BPT officially joins the mayocide!

44  2018-08-19 by Penguinproof1


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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They love this kind of stuff and then can't wrap their heads around people not being very comfortable with groups of black people doling out justice however they see fit on public transit.

Found the mayo

complain that white people fear poor black people for no reason

herd of poor black people chimps out, brutally beats mentally ill cracker for the umpteenth time


>No reason

>Calling them Niggers to their faces

pick one

If you didn't want to get your business bombed, you shouldn't have drawn Mohammed.

If you didn't want to get your face rearranged you shouldn't have said the word™️

Violence is ok as long as it's done by the right people

Waaaaa I wanna make people mad without them applying their anger to me T-T

If you didn't want to get lynched you shouldn't have talked to me, a white woman.

See? Everybody does it. Now sit back and take it like your girl takes the bull

beating a crazy person bloody because they used naughty language

Talk shit, get hit :). Scary world out there, mayo. Better lock your doors and save your bad words for Reddit :P

/r/OnePiece and /r/naruto poster

every fucking time its the weebs man. can't we just agent orange you all already

I'm pretty sure that Agent Orange is part of the reason they are how they are

Hey, my cup is empty, can I get some more mayo tears, please?

i get that you're a shitskin who wants to rag on whitey all the time but no one cares

And I get that you're a NEET that wants to pretend you're better than someone for a change but no one cares.

posts on /r/OnePiece


Being so mad you have to research another person's Reddit history Being this mad on r/Drama

You may need to stop coming back to the thread newfriend :)

'research' lol. imagine being such a mouthbreather that you think it's research to click on someones name and look at their front page

Ceddit link if you want to see the all the actually sane commebts that were deleted by wome mods

They literally stomped her face into a pulp. Id be surprised if she lives. You people are applauding this? Im sure dr king would be proud of all of you

Yeah, why the fuck was this removed?

Their very dubious "arguing in bad faith" rule

Because reading that might hurt the feelings of the people there.

Weirdly enough they leave every actual rule breaking comment. The whole post is inciting violence, no?

Sure r/againsthatesubs is on the case

They deleted every single comment that contained a MLK quote lmfao

The comments get more approving of the beating further the commenter is from DC.

I did a double take when the article said this was done by African Americans and that the n-word the old lay had used to was the one for black folks. I just automatically assumed it was a bus full of violent Japanese people reacting to the old lady calling them “nips.” I guess I have a lot of work to do in challenging some of the ugly stereotypes that I hold against Japanese people.

DC is literally known as Chocolate City. And where Im from is known as the wealthiest black county in America.

B-but I thought Basketball-Americans were retarded because they are poor?

Wealthiest black country is equivalent to being called tall in Asia.

Not the kind of people you want on your side tbh.