Annoying Twit tries to womansplain Tinder for men. Does she mute it after safety zone is invaded? You betcha.

94  2018-08-18 by ArlenBilldozer


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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tinder was a mistake in general tbh

no way, if you're reasonably decent looking it's ez hookups with 0 effort

Despite what you and millions others think they want, that is probably not what's best for your life or society in general.

Narcissism and seeking instant gratification are not generally healthy traits for anyone.

the fuck kind of faggoty ass shit

the only people who say this kind of thing are the ones not getting laid and frustrated about it

literally everyone who isn't a social pariah sleeps around in their 20's

i fuk women with my dik and if u disagree ur a fagot beta male

I mean...yeah?

lol @ the angry downvotes tho

"i-i-im not an incel UR AN INCEL"

Drama full of nerd virgins who think sex with another person is either unattainable or a sign of degeneracy!? Color me shocked 😮

You're here too you autistic NEET.


imagine actually being a mad internet virgin

skrrt skrrt my dicc hurt

Why would you stop at your 20s. Family values are cancer anyway

i was in a LTR in my 20s

I heard some people have long term relationships. They don't even know what they're missing, casual sex with strangers is so much more fulfilling and meaningful.

You have to go back. Out. OUT.

Do you want to know how women know you're a virgin and don't sleep with you?

Sure, enlighten me.

they look at your reddit post history

Oh! So that's what's been holding me back!

And do you know how I know you're a faggot? I look down and see your mouth on my cock. checkmate

It's a girlcock tho so not gay

Really they look at the fact that you have Reddit

lol what? why do you assume someone has to be a narcissist of an addict to have sex? plenty of regular people have sex when they happen to be single.

i honestly get the impression that people like you who have these puritanical bullshit opinions are just bitter about not being attractive enough for casual sex.

i agree with him and i'm a cutie sorry!!!

well then you're just sexually repressed i guess. normal people have sex drives, nobody needs to be in love to have sex, it's quite normal behavior to seek a sexual outlet when you're single, and sitting home jerking off is much, much less fun than fucking an attractive person.

i can agree that somebody who actively avoids relationships to have sex, or somebody who is just way too degenerate, likely has some issues, but really, it's just pretty damn normal to want sex with a real human if you're single, so you have casual sex and maybe fuck buddies.

sex outside of relationships is pretty damn normal and has been for most of human history.

Sorry gayboi not reading all this shit

its weird.. I agreed with him, then I read your comment and I remembered thats all good. snapped out of a brief trance

yes, it's normal. the natural state of the human species is 3-4 women banging 1 chad, proven by genetic evidence.

the argument is that while this is good for evolution and the survival of the species, it is destructive to median happiness and social stability. human sexuality should therefore be repressed, to create the nuclear family and foster the socially sound upbringing of future generations.

i've created more than my share of catladies so i'm also a hypocrite, oh well

you know, through lots of human history women were property, and rich men had like 500 wives. this doesn't prove that "women only want chad" at all, cause you have the factor of kinds and emperors owning women like slaves.

you know, through lots of human history

genetic evidence shows its the same for literally all of history in literally every ethnic niche

this doesn't prove that

Yes it does.

The data is comprehensive in historical and geographical scope, and you'll need a shitload more than 'well what about kings' to contest it.

because jealousy seems to a natural trait to humans which is strong in women. jealousy and mate guarding.

yawn. banging other women is an attractive feature, not an unattractive one. you've got so much nonsense in your head.

it's okay. base human behavior isn't supposed to be magnanimous and make you feel warm and cozy. it's supposed to avoid extinction.

if what you say is true, monogamy is pointless anyway, because guys who aren't chad just end up in a sexless relationship where she is barely attracted to you anyway.

be chad or fucking kill yourself.

preferring A doesn't mean that B is a depressing nihilistic existence.

you think 'chads' want monogamy, either? studies also prove male sex drive is ~twice as high, and men prefer more concurrent partners than women do.

monogamy is a compromise for both sexes, and it creates the nuclear family, the single most successful social dynamic of human history, responsible for the social indoctrination of children into a knowledge-modified society and engaging the highest percent of that society into economic, social, and reproductive work.

you can hate it if you want, but it's the best system on the market, and the social repression of non-monogamous sexual motivations is how it was achieved.

i've also read studies that quite literally say the longer the relationship, the less the woman wants to fuck her man. so basically i'm right, your choices are 1. be chad, 2. sexless monogamy with a fat harpy.

yeah, it is actually pretty depressing.

What about the extended family?

a byproduct of generations of nuclear families

Lol what the fuck kind of MDE shit is this.

wtf did they just literally claim narcissism and instant gratification are bad for people, or even for society as a whole??



that's exactly what hitler would say!

