Angry joe just posted a response to his bf5 video

7  2018-08-20 by Funkatobi


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Obligatory ✊🏻 GAMERS RISE UP ✊🏻 but also, hahaha, they're unironically fighting about rumored pre-order numbers for a vidya game. Who says EA has a poor marketing team? Rent free!

I missed this whole Joe drama. Someone spoonfeed me.

Do you like cummies to be in the spoon as well?

Not really.

Too bad.


Joe is a giant sperg and cant handle criticism of a franchise he likes.

Battlefield 5 presales are weak and people are wringing their hands because EA rep outright said they shoehorned in female characters to meet progressive standards and anyone called any fans who didnt like that uneducated as well as not to buy the game.

Joe made a video saying it was the timing of the sales, kept repeating "people who don't want women in their video games" and basically said its just trump supporters that hate women.

Now fuck you i have better things to do than explain simple drama.

Not really sure why journos are so salty about this. I mean EA asked people not to order their game and then people didn't order it. Seems like a win-win for everyone involved: EA doesn't have to tolerate those mean misogynists, and the misogynists don't have to waste their money.

Imagine giving a shit about vidya.

I've never seem someone get this out of touch.

I honestly don't know why he even made this video in the first place. The pre sales was weak and some people said that it's cuz so many people for some reason got angry at the strang wameng in the game - Who gives a shit? I really don't know what he was even tryna achieve. If it was really that then the dude's who chose not to buy are prolly ultravirgins but who cares they do what they want with their own money, deal with it.

didnt the dev specifically come out and say that he valued inclusion more than accuracy and that anyone who didnt like feminism shouldnt buy the game?

now they just deny it lol

You have to go back...

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Get woke go broke

Holy shit is his entire schtick being cringey and unwatchable?