Drama at the State Fair! /r/vermont asks "how retarded do you have to be to fly a confederate flag in New England" and is answered

37  2018-08-19 by Starwats


I get flying the confederate flag, I do. But I don’t get you flying it in a state that didn’t secede. Just seems autistic

Dude I live in a small town in Kansas, theres a memorial at the edge of town where my community mustered to repel a pro-slave militia attack, and theres still dumbfucks flying that shit here talking about pride and heritage. It boggles my mind the sheer volume of meth thinking like that must take.

If they were trying to troll rather than merely being ignorant they could point out that the South basically conquered Middle American culture via the Great Migration.

To elaborate on that while the Great Migration is usually thought of as a black phenomenon, and black Southerners were much more likely to leave, in absolute numbers something like 60% of Southern migrants were white. This is especially the case in Ohio, for example, such that an Ohioan fentanyl enthusiast flying the Dixie cross from his trailer may well be Southern by blood.

More broadly, as American culture has become nationalized I'd argue that particularly among working-class mayos it has been a largely Southern culture that has become dominant, such that one could hardly distinguish a small southern town versus a small town in the Midwest. If anything white Northerners are probably less likely to grasp the negative connotations of the Dixie cross in terms of flying it being at the least the icon of an exclusionary white Southern Culture and profoundly disrespectful to black Americans.

I’m from Vermont, I ask myself that very question when I do see one.

Wait, so you ask yourselves questions that aren't "How many teats a Holstein got?"

Fuck if I know. 8?

[somewhere, Fred Tuttle is crying]

Man with the plan! Does that answer how Vermonty I am?

It would... if'n you hadn't said a Holstein's got 8 teats.

Fuck man I ain’t a farmer!

So... Trustafarian grad student?

Oh Jesus now you’ve gone too far.

I'm not hearing a "No", here, Trevor...

No born and raised, and what’s wrong with Middlebury?

Ha. No, that was a joke for the gent who thought Rutland was a bit too scuzzy for his tastes.

I’m confused why he thinks Middlebury is sad.

I'd guess he's either an Amherst grad, or generic reddit crazy person.

I saw a bunch in West Virginia which is hysterical given that that State only exists because they didn’t want to secede

every time someone tries to defend the Confederacy it always boils down to "no u" and "educate youself" while not refuting anything.

I want to buy a semi-truck full of Confederate flags and light it on fire in the middle of Georgia, just to watch these hillbilly retards stroke out with rage.

Rutland NAACP

TIL there are black people in Rutland.

There aren't any black people in the state. BLM flags outnumber actual black people 10:1

So the Ben & Jerrys / Trey Anastasio sponsored "40 Acres and a Subaru" initiative was a flop?

I just visited Rutland a day ago and saw the whitest trash imaginable. You can't walk anywhere without smelling a cigarette, and the only young people I saw had degenerate piercings and facial tattoos. Not to mention a smoke shop on every corner, with juuls abound.

Disgusting town.

Just be glad you didn't make it north to such urban cancers as St. J's. Or Barre. Or, God forbid, Middlebury.

Middlebury was freaky. Never want to drive through such a sad place again.

"American leftists declare war on the dead and inanimate objects once again"

Imagine going to any state fair that isnt the MN state fair lol