Mayo Boomer flips out at an airport, tells police to arrest him, then yells "You’re treating me like a fucking black person!" when he's taken down and maced for resisting arrest.

62  2018-08-17 by itsnotmyfault


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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That's not a boomer. P much all boomers are in their 60s & 70s you dumb millennial

Imagine not being a thirty year old boomer

Boomer is a state of mind.

That state being early onset dementia

He identifies as boomer.


I was like a year off. Go fuck yourself.

Damn, he looks good for his age. For a honky.

nah they smash black people heaps harder ive seen the videos

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Good bot

CaptainPriapism shouldn't be getting this, he's a local.

On the plus side, it's a pretty clear-cut misuse of automod. So we'll be getting pinging back anytime basically.

Pinging has nothing to do with moderator nonsense. The admins said we can't do it anymore.

But gallowboob is still allowed to send nudes to kids.

One of the leaks had an admin talking about mods engaging in meanpinging too. It's about trusting their toys being played with nicely, but as we can see... ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Yeah we can support a local population of 3-5 MDEgenerate regulars.


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Whats going on there big guy?

I don’t know, it did the same thing to me in another thread just now. That’s some weird shit.

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Lol, the Bot’s turned special needs

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All of his posts are still better than yours.

Imagine being so woque that you want the police to beat you up like the beat up black people. Too bad he was too much of a mayo to get the true Black Police Experiencetm that involves a side of lead.

He's not wrong

I think this is a case of 'I was only pretending to be retarded'.

Mayo Boomer

Is there any more disgusting combo?

and when they call the cops in, they got to deescalate, not escalate," Epstein said.

I mean he's not wrong

"Boomer"? That's a "90s kid" all grown up. That's your future, OP.

This reads like something a wasted sorority chick would write in a yearbook. We can observe the complete absence of any moral framework or intellectual ability in this one sample of writing.


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