Is it a crime to say ‘women don’t have penises’?

26  2018-08-19 by itsnotmyfault


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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terfs are queens 🙇‍♀️

I feel dirty that I agree with the unfuckable dykes of GC on one thing: It shouldn't be a crime to say trans people aren't actually their preferred gender, whatever your views ont he matter.

It should be a crime to call someone by the pronoun they don't prefer, and a crime to call someone by their proposed pronoun.

I can't wait to see what a shit show the UK is in a few years.

Your perception of the UK is informed by memes. If the UK is a shit show, it’s because of brexit and nothing else.

In Canada it absolutely is. That woman who was raped got lodged with a dude and got told she could be charged with a hate crime for not identifying that dude as a lady.

Q predicted this


Wow. Wgat os happening to that place. Good lord it's not the U.S.

Thank god I don’t live in a shit-haven that is the “UK”. So much more freedom in these United States

So like where does this end? Reminds me of the trans activist that say nit wanting to date transpeople is bigotry. I wonder what the real disconnect ia between online communities, activist and the regular population. I say online communities because there was a reddit thread about how teens didn't use the word "gay" and as an insult and how progressive teens now where and then some teachers in the comments were all "ehhh people still do that shit in high school"

Pretty sure you can't just vandalize shit with stickers regardless of the message. That's the real crime here.