DADDY is ON CAPSlock CRUISE conTrol agaiN until he suffers a stroke in A FOLLOW up TweEt

127  2018-08-16 by Strictlybutters




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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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You idiots are supposed to come together and wipe out humanity not waste your time bickering with each other.

Jesus, we cant even create even the AI to wipe us out without infecting it with uncle randy's facebook memes.


no u

{{Redirect|Anchorage||Anchorage (disambiguation)}} {{Use mdy dates|date=May 2012}} {{Infobox settlement |name = Anchorage, Alaska |native_name = Dgheyaytnu |official_name = Municipality of Anchorage |settlement_type = [[Consolidated city-county|Consolidated city-borough]] <!-- Images, Nickname, Motto ---> |image_skyline = Anchorage on an April evening.jpg |imagesize = 260 |image_caption = Anchorage skyline and [[Bootleggers Cove]], viewed from [[Point Woronzof Park]], April 2008 |image_flag = Flag of Anchorage, Alaska.svg |image_seal = Seal of Anchorage, Alaska.svg |map_caption1 = |pushpin_map = USA Alaska#North America |pushpin_map_caption = Location in [[Alaska]], [[United States]] & [[North America]] |pushpin_relief = yes |nickname = "The City of Lights and Flowers", "Los Anchorage"<ref>{{cite news| url=| title=Alaska Cultural Connections: Los Anchorage| first=Jessica| last=Cochran| publisher=}}</ref><ref>{{cite news| url=| title='Los Anchorage' may seem a world apart, but it's not alien territory| first=Dermot| last=Cole| newspaper=[[Fairbanks Daily News-Miner]]| date=September 25, 2011| accessdate=March 15, 2018}}</ref> |motto = Big Wild Life

<!-- Coordinates --> |coordinates = {{coord|61|13|N|149|54|W|region:US-AK|display=inline,title}}

<!-- Location --> |subdivision_type = [[List of sovereign states|Country]] |subdivision_name = {{Flag|United States}} |subdivision_type1 = [[U.S. state|State]] |subdivision_name1 = {{flag|Alaska}} |subdivision_type2 = [[List of boroughs and census areas in Alaska|Borough]] |subdivision_name2 = Anchorage

<!-- Established --> |established_title = Settled |established_title2 = [[Municipal corporation|Incorporated]] |established_date = 1914 |established_date2 = November 23, 1920 <small>(city)</small><br />January 1, 1964 <small>(borough)</small><br />September 15, 1975<br /><small>(unified municipality)</small> |named_for = The [[Anchorage (shipping)|anchorage]] at the mouth of [[Ship Creek]]

<!-- Government --> <!--|government_type = [[Council–manager government|Council–manager]]--> |governing_body = [[City council|Anchorage Assembly]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Anchorage Assembly|publisher=Municipality of Anchorage|accessdate=2014-02-09}}</ref> |leader_title = [[List of mayors of Anchorage, Alaska|Mayor]] |leader_name = [[Ethan Berkowitz]] ([[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]) | leader_title1 = [[Alaska Senate]] | leader_name1 = {{Collapsible list | framestyle = border:none; padding:0; | title = Senators | [[Tom Begich]] ([[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]) | [[Mia Costello]] ([[Republican Party (United States)|R]]) | [[Berta Gardner]] (D) | [[Cathy Giessel]] (R) | [[Anna MacKinnon]] (R) | [[Kevin Meyer (politician)|Kevin Meyer]] (R) | [[Bill Stoltze]] (R) | [[Natasha von Imhof]] (R) | [[Bill Wielechowski]] (D) }} | leader_title2 = [[Alaska House]] | leader_name2 = {{Collapsible list | framestyle = border:none; padding:0; | title = Representatives | [[Chris Birch (politician)|Chris Birch]] ([[Republican Party (United States)|R]]) | [[Matt Claman]] ([[Democratic Party (United States)|D]]) | [[Harriet Drummond]] (D) | [[Les Gara]] (D) | [[Jason Grenn]] ([[Independent (politician)|I]]) | [[Jennifer Johnston (politician)|Jennifer Johnston]] (R) | [[Andy Josephson]] (D) | [[Chuck Kopp]] (R) | [[Gabrielle LeDoux]] (R) | [[Charisse Millett]] (R) | [[Lance Pruitt]] (R) | [[Lora Reinbold]] (R) | [[Dan Saddler]] (R) | [[Ivy Spohnholz]] (D) | [[Geran Tarr]] (D) | [[Cathy Tilton]] (R) | [[Chris Tuck]] (D) }} <!-- Geography --> |unit_pref = Imperial |area_total_sq_mi = 1962.61 |area_land_sq_mi = 1706.61 |area_water_sq_mi = 256.00 |area_urban_sq_mi = 78.8 |elevation_ft = 102

