Protocol-loving squares of r/medicine drop the ban hammer because they can't take a fat hit of truth provided by a true Opiate Justice Warrior. Click usernames to see deleted comments

8  2018-08-17 by iammyowndoctor


Haha stupid opiate addicted fucks going on insane rants trying to make their abuse seem normal is pretty standard actually.

Haha, ah yes, those damn drug users, of which I am certainly not one, what fucking burnouts are they? Can you imagine being one of them? I can't because I'm totally not! They must like, have no brain cells left at all!

Whew! Man doing all these sober activities has worked up a thirst. I think I will quench it with a non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverage. Doesn't that sound splendid my fellow tee-totaler?

Low sugar, I hope.