Bad "Roommate"
58 2018-08-17 by akepsjr
Hello everyone!!!
Let me start off by saying that I share a room with my sister. She has to wake up at "4:30am" every morning but never can. She actually sets three alarms and doesn't physically get up until the third.(4:30am, 4:45, and 5:00am) I have to wake up by 7am so I am now losing about three hours of sleep everyday because I can never fall asleep after all of her alarms go off.
Also, it's not like the sound for the alarms is nice! ! It sounds like a train is going off in OUR bedroom, it's so loud. I've tried talking to her about it several times but she doesn't understand. Also I kinda feel bad for this one but she is so rude!!! - sometimes when she doesn't wake up, I'll just turn on all the lights on her... what's it to me, I'M WIDE AWAKE!
Okay thanks, please lmk what I should do. Everyone else in my house wakes up on the first alarm and it's not a problem. Also, she is just being lazy and doesn't wanna get up. She's been waking up at 4:30am on one alarm for about two years but she's only been setting three alarms for about the past three months. I also understand that a lot of people do this with alarms but I share a room with her and it is ruining my sleep time.😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
1 Mary-Celeste 2018-08-17
She wants you to bang her.
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
This had been the best comment ever, thank you.
1 Mary-Celeste 2018-08-17
You should throw water on her or hit her or something for a couple of days until she starts waking up by herself.
1 nahnotreallytho 2018-08-17
move out
life sucks kid
1 ObnoxiousFactczecher 2018-08-17
1 CSharpApostle 2018-08-17
Xd epik archer reference!!!!
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
I dont get it
1 LightUmbra 2018-08-17
Live on the streets and sell crack
1 0987654231 2018-08-17
1) Get an air horn
2) If she doesn't wake up at 4:30 use the air horn to wake her up.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-08-17
This is the actual solution.
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
1 bored12345679 2018-08-17
Fyi they are cheap from the dollar tree
1 _narrows 2018-08-17
have her switch to using her phone as her alarm, and just sleep with headphones on. Or smother that bitch the next time she ignores her alarm. Just throw a pillow over her face and use ALL of your body weight to hold it down. She'll struggle, for a while anyway, but think of all the sweet, uninterrupted sleep you'll be getting once she's out of the picture.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-08-17
You expect a girl to think about something other than herself? 😹😹😹
1 CSharpApostle 2018-08-17
Coming to r drama for life advice....
Hmmmm. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
1 SamWhite 2018-08-17
Every now and again we get one of these posts where someone just types in the url and somehow ignores all the contextual clues about where they are. Just roll with it.
1 Osterion 2018-08-17
Does that Indian soap opera person still post here?
1 SamWhite 2018-08-17
Yup. Not sure that's one person, think that's a spam network.
1 skyrimporn64 2018-08-17
Just steal enough to make it a felony, and go to prison. No more sister, easy.
1 HungerArtistatlunch 2018-08-17
Everybody has to wake up at the same time there too.
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-08-17
Beat her ass
A little domestic violence goes a long way
1 Ie_reddit 2018-08-17
Climb into her bed at 4:29
She gets up or not
Either way you win
1 Broadpup653547 2018-08-17
She needs this
1 onionprincess 2018-08-17
My ex used to do this. Jumping on the bed and banging pots and pans by their head seems to work.
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
1 S3vares 2018-08-17
You can't speak to your sister without consulting the internet first?
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
Tried. She doesn't understand. Lol.
1 gaynazifurry4bernie 2018-08-17
I can't tell if this is a shitposter or someone in need of advice.
1 akepsjr 2018-08-17
I seriously need advice bc my sister sucks and can't wake up for shit.
1 gemininature 2018-08-17
Turn it off for her when she doesn't wake up on time. Let her wake up late a few times, then she might get the message.
1 captainlvsac 2018-08-17
You are in the wrong sub homie.
They have vibrating watch alarms these days that work well.
1 SamWhite 2018-08-17
She's a heavy sleeper. Shave her head. See if she sleeps through that.
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2018-08-17
She's a heavy sleeper.
Shave her head. See if she sleeps through that.Rape her.