<!-- Population --> |population_as_of = [[2010 United States Census|2010]] |population_est = 298,192 |pop_est_as_of = 2016 |pop_est_footnotes = <ref name=PopHousingEst>{{cite web |url= |title=Population and Housing Unit Estimates |date=August 10, 2017 |accessdate=August 10, 2017 |publisher=[[United States Census Bureau|U.S. Census Bureau]]}}</ref> |population_total = 291826 |population_rank = [[List of cities and census-designated places in Alaska|1st]] in Alaska<br />[[List of United States cities by population|66th]] in the United States |population_density_sq_mi = 151.94 |population_urban = 251,243 (US: [[List of United States urban areas|149th]])<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=2010 Census Urban Area List |publisher=[[United States Census Bureau]] |accessdate=2014-02-09 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=October 10, 2012 |df= }}</ref> |population_metro = 401,635 (US: [[List of Metropolitan Statistical Areas|134th]]) |population_demonym = Anchoragite<br/>{{nowrap|Anchoriginal (informal)}}

<!-- Various codes --> |timezone = [[Alaska Time Zone|AKST]] |utc_offset = -9 |timezone_DST = [[Alaska Daylight Time|AKDT]] |utc_offset_DST = -8 |postal_code_type = ZIP code |postal_code = 99501–99524, 99529-99530, 99599 |area_code = [[Area code 907|907]] |blank_name = [[Federal Information Processing Standard|FIPS code]] |blank_info = 02-03000 |geocode = {{GNIS 4|1398242}}

I've known more coherent downies.

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I didn't know you could encode images in a stylesheet, that's pretty neat.

The Boston Globe, which was sold to the the Failing New York Times for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS (plus 800 million dollars in losses & investment), or 2.1 BILLION DOLLARS, was then sold by the Times for 1 DOLLAR. Now the Globe is in COLLUSION with other papers on free press. PROVE IT!


And interesting demand to PROVE IT! Like, prove what, what you just said? Who are you talking to, daddy?

Daddy is doing it wrong. This is what I would tweet:

In the US, six corporations control 90 percent of the media. I wouldn't call that "free". It's controlled press. The same is true for European countries. Globalists control the media.





What are you on about NYtimes is it's own company and isn't one of those 'big six'.

So is the Washington Post. Doesn't mean it isn't owned by a corrupt oligarch, named Jeff Bezos. That graph is out of date, and was meant as an illustration, not the final thing.

I'd be more concerned that all major conservative news sources are completely consolidated. News corp is the only way to go.

If your're conservative (who watches conservative news) you are either a moron who watches Fox, an even bigger moron who listens to right wing radio, or a fentanyl addled degenerate who has just enough motor skills to get their news from youtube pundits and facebook (reddit) memes.

Fox news is anti Trump as well, you have Shep Smith, Chris Wallace and half of their programming is pro-globalist. The channel is owned by Murdoch, a self described globalist. Just like the Koch Brothers who came out against Trump. Simply because they're Republican doesn't say much, they're in the uniparty together.

Fox news is anti Trump as well

Just because every show doesn't fellate daddy doesn't make it anti Trump.

Fox news is anti Trump as well

Just how many chromosomes are you missing?!

Just enough to apply for Kiwi citizenship.

You'd have to be retarded to be an Ameriburger and think you could meet NZ's stringent immigration criteria tbh.

While I've never fucked a sheep, it can't be that difficult.

Plus, I heard the NZ Immigration board gives everyone a pair of velcro gloves and rubber boots which makes it like shooting fish in a barrel.

please stay out of NZ you nutters are so rightwing our rightwing PM held the same policies of obama

I thought English was the primary language in Kiwiland? Your grasp of it seems tenuous at best.

chur bro for real

Fox news is anti Trump as well

MDE is not sending their best

I have never posted in MDE. I voted for Obama and am a life long Democrat.

lol, scrolling halfway down this page and looking at your posts shows this to be clearly a total fucking lie.

Show me where I posted in MDE. Paranoia is a hell of a drug.

You post in The_Donald. That's even more retarded

Where do you post?

