A gamer™️ RISES UP in /r/publicfreakout

61  2018-08-17 by Pablopubes


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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wow that kid really hates women and minorities

He lives in a society

This is so sad, can we hit 50 women and/or minorities?

Alexa, place despacito

dae a member of the 9 year old army?!?! 👌👌👌

Wait you are pro sematism and niggerism?

Wait you are pro sematism and niggerism?

Not surprising that a mdefugee can't spell out! out! out!

How do you have so much time to be such a fucking retard in so many subs?

Is this a parody account?

I am Jewish dude. You are literally oppressing me right now.

Apologize for the 600 million killed in the shoah goy.

I pray to Allah that you do get some genuine oppression in your life. Perhaps it might knock some sense back in to you and prevent you from being such an insufferable faggot in the future.

tfw you can't even /pol/ shit post well

Is there anything you can do?

Lol did you write this embarrassing poem:

Let Europe go, let Europe go Can’t hold Islam back anymore Let Europe go, let Europe go Turn my back and open the immigration door

Sharia blows red on the mountain tonight Not a christian to be seen A kingdom of islamification and it looks like post box scenes The Mosque call to prayer is howling like the swirling storm inside Couldn’t keep it in Allah knows I try

Don’t let (((them))) in, don’t let (((them))) see Be the muslim girl you always had to be Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know Well now they know

It’s funny how some distance make Rwanda genocide seem small And the milirary that once defended me can’t defend me me at all Up here in the Mosque pirouette I finally can breathe I know European cultural suicide left a life behind but I’m too relieved to grieve

What the actual fuck

Everybody's a critic. Tough crowd.

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Omg no way 😂

just die

Sure it makes nerds like you really mad so I support diversity 10000%

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

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As long as you don’t support nationalism in any form, sure.

bottom text

Jared Leto > Heath ledger

gang weed

Well to be fair Heath Ledger did contribute to the mayocide


Nicholson > all

delete your account smh my head


We live in society

fight the leftist zerg.

Holy shit he unironically thinks of life in gaming allegories.

That really bing bings my wahoos

Is this the right wing version of Harry Potter analogies


I think so




I dont know what that word means so I'm just gonna take it as an insult

It's at least a nice change from dumb American liberals referring to Drumpf with Harry Potter and Marvel references.

who the fuck is Harry Marvel

le orange voldemort man


nice change

no it's the same thing only worse

Thats NEET culture.

That's ridiculous.

Leftists are CLEARLY Tyranid, with a dash of Ork.

Nah, they're Tau.

You just picked that name out of a hat didn't you?

As bad as capeshit or worse! YIKES!!!

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This is like one of my japanese animes.

It's not an education to listen to some elitist professor telling you his feelings.

Little good nugget in there.

It's true that ivory tower academics love to lecture as though their opinions come forth from the mouth of God.

That being said I don't think I ever heard one of my professors go into their personal opinions during a class.

Nor did any of mine. Most professors just want to get back to their research, or collect their paycheck. It's almost as if this kid has never stepped foot in a lecture hall...

I probably would not have half the opinions I currently have without the internet. Liveleak opened my eyes back in the day. I'm pro-education, if you mean getting an actual education.

Oh pardon me, he attended the University of 4chanTM

I mean it happened once, though they were pro bush. So...

That being said I don't think I ever heard one of my professors go into their personal opinions during a class.

I have, but the kicker is they were always the garbage mandatory humanities you had to take and so on. It was never the professor derailing the thermodynamics lecture to talk about their feelings, it was the person who taught public speaking or some stupid shit.

dont take classes on public speaking

you could have found a better gened requirement than that if you looked at the classes for 5 fucking minutes

What's wrong with taking a course on public speaking if it fills an elective requirement? I did the same thing because I have issues with, surprise, speaking in public. I had a great professor and it was great for me.

If it's 3 credits and you can take almost any damn class at the Uni for that requirement, why would you tell someone to not take something if they're interested in the topic, or would benefit from the course?

I have issues with, surprise, speaking in public

shocking, coming from an /r/drama user

Public speaking classes have never been useful to me, but I don't sperg out when I have to talk in front of more than one person.

