Antifa are openly celebrating the antifa terrorist bombing of a political organization on their sub and the admins don't do anything

143  2018-08-17 by burtonei


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Piss off you streetshitter

Anyone opposing or criticising Antifa is a fascist. Period.

Where do I get my fascist uniform and badge?



Lol imagine getting baited this easilly.

Says the dude who downvotes me every time I criticize Obama.

Says the unironic gamergator πŸ˜‚

Why are there so many in here? I can tolerate the MDE tards but gamergate? Just end my life already sweet Allah.

Lmao imagine unironically crying about downvotes.

You have to go back

You are retarded

Wow this πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ‘† there's a reason it's called "anti" fa

It only make sense to call yourself an antifascist if u're a fascist, then

^ white logic.

Logic doesn't have color

Stop whitesplaining, retard.

You're trying too hard.

I really want to see a white supremacist group call itself the "Anti White Supremacy League" just to drive home the point that names are fucking meaningless.

If you aren't willing to blow yourself up to stop fascism, you probably are a fascist who needs blowing up.

Are you just calling all anti facists groups antifa now or are your purposefully trying to lie about a connection between a us group and a bombing in Italy ?

one of them was a pressure boiler with nails inside

Wew lad. I was going to say that they can't try to claim it was just trying to cause property damage and was legitimately trying to kill people but when has that ever bothered anarchists

Anyone got a source for this? I can't see a international media reporting on it, and I can't tell if the Italian source is reliable.

Corriere is the most reliable Italian newspaper.

Corriere della sera, not corriere del Veneto.

Spaghetti spaghetti ravioli, eh ragu!

Corriere del Veneto is the β€žlocalβ€œ Corriere della Sera.

Oh. Never heard of it, but you are right.

Cool is my pasta and pizza ready yet

Fuck you I don’t cook for burgers.


Who cares?

People who would like site wide tiles enforced with some goddamn semblance of consistency?

The absolute state of carefags

Anarchists have been edgelord terrorists for like 150 years tho. What’s new? Either the right destroys them, the liberals destroy them, the social democrats destroy them or the bolsheviks/Leninists destroy them, because they’re so annoying no one else wants to be their friend.

They were very good for dramacoin though -

Russian mobilization was the real reason for war tho

Pan-slavism was the reason for the war. If Russia didnt guarantee southern slav independence after the Bosnian crisis there wouldn't be Russian mobilization and German counter-mobilization. Also Germany and their stupid blank check.

People are reading A world undone by gj meyer

Wheres ur education pal. Wilhelm and Nikkie are the worst! Shriveled arm and wordt tszar

German autism is what caused the war

Daily reminder that Western historical consensus is that--while there were systematic problems behind the acceleration of the clusterfucking of Europe--Austrian (German) and German expansionary policies were the root cause of WWI.

Virgin germanic empire fragility vs the chad colonial empires of france amd britain

french chad



Napoleon was the last gasp of French world rule

He was a cuck too.

Napoleon: Hey lil America, watch my land for me while I show Europe what's what?

America: Sure bro, I'll take real good care of her ;)

OP blatantly bitching about edgelords is pretty new

italy are escalating like crazy theyre probably a good indicator of what can happen elsewhere

Unite the right 2 was a very good indication πŸ‘

lol no the people that would have gone to that just didnt want to get photographed and fired like last time

they made a huge deal about it and they expected people to just voluntarily do it to themselves again

It's good that they forced those people into the back into the shadows. The time wasn't ripe enough for mass organization yet.

They're a good indicator of what happens when the doctrine of containment of communism wins over the doctrine of de-fascistising even long after the red scare has passed.

Pssssst. It's because white people who are smart enough to achieve influential positions in their countries are also smart enough to know that the right wing is right about the Jews, the blacks, the spics and the Arabs -- that theyre not like us, and that a single white man moving over to make room for any one of them is a complete waste.

You are both wrong.

Antifa commit violence and you suggest being against communism of the reason?