I'm r/drama purist master race you disgusting TD rapefugee

You're a cuck.


There it is.mpeg44

I totally believe you ;)

The only thing you were old enough to vote for in 2012 was the teen choice awards

Fox news is anti Trump as well

This is your brain on conservautism.

corrupt oligarch and richest man

Trump supporters told me that being a corrupt oligarch and a rich billionaire meant you were a fine upstanding candidate for president.

Nobody is buying that

If he was so corrupt, the entire washington oligarchy would have welcomed him with open arms.

You mean like how the entire millionaire class collectively came in their pants when Daddy passed a tax bill that gave then hundreds of millions of dollars?

Oh yeah, I bet they all hate him. But don't worry, I'm sure Trump isn't like all those other billionaires...he definitely has the working man's interests at heart. He's only lying to those OTHER people, not you... ;)

What are you talking about? The millionaire and billionaire class hate him. Even The Koch Brothers just came out against him.

You're confused with Obama, who bailed out the big banks and is now giving big-money speeches to Wallstreet

What about Obaaaaaaaama?!?!?!

lol, thank god I'm rich or I would really hate you retards.

Unironically posting to the New York Times, mouthpiece for the globalists.

I know reading is a struggle, but you should look at the pictures. If I could have found that graph in a youtube video with horrible production values I would have sent you that instead.

Fake news = fake news. No need to flower it up with pictures.

You know how percent likelihood works right? Or are you actually as braindead as everyone thinks you are?

You know which candidate the media was shilling for right? Or are you actually as braindead as everyone thinks you are?

We've gone from "the NYT makes stuff up about the administration" to "the media was shilling for Hillary".

unironically using the globalist grift as a legitimate point

unironically claiming globalism isn't a legitimate point

Princeton study: US an oligarchy, not a democracy

Jesus Christ go back to r/greatawakening or whatever cesspool of propaganda you came from.

He's not confused with Obama. He's talking about Trump, who just gave the millionaires a huge tax cut. The Koch brothers only criticized him because they don't like his tariffs.

You're confused with Obama, who bailed out the big banks and is now giving big-money speeches to Wallstreet

“His paid speeches in part have allowed President Obama to contribute $2 million to Chicago programs offering job training and employment opportunities to low-income youth,” Lewis said.

What a fucking monster lol

in part

I wonder what's the other part.

Lol, are you insinuating that because they didn’t specifically name where the rest of the money comes from it must be nefarious? Makes sense when there current president Trump’s charitable enterprises are nothing more than a large funnel used to proverbially butt chug tax free pork.

Clearly its being used to fund illicit pedo camps in Kenya.

I think you need to take a step back and realize how stupid everything you've said up to this point is lol

I think you need to take a step back and realize how stupid everything you've said up to this point is lol

the entire washington oligarchy would've welcomed him with open arms

So, exactly what happened then.

you'd read only positive stories about him in Jeff Bezos' "news"paper.

The reason you are still poor is because you don’t recognize how much money there is to be made milking #Resistance idiots.

If he was so corrupt, the entire washington oligarchy would've welcomed him with open arms

Do you get along with all of your coworkers that have the same job as you?

and you'd read only positive stories about him in Jeff Bezos' "news"paper.

"Well he is gutting the EPA, declaring Canada a threat and starting a trade war, but as long as he's also corrupt I won't report on that stuff in my newspaper."

They are still a couple decades out on the advent of self awareness.

Keep Yourself Safe MDEImmigrant.

AFAIK the Big Six of media companies people talk about on the internet are: 1. Comcast/NBC 2. Disney 3. ATT/Warner 4. Fox 5. CBS 6. Viacom

Notwithstanding how CBS and Viacom are basically subsidiaries of the same company and how this completely ignores John Malone’s sprawling media empire (Charter, Sirius, Discovery, Lionsgate, QVC, a bunch of others), these companies don’t even own any newspapers or major news websites, the only thing they own is TV news which is trash anyway so who cares

Of course many people would then point out that this consolidation of media is a direct result of deregulating the industry and the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Daddy could fix this problem if he wanted to (or at least try). He doesn't.

/u/Pizzashill I think I found your match

Opposites do attract right /u/pizzashill

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Imagine being so uneducated and so indoctrinated in right-wing internet memes you think Donald Trump is a valid source of information.

If I were Daddy, I'd have this on auto-tweet every 24 hours or so.

Every time I read a tweet from daddy I realize I am really overthinking my own life.