Getting laid is LITERALLY narcissism in action.

I think you should seek a bleach smoothie, retard.

It's lame though. I usually just get bored of the girls and never talk to them again after or fuck with them for entertainment

the best thing is to get a fuck buddy if you're single tbh. find some girl who you realise you're not compatible with, but show is hot and a decent person to hang out with, and just agree to have sex for fun till one or both of you finds something real. lots of girls are gonna be into that, girls like sex too.

the best "casual" sex i had was in those situations, fucking complete strangers and never seeing them again is always pretty weird and awkward, and the sex never that good.

drama is so full of bitter virgins that comments like this get downvoted.


Giving females rights was just a mistake tbh

The correlation between women's rights and decline of Western society is too obvious.

The utter state of mayo gussy.

complaining about manwhores and about slutshaming in the same tweet. not everyone can pull that off

Hoes complaining about fuckbois/manhoes is always a confusing phenomenon. Although the reverse happens a lot too so idk.

Lots of western women seem able too.


women are gay

How can someone's gender be out of date?

I nominate this as being the absolutely dumbest twatter thread of 2018

It's amazing how easily they turn on that guy. You explain one little thing and they go for your throat. SMH, being a gentleman feminist aint easy


When she called him out, he told her to "calm down", which is seriously demeaning dogshit from a man to a woman.

These can't be real people. This is solid proof that there are aliens among us, trying and failing to navigate normal human social interactions.

Nah, Twitter is the reason aliens are not among us.

In 1950s sci-fi the aliens threatened to exterminate us for our degeneracy, but in real life they just ignore us.

dumbest twatter thread of 2018

Idk man, Daddy’s still got four months to lower that bar.

So, if you ask a guy a question, and then he answers your question, even that's mansplaining?

The more you know!

Reading more of those tweets. megsauce and her buddies sound like absolutely disgusting people. "YA fantasy" writer, of course...

"YA fantasy" writer

the female version of the 30+ virgin wizard

YA novels should be banned. Harry potter ruined a whole generation.

What happened to the indoors adventurers? Nothing wrong with a hot drink and a good book. One would think they would be more numerous given they're at less risk of predation (except by snuggly housecats)

But... thats literally not what an adventure is. If you like staying inside and reading thats fine but don't call reading Harry Potter with your 58 cats an adventure.

"adventure" literally means arriving somewhere else. It's physically impossible to go on an adventure without going anywhere.

She/Her. Indoor adventurer. Dealing in suburban savagery and fierce kindness.


tbh I think trying to waddle past that many cats to your oversized toilet between chapters might qualify as an 'adventure'

Reading can be done in places besides indoors as well. I'm pretty sure Teddy Roosevelt, the hardiest president, would retreat to Yellowstone for months to just read and hunt. In fact, old writers like Wordsworth and Coolridge would find inspiration in the outdoors, free of social noise and distractions. The domestication we see in animals we consider companions has now extended to humans.

While I like Coleridge and Wordsworth, most of their contemporaries thought they were looney-tunes. And TR's drive, while impressive, was pathological.

They existed at the turning point of an era. A departure from classicist writings towards the Romantic period which they helped frame. If writers let the judgements of their contemporaries dissuade them, literature would consist of the continual repeat of themes and tropes. It's ironic that the comfort-seeking readers of today continue a tradition that once contained purveyors of exploring the world and leaving comfort in search of new facades of the self. Frankenstein was born from Mary Shelley's loss of her child, combined with the ideological differences between her husband and father. John Donne created some of the greatest sonnets in poetic history using the grief of his wife's death in combination with the shifting set of beliefs he accrued during his time. The blandness often found within today's fiction comes from the author; unaware of how crucial self-exploration is to any form of art. Instead, reading seems to be reduced to easy entertainment, written to tantalize the imagination while also stimulation the reader's sense of superiority.

Thanks for this retread manifesto proclaimed by every English Lit/MFA student ever. In any case, I already have as degree and I edit a literary review and read a satisfactory mix of older and contemporary literature—as bland and inimical to self-exploration as that must strike you—so I'm going to skip it.


I'd respond to this in kind, but there is no emoji for Young Werther as yet.

I am unfamiliar with this character. Could you explain?

Protagonist from Goethe's episotlary novel The Sorrows from Young Werther, who is usually considered the forerunner of the Romantic type. He gets lost in the splendors of his own consciousness, falls in love with a married woman, and ultimately shoots himself. The book inspired a rash of copycat suicides after it appeared in the 1770s.

You called me teach; I responded by calling you Werther.