Hey bby u used of instead of as


No, I was suggesting that 'italy an indicator of what can happen in other countries' is not entirely transferable, because the politics of modern day italy (at least as it applies to far-right/fascist parties and antifa activity) is due in some large part to Italy's interesting relationship with its own fascist past and the post-ww2 threat of communism in italian politics. It's not entirely a surprise that openly fascist parties and parties which heavily flirt with fascism in italy are met with antifa resistance. I mean the country actually was fascist at one point, so I think its pretty expected that some of the population still has a strong anti-fascist sentiment. Many in Italy also have a pretty rosy interpretation of fascism under Mussolini, so of course there will be fights.

Yes but you expressly stated that containing communism was a bad thing.

I didn't, those things aren't mutually exclusive. One doesn't have to be neglected for the other to succeed

You literally made it an either or statement.

They're a good indicator of what happens when the doctrine of containment of communism wins over the doctrine of de-fascistising even long after the red scare has passed.

He's saying you can do both

Why use or?

His original statement isn't an either or, you just read it that way. It's not picking one over the other, it's balancing both of those concerns.

He was implying they should have contained communism but not at the expense of letting fascists off the hook so they could be a counter balance to the commies.

i mean thats a pretty consistent trend isnt it

The problem is they think life is a film and they are the heroic rebels. They forget that real lives are on the line, and not just members of the 'enemy'. You can't claim that a bomb with nails in it was only intended to cause property damage and expect to be taken seriously. Mind you, they are grown adults who think they are anarchists, so no one takes them seriously any way.

Anarchists were pretty scary when they were making huge political hits like Ferdinand and McKinnley. But now, they are pretty much sports completely dominated by technology, the success of capitalism, and their own lack of conviction.

Myself and a friend went along to an 'anarchists' meeting at our university when we were students, and we were both asked to leave because we were 'being too unruly'. It was the president of the anarchists society who threw us out. The president...of an anarchists society.

Lol. Bunch of LARPers.

They were, without exception all upper middle class men. They took notes on their first generation (expensive as heck) i-pads. They were silly. We laughed at them...lots.

You targeted Anarchists. Anarchists.

And we can't even mean-ping anymore? Fucking r/drama mods are useless.

I just got cancer from reading the word 'yeah' in every sentence.

Dead Mayo Storage

Italian fascist and antifascist are fucking wild. Every two years or so, there is a terrorist from one or the other camp that kill people.

This. American antifa and alt-right kiddies are nothing compared to the big boys in Europe.

The fags and the gays

Mayos in eu getting uppity for a new world war after 70years of peace

Brigati Rossi was doing a lot of bombing as recently as 40 years ago.

Smh my head they can celebrate bombs but we can’t ping :(

there is nothing wrong with bombist fascist pigs

that's what I'm saying

Be the change you want to see but practice on yourself first.

Fascism isn't a petty reason... It's like you forget the Holocaust or something.

People didn’t forget the holocaust, anarcho faggots like you aren’t much better though πŸ˜‚

Keep it classy 'pede!

I’ve been banned from T_D for like a year you sperg

You called yourself a 'pede, you have submitted more to T_D than any other subreddit by a long-shot, and you just said anarchists aren't any better than the Holocaust (not that it makes any sense to compare people to an event, but whatever).

I’ve been banned from the Donald for a long time and I am no longer a Trump supporter. My post history says otherwise but I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

As for the anarchists thing, I just implied anarchists, communists, etc have proven themselves to be no better than fascists throughout history. You post on r/Anarchism so I imagine you take offense to this.

As for the anarchists thing, I just implied anarchists, communists, etc have proven themselves to be no better than fascists throughout history. You post on r/Anarchism so I imagine you take offense to this.

Look, if you actually want to have a conversation, I'm totally open to do that. /r/Drama doesn't seem like the time or place for that, however.

Maybe we can make a thread on /r/DebateAnarchism about the history of anarchists and how they have historically been no better than fascists throughout history?

