The absolute state if capeshit, /u/marvelfan_01 gets butt mad yet again by /r/fuckmarvel

29  2018-08-19 by Peetrius


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Capeshit was a mistake.

ruined reddit because of the 12 year old michael bay fans that hate things that aren't just bland action

Watching movies where the main characters are never put into any real danger, and fake bait and switch time after time, how many times can someone watch this shit without losing a few brain cells...

Rather watch all the James bond movies tbh

Because they don't. Just Fucking. Move. On.

You 12 year old fattasses know it's legal to not fucking watch the movies? and not continuesly chant capeshit as if its a professional fucking inslut, you just put an object from the movies and the word shit and there you have it your retaraded insult explains the current situation of our society

Lmao people are allowed to point out that marvel movies are trash and domino was supposed to be goth and not a chocolate sassy black woman.

We're talking about MCU here. You know what actually makes you smarter thou? you dont mindlessly chant 'capeshit' because you hate marvel.

and you dont seem like the one to continuesly hate on it either, you seem like the one to move on. i kinda like you more now.

I certainly have no concept of when i should move on, that's why i watched the infinity war movie.

Dude I watched Solo and liked it

  1. The subreddit is called /r/fuckmarvel, not /r/fuckmcu.
  2. I've only heard of the subreddit due to you getting so butt hurt that they dislike something you like
  3. Get better taste in movies

Butthurt? They attacked r/marvel with trolls. Yes, they hate it that much.

Lol capefag.

'I didn't read your comment, but im offended because you like marvel so im gonna call you a capefag cause im an insecure peice of shit who likes michael bay movies."

Wait in your universe are marvel movies somehow superior to Michael bay movies? You’re really distinguishing between shitty popular action movies

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hahaha lmao capeshit movis will never end, just like the comics.