Ha! So I really do sound that pathetic. I'm sorry for being so condescending. It's a combination of self-obsession and loathing. I just keep trying to carve away what I am and was in order to be the kind of person I could be happy being. I guess it's why I gravitate to works involving grief and hate.

Nah, you just sound young, and I'm a middle-aged curmudgeon. When I was twenty, I read Werther in the space of an afternoon. Didn't dress up in Werther gear or kms, but it affected me quite profoundly at the time.

The people you're reading, the British Romantics and Donne especially, are still some of my favorites.

When I read the Holy Sonnets in high school, it came a year after my father died in a chemical accident at work. I had always been a self-deprecating person, but his death made me the only person I could blame for it. I wanted to be punished for it, yet all I got was pity. Donne seemed to be the only person I'd ever known who understood why I felt that way. It was one of the only times I didn't feel alone in my mourning.

The man wrote about mortality and mourning as well anyone ever. On the flip side, he also wrote about love and lust as well as anyone ever. "The Good-Morrow" was one of the two poems in my wedding, and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" might be my favorite English lyric overall, alongside "This Lime Tree Bower My Prison," "Directive," and "Prufrock."

"A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning" was during his imprisonment for marrying Anne More, right? I consider "Batter my Heart, Three-Person'd God" to be a monumental piece I come back to often. It's striking how violently he wishes God's purification of him to be. His doctrine of experimental predestination coated itself onto my preconceived notions of self-improvement. To destroy what you were to become what you need to be. Only in my case, God wouldn't play the part of reconstructor.

"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" was written before he went on business trip to the Continent. The only poem I can remember offhand from the brief jail-time he served due to their secret marriage was the epigram he sent to Anne before being escorted to prison: "John Donne, Anne Donne, undone." That was about a decade before he started writing the Holy Sonnets, some of which were written before she died (XVII is the first that directly addresses her death).

I do agree with you that XIV is the most profound, maybe only rivaled by X.

How would you grade me, professor? I need some negativity right now.

Not a teacher. I do edit a fair number of professors.

Your observations about STC, Mary Shelley, and Donne are correct and pretty much follow the conventional wisdom. The disdain for the "comfort-seeking readers of today" is sort of dull. Or misplaced at the very least: instead of carping about mass-market novelists and their fans, spend your time seeking out literature that meets your criteria for art. Worthwhile books, even masterpieces, still get published even though, as always, 90% of the attempts to create something of lasting literary significance fail.

How about "Reading is fun and nature is pretty, so you should read outdoors?"

Humans have been demesticated since we first started harvesting grain.

they just all seem like miserable people

Are you talking about the Twitter thread, this post, or both?

I'm loving this conversation where they circlejerk about how going outside is totally for losers, y'all.

Imagine living in Colorado and having a problem with people who enjoy hiking in the mountains.

ppl who enjoy the outdoors need to realise they're neither interesting nor unique

How fucking bitter can you get?

Countdown to me editing my bio to include “indoor adventurer,” 3...2...1...

...checks profile pick...unfuckable hambeast confirmed

Lmao look at her bio. "YA fiction, Coke Zero, renaissance jamz" and her pinned tweet is about Wonder Woman. So interesting and unique

These people aren't fully human.

What happened to the indoors adventurers? Nothing wrong with a hot drink and a good book. One would think they would be more numerous given they're at less risk of predation (except by snuggly housecats)


Thank xoomer helicopter parents that kept their children inside because they thought their suburban neighborhood was crawling with pedo serial killers that would instantly scoop them up. Those kids are all grown up and posting on Twatter now.

I blame Gen X. Not enough people listened when christcucks were bitching about Nirvana in the 90s

he really really dislikes hikers lmao

And this is how their insane, hypocritical beliefs evolved. They're too fat and self-adsorbed to leave their house, so they just go online and circle jerk with other twitter warriors about how evil the world is.

If they went outside, and enjoyed the great outdoors maybe they could learn to view the world in a different light, one removed from twitter, tumblr and facebook.

kind of like the turbo virgins in this thread screaming that casual tinder sex is only for degenerates....

thinking emoji

The main problem with tinder is that it gives depressingly boring women the false impression that they're smart / funny / unique because hordes of dudes lazily swipe right.

entrepreneur: unemployed

lol that part is right though

Super woke to care about a man's employment status. Really busting up gender roles here

why not if she is employed? nobody wants some scrub bum.

Wanting to date someone who is capable of accomplishing at least the VERY basic task of getting a shitty wageslave job isn't a gender role lmao

I'm sure this person would be super cool with a "no fat chicks" tinder bio because that's the same exact logic

t. unemployed poorfag who is very sensitive about it

I look down on unemployed people but I also look down on fat people. It's called consistency

We can tell you look down on yourself, sweaty, the insecurity is pretty obvious.