I would agree that "communists" a la the USSR and Bolsheviks have been no better than fascists, but it's pretty easy to see how those aren't good examples of communism, and even if we accept that they were communists, people like Bakunin and Kropotkin were there pushing those exact "communists" during and after the revolution to change direction, e.g. Kropotkin's Letter to Lenin. The USSR also has a long history of killing anarchists en masse, and anarchists have a history of revolting against the Bolsheviks and the USSR (internally and in other countries where the USSR decided to suppress revolutions, e.g. the anarchist revolution in Catalonia which the USSR squashed).

(not that it makes any sense to compare people to an event, but whatever).

You brought it, you fucking retard...

I implied fascists were responsible for the Holocaust, and attacking fascists helps prevent those sorts of future events.

Then this Donald Trump supporter said anarchists aren't much better than the Holocaust anyway - which I just took to mean "no better than fascists."

Which is absurd, not that this is the place to expand upon why anarchists have a history of fighting for equal rights of humans and stopping genocide while fascists have a long history of promoting superiority and oppression and are responsible for some of the most efficient and appalling examples of genocide in all of history.

Anarchists also started WWI smh.

That an anarchist (whether truly considered a part of the anarchist tradition or not - let's just say it is, despite being quite different from most of the history of anarchism) assassinated an Austro-Hungarian ruler was about freeing Bosnia from hegemonic control. The anarchist wasn't aiming to start a world war, just to free their country and fight back; the Nazis were aiming to genocide all Jews, gypsies, gays, and political opponents. That the unintended consequence of the assassination was an explosion in world leaders only tells us it was the straw that broke the camels back, not that the anarchists single-handedly planned and brought about the World War.

1 year ago

Man you people are really good at deflecting. Now to conversation went from you being a terrorist supporting anarcho-dumbass to this guy posting in TD over a year ago.

BTW, guess what, bombings actually kill people who have nothing to do with your idiotic political disagreements.

Man you people are really good at deflecting.

:-/ I wasn't deflecting ...

Now the conversation went from you being a terrorist supporting anarcho-dumbass to this guy posting in TD over a year ago.

His post history shows a strong support of Donald Trump, and his comment that anarchists are no worse than fascists responsible for the Holocaust seems to further corroborate the message that he's a fascist or a fascist sympathizer.

Additionally, I do not support those bombings - they used nails in a pressure cooker. That shit hurts and kills innocent people and is not a targeted attack against fascists - you can't guarantee with that sort of attack that just The Bad Guys get hurt, so no - I was not a "terrorist supporting anarcho-dumbass" - you just don't mind lumping us all together even when it's not honest.

BTW, guess what, bombings actually kill people who have nothing to do with your idiotic political disagreements.

Yep, and that's fucked up. There's a reason the moderators removed that post: anarchists by and large are not insurrectionist assholes who think indiscriminate violence is acceptable.

checks post history

Wow youre a massive fragile faggot

return false;

Wow cool nice quirky code comment ex deee!!

Anyone else here code le epik style?

switch (user) {

  case 'CSharpeApostle': 
    return false;
    return true;

Lmfao a switch statement for a binary situation

Keep you and your java 101 code safe,

java 101

Guess you didn't notice those single quotes.

return !(user == "CSharpeApostle");

Guess you didnt notice i dont have e between sharp and apostle

Also LOL unneccesary not condition and parenthesis leading to R E A D A B I L I T Y ISSUES!!

Would not pass code review

Thanks, shit

return user != "CSharpApostle";

Whew, glad that shit didn't go to prod...

Can’t even handle a Challenger of Peace without crying and begging the government to ban wrongthink

I’m gonna kill the fash, ma!

It says 'dodge' right on the vehicle, imagine being so stupid as to stand in the way of it.

As long as they're mayo

Thought I was in AHS for a second, what is up with that title?



not celebratinng / ignoring antifa terrrorists

Thank fucking Christ you leftists aren't all dead yet. I thought you disappeared under the weight of Soy, Black lives matter, third wave feminism, transgender bathroom shitting privileges, beta cucking, Nintendo Labo bing bing bing wahoo, Bernie Sanders, LARPing, NuMales, hipsters, Starbucks coffee shop windows, fapefugee rights etc.