Why is he not orange around the eyes. Just noticing from the thumbnail.

From wearing goggles for his spray tans

And his butthole.

He wears goggles for his butt hole?

Not goggles, a goggle.

Unless he's got 2 buttholes. Possible.



His second butthole is below his nose.

Most photos of his face show that effect. It's because he's stupid.

I mean, it has something to do with his tanning regimen probably, but the root cause is that he's stupid.


Regardless of what party in office next I just hope politics is less retarded in the future

If it gets more retarded than this we will literally all die. We are like 2 steps from declaring war on the sun for refusing to stop doing nuclear.

Sun provides free solar power, flooding the market and hurting our precious coal jobs. Build a wall around the atmosphere!

Simpsons did it.

Trump is the first learning disabled American to make it to the white house.

This is a good sign, diversity is our strength.

Wow you got pizzashill to comment, truly a feat

That'd be good for dramacoin

This man wins the internet for today.

Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

  1. Why would you hope that

  2. Why would you expect that to happen

We should have stopped a long time ago, but let's keep going and see what happens.

it wont be

When you think about it, Armageddon is just the endgame for all dramamongers

His tweets are becoming increasingly unhinged by the day.

Started from the bottom now somehow more bottomer

more bottomer

This is how I describe myself on Grindr.

no you’re not 😉

I just edited it to an outline link so you can avoid the newsweek bullshit.

Remember, this is how you're supposed to act. If you behave in this way then our society will reward you with money, power, and praise. Behaving otherwise is wrong and contemptuous.

only if you had a certain amount of money to begin with, dudes from below the poverty line that act like this end up dying in prison nine times out of ten

but that's just a slight step up from the 8 out of 10 likelihood from being below the poverty line

user reports:
1: <no reason>

EVERY TIME 😂 😂 😂 😂




Imagine getting this hype over fake reports.

Found the guy who reported

Found another guy getting hyped about fake reports.


Watch out mommy will give you a time out if you don’t calm down.


You’re usually a good boy so you just be upset if you aren’t listening to mommy’s rules.

This is everything that the open and participatory internet wet-dreamed of in the 80s and 90s has come to.

This is the end result of millions of hours of coding and design. We should never have even attempted agriculture.

Millions? Try billions. We should be whipped out as a species.

Whipped out of Earth's gravitational pull and into open space

Agriculture was an inevitable result of society.

We should probably just start there.

Isolate all humans, especially mayos, from birth. Seems like the perfect cure for society's ills.

150 person tribes, max. Any bigger and there's a culling.

A purge, as it were.

I have to respect how bad an insult this is to the democrats. Democrats are so shitty at being the opposition party that the President can't even remember they exist, fuck it close down the democratic party.

Having Alzheimer's to own the dems

To prove the media isn't colluding we're all gonna run anti trump articles and collude to put them together since trump won't worship us like a golden calf


Coordinating is not colluding, you clown. Collusion is secret.

hurrdurrdurr "anti-trump"

Yes, as is their absolute right under the first amendment which retards like you seem to hate so much.

And the president uses his rights to denounce the enemy of the people

Trump has never denounced himself though

>Anyone who says mean things about Daddy is the enemy of the people

That is definitely a healthy mindset.

If Daddy hates the dishonest press so much, why does he give Fox & Friends blowjobs every morning, on twitter?

It definitely has nothing to do with him being a thin-skinned manchild who will try to slander anyone who criticizes him in the slightest.


that ad for merch in the middle of his nonsensical tirade

Never change

Its not him, different account. The OP only is

Man I'm still getting used to Twitter. Is that other account associated with him or just a fanboy?

Looks like a fan group selling merch A merch seller pretending to be a fan

His advisers need to take his phone away when they're changing his diapers

I like that advertising post he had later

Cover shipping and we’ll send you a MAGA hat or flag.

The left is working very hard to end this deal!!

That is hilarious, it's like those old clickbaity youtube titles "22 BANNED commercials that the government DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!!1!".

I see as the next tweet down, with some sketchy link saying that you get free Maga hats.

I am now hoping for someone to put spyware in all the Trump supporting boomer computers by mass liking/retweeting dumb shit like this on every Trump tweet.

I like how he thinks domestic companies working together is "collusion" in the same sense as a political candidate working with a hostile foreign government.

Also, I think he forgot that he thinks collusion isn't a crime.

Magnificent. He somehow one-ups himself every single time.