"Hello if you have a mental illness and use it to manipulate people or as an excuse for your shitty behaviour then you're a cunt thank you for coming to my ted talk" - anna on Twitter

49  2018-08-16 by itsnotmyfault


womp womp


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Ouch op got btfo by ed and snappy

implying I didn't post this for that specific reason.


For real




Ugh, you're responsible for your behavior even if it's caused by mental illness. This chick getting all whiny bc she knows OP post is about her.

This is the shittiest tweet I’ve ever seen, people can’t control their mental illness and there isn’t always the right help available for everyone so educate yourself

+defending nutcases +shittiest tweet ever +"""educate yourself""" +later says she has mental illness herself

Most people attacking Anna assume she has no problems but she herself has mental illnesses.

Twittercide when

lol the best thing is her twitter profile. fat af white girl with a fat af white beta bf, then here's her again in the twitter chain

As a person who suffers from depression and anxiety, I can wake up some days and literally not want to look my partner in the eye or speak to him or anyone and yes my overthinking sometimes takes over and causes problems in my relationship but I am in no way controlling

yes that's probably the reason you can't look at him

How did the boomers fuck up so badly to raise an entire generation of psychotic, mentally insane people? Good lord.

Now THAT is a hot take.

These days it seems like 9/10 mental illnesses are just diagnosis for character flaws (lazy and unambitious, lacks self control, etc).