Fuck anti-communists, and FUCK Anti-semites

45  2018-08-19 by Ayylmao11023


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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op is definitely a Russian bot account to stir up drama, just look at his post history.

Commies should die

you enjoying the last month of summer before you have to go back to high school?

Hot take 🔥🔥🔥 bro. You should hit up r/funny with that sharp wit of yours 👍

Whatd id he say?

What is removeddit

Do you have some sort of chromosome disorder or are you just that committed to making retarded statements on every sub

Holocaust denial that sparked them rees you link doesn't trigger you but rather, dude saying " fuck communists" is where you figure them juicy dramas are. Your compass might be a bit miscalibrated, see if eating shit won't fix it.

Did you have a stroke while writing this comment

We need to talk about the third invasion apart from the MDEs and Chapos. The insane gibberish typer invasion is a real thing here, and we need to address it.

They're a valuable and welcome part of our community though.

See they’re entertaining, the other ones listed above are not.

Don't call it an invasion; I've been here for years.

Insand egibberish ZTyper INvasiopn!? How will I ever feel safe again FAGAGOT?

Retarded, outlandish, shit is expected from r/conspiracy. Holocaust denial is actually pretty tame for the conspiracy theorist crowd. r/againsthatesubreddits is ostensibly against hateful ideologies, yet a pro-communist statement gets almost 200 upvotes and counting. That’s why it’s noteworthy.

can you give me a quick rundown on the Bogdanoffs?

Братья Богдановы—прошлое, настоящее, и будущее. Это всё, что вам нужно знать. Дальше не исследовуйте, а не то вы столкнётесь со силами, которые не можно понимать.

cyka blyat


сука is not the same thing as "cyka". Write "suka" instead next time :)

Idi na khuy chyortov syn

What's the difference.

Some anti-Semites aren't communists


Not to mention communists

don't you have to want to redistribute all the jew money to be communist?


That's what has been know historically as a national socialist.

Or a Stalinist

Stain was a Jew

Being given the choice between fucking a communist and an anti-communist, I would definitely choose the latter without even a second thought.

You'd honestly want to have sex with a nazi incel? I'd rather have sex with a communist, if they are attractive.

only Nazis oppose communists

Maybe you should stop reading Pravda

I don't read Pravda. Anti communism is typically used by fascists, and by neoliberals and neoconservatives.

Fascism isn't "r/drama traumatized me" or "Everything I don't like". Fascism as in the support for genocide, ethnic cleansing, nationalism, union busting, reactionary social policies, etc.

r/neoliberal diasgrees

If I had a gun, with two bullets, and I was in a room with fascism, communism, and neoliberalism, I would shoot neoliberalism twice.

Luckily for us, Communism and fascism would team up to rape you to death afterwards.

Everything is about sex with you degenerates, isn't it? This is what transpires from having no concept of the sacred.

Imagine giving a shit about things being sacred.

The Molotov-Ribbentrop gangbang crew.


Neoliberals unironically deserve to die. It'd be more satisfying drone striking them without due process.

Unions are gay and the people in charge of them, if given control of an actual company, would be worse than any company that exists.

also nationalism is good

Imagine being this much of a fucking stupid, spooked moron. Unironically thinks nationalism is "good"

You deserve to be a slave to your "job creator".

Oh no, I like my country and think it's good.

Oh no, I work at a company that values my work and we aren't lazy fucks. Unions served their purpose. They're obsolete.

Unironically thinks being a bootlicker is a respectable position.

Also unironically thinks the one thing responsible for the creation of

the middle class, better working conditions, the weekend, 40 hour

work week (i.e. unions) is "obsolete".

I like the idiotic connotation that having/joining a union = "lazy fucks".

I love it when right wingers are such bootlickers they think not wanting to be exploited makes someone "lazy".

lol you ever meet a union exec? They're the slimiest dudes out there. Pro-union tards are the biggest bootlickers to ever exist.

I know the salary of every person at the company since my job is to make sure everyone gets paid and we don't get fucked by the people we're working for. I'm paid what I'm worth.

Have you ever met a corporate executive? Most of them would have no qualms about killing you and burying you in a shallow grave. Any corruption in a union is preferable to having no union at all.

You really are a bootlicker.

Yeah I work with execs every day even though I'm a peon. They're good dudes. Love the work, wish they could be running a hoe or a welder instead of sitting at a desk

This is how everyone talks though until some new technology or freak market shift pushes them out if their job and they are suddenly just another one of the plebs again

I got transferable skills that every contractor needs. I'll be fine.

Unions don't help with any of that shit anyway.

Anti communism is typically used by fascists, and by neoliberals and neoconservatives.

dont forget economists

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Which type of economists? Neoliberal? Neoconservative? Neoliberals and neoconservatives will defend even the worst evils of capitalism, and then sabotage any attempts at social democracy.

I like how you employ the lolbertarian/ancap fedora Holy Grail of "Basic Economics". If we are being frank, many economists are employed by "Think Tanks" i.e. propaganda mills to promote so called "scientific" ideas which favour wealthy donors for those think tanks.

It also neglects the fact that a lolbertarian think tank even admitted that Bernie's Medicare for All plan would save the USA two Trillion dollars. Given the intellectual bankruptcy and incompetence of some of the so called "lel radical centrist" shitposters here, many of you regard social democracy the same thing as being a Holodomor denying tankie larper.

any of them that understand numbers really

Bernie's Medicare for All plan would save the USA two Trillion dollars.

thats not communism though, shit we have single payer healthcare and medicare subsidises pretty much everything where i live

communism doesnt actually work because its not a real working system, its just how you trick peasants into accepting totalitarianism by promising them an equal share

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almost everyone in the world is a nazi REEEEEEEEEEE


That's insane. No, not "everyone is a nazi REEEEE". Jesus Christ, there's lunatics on r/ChapoTrapHouse that go on about "Social Democracy is Fascism REEEEEEEE".

Socdem scum out OUT OUT!

Daddy Defence Force OUT OUT!

That's ☭ Papa Defense Force ☭ to you, reactionary.


The SPD is trash, just watch Mark Blyth.

Fuck communists. Especially armchair ones.

I've got 10,000,000 times more respect for some Vietnamese peasant who was born on the wrong side of the border, got indoctrinated, send down south, and died in battle than I do for any fucking mayo edgelord who wears a Ché T-shirt to show how weird and quirky he is.

Communists are the worst. It's an ideological position I have absolutely no respect for whatsoever.

The implication being that you have some respect for anti-Semitism as an ideological position?


No, no i do not. Didn't realize i need to qualify that.

Fuck Commies, nazis and Np linkers