unions, and unorganized unskilled workers, will sooner or later realize that their government is not even trying to prevent wages from sinking or to prevent jobs from being exported. Around the same time, they will realize that suburban white-collar workers — themselves desperately afraid of being downsized — are not going to let themselves be taxed to provide social benefits for anyone else.

At that point, something will crack. The…electorate will decide that the system has failed and start looking around for a strongman to vote for — someone willing to assure them that, once he is elected, the smug bureaucrats, tricky lawyers…and postmodernist professors will no longer be calling the shots. All the resentment which badly educated Americans feel about having their manners dictated to them by college graduates will find an outlet.

Was that written pre-Trump?

Yes, in 1994, I think.

Very interesting, looked the guy up. Where does the quote come from? An article or one of his books?

Achieving Our Country, I think.

It is because white male losers are not seen as "victims" by academic monoculture

That's true in the academic world. In the real world, no one cares about black 'losers' who commit violence either. There is plenty of ink spilled and hand-wringing about mental health treatment, bullying, and societal ills when a white guy loses it. Not so much when 19 people got killed in Chicago. Not that most of the concern about bullied white men is sincere and not just a smoke screen to keep people from talking about gun control.

The ink is spilled when white people do it because it reinforces the narrative that there's something fundamentally wrong with white men, but the astounding rate of black-on-black crime can't be used to reinforce their worldview that black Americans are perpetual victims of outside forces.

Is there not something wrong with white men?

White men are garbage, but white women are actually worse.

I'm a simple person. I prefer the demographic I'd least likely get murdered by. I don't care about metoo and people getting the cops called on them for a BBQ and all that other shit. That's someone else's problem.

I just meant they're way more annoying and surpassed by black girls in every way. But if you're a man that unironically afraid of mass shooters than you're bitch made.

Sure, I'm a white woman and I'm totally annoying.

Let's be honest, academia doesn't really care about black, brown, or red "losers" either unless it's about their interactions with "real people", which are upper-middle class whites.

Good points. Perhpas that's why BLM has received so much support from the left. Better to blame racisim and white cops than address the structural inequalities that many of those on the left benefit from.

Nobody is setting up a program in unemployed studies, homeless studies, or trailer-park studies ... because the unemployed, the homeless, and the residents of trailer parks are not ‘other’ in the relevant sense

implying that MDEtards aren't middle class

Been saying this for a while, and as someone already pointed out, there are certain subsets of the population that aren't considered victims and will never be considered victims no matter what, because all of those social science fields (outside of maybe economics) are completely dominated by the political left.

And on the political left, it's become socially acceptable to attack people based on ethnic identity/gender as long as the target is white or male. A lot of it is because of modern identity politics, which has elevated identity over everything else, facts don't matter, only identity.

I picked up on this when my stepfather got attacked and called "privileged" at work by some 20 year old SJWs. The guy has been working absurd hours weekly for most of his life, he's ruined his hands/joints etc and he's getting called privileged by some delusional college SJWs because he's white/male.

It infuriated him, and that's when it became obvious SJWs were going to create a massive right-wing backlash. This was like 7 years ago.

I'm a generally kind-hearted person and I'm willing to give just about anyone the benefit of the doubt.

But when they open with "I think people who look like you should leave the country" they can gargle my taint.

But white people should fuck off

the basement dwelling retards on MDE, CTH etc. do not deserve sympathy and every time one of them attacks a REAL person we should put thousands of them in camps

Alternately we could just use some kind of marker, like a red cap, to identify and euthanize them for their own good.

/r/politics poster

Everyone is talking about you my dude.


You're assuming everyone should be successful or that everyone should have intimate relations. Inequality isn't necessarily a bad thing.

All the commies I know IRL have like, apartments and jobs and shit. They begrudgingly engage in the system. A few nazis I know irl have weird shitty businesses, like dog grooming.

I want to hear more about your life where you casually hang out with large numbers of adult nazis and commies.

There's not a large number. The commies are mostly friends, as they don't regard me as a race traitor. The neo-nazis was an unpleasant surprise, when I found out they had a white power blog, and then finding a few other friends on the 'subscribed' list. A few guys I knew from when they dabbled in mma and bjj mostly. Our acquaintance ended poorly.

this is the one thing Jordan Peterson is right about tbh

MDE kids got mad at me when I said Unite the Right was run by NEETS who live in their parents basement


We don't know if it's the basement for sure, but apparently it's not his parents' room

It's such a shock that only fucked up shut ins would be interested in openly participating in a nazi rally known only for some freak running over some chubster.

this is an unpredictable world we live in

Classic shitty fandom. People thinking they themselves aren't typical of members in their niche wondering why their group is a joke/failure.

"OK so I have never worked in my life and in fact despise the working class, but we have the support of the people and communism is the future of America!"

"I'M short of cash right now so I'll just pirate this game, but most people won't and I'll surely get a sequel to play"

"Sure I jerk it to anthropomorphic ponies, but not everyone does! We should be added to a sex offender list"

r/beholdthemasterrace is jerking themselves silly over this. Can't say I blame them.

I'm actually a little concerned that we're not. Where are all our Chapo posters?

I guess when they heard antifa yelling "nazis go home," this total alpha took it seriously and obeyed.

He thought it was his mom calling. He was furious when he got home and his tendies weren't ready.

And if he didn't live with parent, boomers would criticize him for not being smart with money... ;)

Boomers? Those guys moved out right away, they get that much at least

And that has to do with their "arguments"...what exactly?

I hope he cleaned his room.

Nah. That's why he's using his dad's

Does he have a 55 inch tv?

"Millenials are increasingly living with their parents due to the poor economy! Thanks a lot Trump!"

"This guy lives with his dad! Haha!"

Imagine calling left-wing lazy slobs who don't want to work hard and get paid and defending a right-wing guy who does exactly that.

Imagine a world where leftist gays cheered for everyone on benefits, and not just the blacks and illegals.

Imagine a world where leftist

No thanks.

For everyone except the people who want to kill benefits. Obviously.

you seem like you live with your parents lmao

HAHA IKR! Because I think you're a hypocrite! HAHA DAE??

when did I ever say anything similar to what you're quoting in that first line? I'm just making fun of you because you seem poor.

Exactly - and you're assuming that because to your one-dimensional mind it has everything to do with me being defensive over a comment you think that I think describes me, rather than pointing out how inconsistent LGBT pedophile Obama welfare Refugees Welcome people are.

I know where you're coming from, and I'm calling you stupid.

do you ever say anything of substance or is it just a bunch of online buzzwords?

I'm just making fun of you because you seem poor.

do you ever say anything of substance

Where's my substance /r/drama!?

how old are you

jesus christ we need to cut off internet access to the trailer parks

How will your wife's boyfriend order that new Star Wars Millennium Falcon Lego set for you?

a shining star of the Sam Hyde School of Comedy

Oh, forgot you're so over Lego Star Wars. What was it this year? Avengers?

Millenials are increasingly living with their parents due to the poor economy!

Economy’s been great for years, the fuck you smoking?

Literally who are both these fags anyways

These are the boogiemen that the slacktivsts on the left are fantasizing about fighting in a glorious battle for the fate of the world.

NEETs fighting NEETs.

I mean, I guess it's better than fighting to the death in European trenches, but it'd be great if they stopped believing that they're no different.

Pretty sure we'd all be better off if they were engaging in trench warfare.

The self-esteem movement was a mistake.

Look at my surprised face, guys. /s

What's next, antifa are unemployed?