Chad hapas bravely ping MDE thugs while virgin dramacels suck good boy points from admin microdicks

67  2018-08-18 by mukumukum6


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Good god I want to ping those motherfuckers so bad. I swear ricecels are so pathetic and smug they almost make mdecels look human by comparison.


Lol but are they any worse?

They're just different colors of the same issue.

Nahh one is a proud mayo and the other wishes they were a mayo. One unironically believes that they're superior to LeBron because of a lack of melanin and the other believes they're inferior to the guy whose race gets skin cancer like it is the common cold.

Hapa reminds me of The Sonic Transducer attacks at Havana btw illegal cuban faggots keep stealing all our money


ricecel mayo father

They're mayocels, we have a one drop policy on this board.

Chinks are basically discount mayos, so the one drop rule doesn't apply to them as far as I'm concerned.

Whites have liked enslaving stealing colonizing for 500 years to get the top economies.

My dad is from Madrid. It's an absolutely beautiful city, but I could never live there. I would have to pass el Palacio Real on my way to visit my aunt, and I'd have to think about how many Filipinos died on the Manila Galleon Route to finance that building. I'd go to el Retiro and look at the splendor of such a grandiose place, and walk along the statues and feel hurt that out of the hundreds of statues and monuments there, only one is to a Filipino. They have as many monuments to Satan, as they do to the Filipinos whose subjugation enabled them to become one of the wealthiest and most expansive empires in all of human history.

The entire british empire was funded by a single ship per year worth of goods from the Manila Galleon Route. Meanwhile, the Spanish grew fat off of several ships per year for 290 years. That's 290 years worth of unimaginable wealth they stole and used to build fountains and roads, drainage and subway tunnels.

The foundations of their cities are reinforced with Iron from the blood of the cultures they enslaved.

And they're not even the worst ones. The British, the Dutch, the French. They all did monstrous things to people who bore them no ill will, and now they reap those rewards and behave as if they deserve these benefits.

New copypasta?

That whole thread is copypasta worthy.

Asia is not only becoming more industrialized on average, with a larger middle class, but as we become less and less dependent on the west for banking and innovation, and more summer blockbusters come from Hong Kong, the more animosity we're going to see.

Imagine thinking anyone actually gives a shit about "blockbusters from Hong Kong" lmao.

Meanwhile, the actual blockbuster that China is having success with right now is white megachad fucking a chinese woman.

Which one is that?

The Meg

Oh, right, lol

Haven't seen it though

Haven't watched any movies he's in except The One, where he repeatedly got his ass kicked by Jet L

"Wow you know that one movie where a mayo guy who fucks more gussy than I ever will and is more successful than I've ever been got pretend-beaten by some guy that vaguely resembles my appearence? I'm such a chad"

Is your point that the Spanish had all that loot and wasted it all?

When I go to Spain I don't see 290 years of wealth anywhere; I see death trap roads and non-functional plumbing.

This is a comment copied from the posted thread.

Their just pissed off the malnutritioned asses got fucked up by the glorious white people.

Pisses me off nobody mentioned Seung-Hui Cho from the Virginia tech mass shooting. He’s the perfect example of an Asian incel going berserk in a liberal disarmed unguarded environment. Loving the diversity :)

What haplas should do is to not bash on the mayo, but to disregard those filthy Asian chicks to the side and say fuck them.

Then they will realize how better their life will be.

I dont even understand half of the shit you guys are saying, but maybe take a moment to see things the way I do. Oil is running out, fresh water is becoming scarce, more people have a cellphone than they do access to toilets, the minerals and metals used in our green technology are so costly to excavate that they require non-renewable energy to come close to breaking even, AND the population is doubling every 50-100 years. What will happen to our nations, will they be loyal to your best interests? Will they make you pay for the burden of others? Only family can be trusted, buy guns and bury them, learn some trades and how to use tools, it is coming soon.

Is there any more fragile group of people than rice incels? These guys get triggered every time an Asian girl goes out with any mayo.

I was on a date with a white female tonight, had dinner at a Sushi restaurant.

Unfortunately WMAF couple our age too comes in 10 minutes later and of all the tables that are free, they decide to sit near us.

AF facing us, WM looking away. Fuck you. Was so distracting, even more so when I saw out of the corner of the eye the AF was eyeing us up. That kind of look "oh no, that can't be an AM with a WF??? My own relationship is invalidated now, remember only AF are supposed to get white acceptance" and she just kept looking at the two of us. The loser WM even turned his head around with a shit eating grin on his face a couple of times and LAUGHED and she laughed too and lo and behold, I just needed some intense evidence that WMAF is filled with hatred. Are you reading this, Natalie Tran? Not that I should give you any ideas if you spot AM/HM + WF on a date with lovey dovey Rowan.

As for the WMAF I saw tonight, you know who you are - fuck you πŸ–•

related /r/drama thread

Lmao. Damn. The guy is literally triggered because a couple laughed near him.

Not even fat trans whales on tumblr are this fragile.

Now that's a quality title