The identity politics spook almost took you all away from us like an illegal alien spic beaner migrant anchor baby.



Hope to see you on the battlefield and rape your corpses.

-Sincerely, a national Socialist


Edge so sharp I cut myself.

You were our last fallback against something like what you just did. You were the backup. You were our last hope, and you positioned yourself as such. You were the chosen one. And you betrayed our trust. And you sit upon that high-horse as a self-proclaimed hero among men, calling yourself a champion of the people as you tread upon our heads to climb to the top. You dare to throw up class struggle as a shield against criticism, as deflection of your betrayal.

And yet, your best efforts failed today. A day may come when our courage fails and we bow to those who claim to be our moral superiors, but I am proud to say that this is not that day.

A day may yet come when /r/KotakuInAction falls forever, but today is not that day! Take your momentary victory, it has done you no good to stab us in the back. You struck us down and we returned more powerful than you could imagine.

The queerest part is that you can somehow square destroying one of the few bastions of truly free-speech left on the internet in general and Reddit in particular as a defense of the first amendment, but alas, within this post lie many a contradiction one would not expect a sane mind to create. Farewell, David. And know this...

This was literally the worst possible move you could have made. Doing nothing would have served your purposes better, because now we gird our strongholds closer. You not only failed to destroy KotakuInAction, you have galvanized it.

I mean, it sucks but I'm just glad the whole world civil war thing is happening. /r/combatfootage and /r/watchpeopledie were getting pretty stale with ISIS not doing so much anymore. Shit. Imagine the production value of some European right wing populist ethno nationalist terror squad burning muslims, Jews and faggots at the stake out in the woods in Poland somewhere to the tune of synth wave, and I'm Doing My Part memes. Shit could be so good.

the admins don't do anything

That should be Reddit's slogan at this point tbh. Except when it comes to mean pings πŸ˜’


Admins don't do anything


Any other sub where they openly plot terrorism would flat out have been closed.

They close subs on this site for saying nigger.


Fuck The League, I'll shed no tears for them.

If killing civilians was their intent, i think it's debatable whether Italy is currently in a state where attacks targeting civilians are justified.

This is a great view into the mind of an extremist. There is a ideological line where if your country does the wrong thing politically, it will then be justified to target and murder civilians who have nothing to do with those politics.

How many LGBT people are killed in Italy a year? How many Romani? How many disabled people? How many Italians give a shit? You say they will tolerate fascism more? I say they've been tolerating oppression for long enough, and it's time to end it by any means necessary.

Nothing screams "I'm a good person" like bringing up minorities to literally use them as swords for your own agenda and justifying harm on others.

Speak for yourself you violent nut job, you sure as hell don't speak for me. I am not your tool and my oppression/discrimination isn't your story to use to justify your own hateful heart. People like you don't and can't (because you are sociopaths) about us, use just exploit us like any other right wing trash.

I's too bad username pings are out now, because PissFanatic certainly makes a good point there, IMHO.

I will say this. If you could go back in time and stop the bombing from taking place, would you? If yes, you deserve what you would get. End of story. You either stand in solidarity, or out yourself as a traitor in waiting. That's all that really matters.

This would be good drama if it weren't for your smug SRD tier title.

Salvini has claimed β€œthe wave of racism is simply an invention of the left” and in response to rising criticism on Sunday tweeted β€œmany enemies, much honour” – a reference to a quote from Benito Mussolini on what was also the anniversary of the fascist dictator’s birth.

Huh. So Italian fascists are actually fascists.

The fascist party really is made of fascists

Isn't it so crazy that there are fascists in the country that invented fascism? Really make me think

Idk my dude, I'm used to "fascists" being anyone to the right of Mao. It's surprising to see it being used correctly.

people advocating a lawless nation using violent rhetoric goes and does something violent

don't know why some people regard them as not dangerous