Yo what the fuck is happening with imgur users ?

46  2018-08-17 by i_wish_i_was_dead___


Looks like Tay tbh.

/u/distortedlines THIS IS NOT A DRILL


i was trying to alert you to hostile posters here my man

deploy tactical tayposts rn!

Yeah my comment wasn't directed at you, it was at the rudeposter.

deploy tactical tayposts rn!

Not yet brother, that comes later

Have we started the fire? 😬

Gas these people

Teh are soooo rAnDummZ


u stickied this

The only thing more pathetic than a reddit user is an imgur user

9gag? Funnyjunk?

Funnyjunk is just normies

The Chive: Last Year's Memes Today!

Cargo cult reddit



It's a nephilim. Look it up.

redpill me fam

You've already swallowed the blue pill. The red pill will turn you purple.


thats fucking unsettling

Is this furry?

This better not awaken anything in me...