Hating yourself is a prerequisite for being on /r/drama

tfw we tell people to kys bc we secretly want to kms ourselves

tbh the casual "haha i hate myself i wanna die" meme is garbage and can only be made right by actual death of the person who posted it

this but post-ironically

You know you've lost when you start bringing up arguments that were never presented.

Im calling her an opportunistic feminist who only pretends to be woke when it's convenient for he. In case you couldn't follow along

Bruh she never said anything about that chicks.

Im calling her an opportunistic feminist who only pretends to be woke when it's convenient.

And she definitely is, as proven by the hypothetical argument you made up.

Where she used "unemployed" as a pejorative? That's in her original tweet

And it has explained to you that wanting to date someone who is employed is perfectly reasonable.

It's reasonable to guess as a self proclaimed twitter feminist she believes you can't do the same to filter fat people. It's reasonable to guess she is a hypocrite.

You gotta know not to show your hand like that when you're arguing with people. Ideally you just say "eh, this crazy feminist bitch has a point here" then you've already won. If you really want to argue with her, you wait till she says some crazy feminist shit then you can call her out. But when you start with some crazy feminist-esque shit like "Super woke to care about a man's employment status. Really busting up gender roles here" like this guy did, you've made yourself the bitch. You can't win because now you're just as hypocritical as she ostensibly is.

This is being a contrarian asshole 101, you need to be able to stay in the pocket and roll with a few punches.

Attaching employment as a positive in regards to dating is reinforcing both gender and class roles, which is decidedly anti-feminist.

I never said it wasn't reasonable, I said it doesn't fit the narrative.

Surely that is a testable statement. Seems to me, if you surveyed a group of single people, and found a statistically significant difference in the number of men and women who would be prepared to go out with an unemployed person, that would prove it is a gender role.

white knights out in force on the twitter thread, dreaming of catching a whiff of that white, upper-middle class gussy.

white, upper-middle class gussy.

I want me some of dat scrooge mcduck gussy.

Got to move up in the world somehow

Given her profession lower-middle class would probably be more accurate.

shoot the patriarchy

Taught by a skilled, male, instructor

allegedly writes books ✧ YA fantasy

Translation: writes shit that she self-publishes on the Amazon Kindle Store and individually messages all 891 of her Facebook friends to positively review it.

I mean let's be honest the highlight of this thot's writing career is this tweet.

Playing life on easy mode and they still downloaded the SJW with cats DLC.

Colorado has it bad for that random hiking life, and it’s gross. Almost as gross as all the cologne/perfume to cover up all the chain smoking. Get outta here with your mountain selfie.

People who go outside are the real losers!

I bet you can't even get motorized scooters on that hiking trail smh my head

Jesus Chris. The dumb ass females on that Twitter post makes me cringe.

One dumb bitch thinks it's sexist to tell a girl to calm down.

Men who like sleeping around are using a hookup app? Holy shit, stop the presses. It’s 2018, why aren’t we regulating these outlets of lookist rape?

That extreme lesbian denial.

t. lonely woman

You have to go back...

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She's not wrong about those terms - but goddamn if she doesn't seem to be some sort of hellish combination of boring and high maintenance.

Twattercide when

In a conversation explicitly about hiking/walking in nature:

Wait people call walking a hobby? Like, isn't it just something that most people do?

Imagine being this fucking obtuse in an attempt at twitter snark

This whole thread makes me hate our generation

How is twitter somehow worse than Reddit

Ya know I'm pretty used to seeing people on reddit post their pathetic antisocial opinions all the time but holy shit how do these people on twitter get the balls/ovaries to put their real name to those garbage opinions trying to make their pathetic stay home forever life seem cool.

Which part is wrong tho

What's wrong with an unplanned hike? I don't understand how that one is comparable to someone being unemployed

They want to date active, fit guys, but they don't want the activity that goes with it.

Does she really have TM after her Twitter handle? And she's not even a blue check lol

That thread is the dumbest thing I've read all day

complete with "hiking is bad because i enjoy scrolling through tinder all day because i can't find a bf :( what are we talking about lol"

wow, people who tweet 300 times a day have a problem with others enjoying physical activity, IMAGINE MY SHOCK

And yet even those types men she mentioned in her tweet refuse to give her any attention on tinder.

Also - she's a self published amazon "writer" she has zero rights to talk about anyone else's job.

The gall of these people to complain about something they have full control of. All they have to do is exist and some retard will want to wet his willy with them. Women were a mistake.