Well I'm unsure what "sperg out" has to do with anything. But there's nothing wrong with trying to gain a little confidence and a couple strategies so you don't 'um' and 'uh' your way through a presentation. Doesn't sound like the worst thing to me. But I'm sure someone like you can find a reason to complain about anything.

Oh man, I had a fucking professor one semester who literally spent the entire class just teaching her retarded fucking opinions as fact. It was all gay fucking woque shit too. I actually wanted to learn about population dynamics and this dumb bitch just kept going on about racism or how republicans were bad or whatever. She'd bitch at you if you disagreed with her in papers or whatever, too, you'd have to parrot back her retarded shit to get good marks.

This bullshit was literally ten years ago and I'm still mad about it.

Most colleges have to hire these “people” to fill in the quotas for every student to get a humanities. My professor wasn’t that bad but every so often he’d leak how left wing he was lol

It was, unfortunately, a very left-wing activist type school, so I ran into this same problem over and over in lesser degrees all throughout my time there. When I was 17 and deciding which college to go to that school seemed great, until I got there and discovered the hellscape of hyperaggressive "progressive" activism. Shit was almost evergreen-tier.

If it got to evergreen tier I can only imagine how long you had to stand by and watch such bullshit.

My college’s populace is mostly Hispanic with the rest being whites and quite literally a dozen black people.

There’s no real hyper-progressivism except when they announce things like those “activist” participations and one of the introductory cornerstone professors exclaiming how amazing it was that our campuses were so diverse which made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable.

What kind of stuff did you experience during your classes at this college?

That prof. was the worst but almost every department had idiots shoehorning political philosophy into class. Like I took a biological anthropology class which spent the entire semester excusively teaching that race was a social construct.

I actually applied for and got accepted to a fairly exclusive creative writing program there and then had my advisor in the program tell me to write about feminism instead of science fiction which was literally the entire basis of my application. I kept being like "No." and she kept talking over me like "Here are some feminism classes you can take as part of-" "NO."

And that's just the professors. I would need like four pages to detail how terrible the students were. I eventually managed to find and befriend what were probably the only two other edgelords on campus, but the general student population was basically every SJW stereotype rolled into one.

Holy hell are you in the most left leaning parts of California lmao

Like I honestly can’t imagine even paying the tuition for what sounds like an adult daycare center.

but the general student population was basically every SJW stereotype rolled into one.

All white? Rich?

I hope you eventually transferred out of there and found a better college.

Not California. This area was honestly worse than the parts of California I've been to.

All white. Rich. Extremely aggressive about race issues and every other minority issue. Virtue signalling up the wazoo. Buzzwords ahoy. Genderhairs everywhere. Constant rallies about retarded shit while these privileged mayos screamed about being oppressed. Everyone's a black trans disabled helicopterkin. Think of a stereotype, and these fuckers met it. It was basically Tumblr made flesh.

I know their dropout rate was extraordinary despite not having very challenging academic programs. IDK about admission rates.

I was going to ask if it's Reed but then you said it wasn't that challenging. While a hippy wasteland, reed is pretty rigorous

You're on the right track, but yeah naw, it wasn't even good academically

I had a math professor who would derail class to talk about feminism. Oddly enough she was one of the best math teachers I had AND one of the most reasonable feminists I've heard from. Like, she'd actually engage in discussion with students and respond to their criticism.

as long as it means less work for the class I'd give her 5 stars on Rate My Teacher

Why are ALL people who consider themselves "gamers" like this?

Because only whiny fragile manchildren label themselves gamers.

they came for gamers... GAMERS

Because gaming makes people like this stay inside the exact mindset of a 14 year old boy.

Gamers are legit worse than an*me.

They don't have jobs.

because they don't grow up and have degenerate hobbies as adults (video games, anime etc)

Normal people that play video games do so for fun and leave it at that. The "gamer" retards don't have much going on in their lives socially or economically (minus notch of course, except the social bit) so they tie a lot of their self worth into the hobby they obsess over. This causes these lonely losers to reeeee really good when a light is shined on their mediocrity

