Deleted tweets of Norm Macdonald weirdly trolling Lena Dunham. Pretty sure there's a kys in there

106  2018-08-20 by charming_tainter


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Norm is a treasure, but this is kinda pathetic.

It's just strange and it doesn't seem like he's stirring the pot for his new show or whatever. He also weirdly trolled her back in 2013

You got off easy young Lena, my therapist sent me a noose.

This is gold tho

I bet these would be a hell of a lot funnier with Norm's vocal delivery. I can read that one in his voice and it's a nice one.

I was expecting some good roasting or something but this was just a lot of weird comments where he called her young?

If you told me "Norm McDonald trolled over a dozen old Lena Dunham tweets and it was painfully unfunny the whole time" I would've slapped you in the face and called you a liar, yet here we are.

Get Bill Burr on this shit.

It's not like he was going for "Norm MacDonald EVISCERATES feminist with SCIENCE and LOGIC". It's just an old geezer trying to goof around on Twitter. Norm does weird shit that doesn't make sense all the time on Twitter.

I thought this was for his new show, but then why would you delete it all?

Maybe this is because deep inside Norm Macdonald is a weirdo. If you have the time and lack the life, go do some digging on the interwebs and listen to his interviews where he is off-character and talks about life. How everything is meaningless and education doesn't matter and God is pretty important, etc.

He is a bit of a weird guy, most comics respect him for his ability to just say random weird stuff but I think its pretty obvious that he doesn't think that it is actually random weird crap.


he says he lives alone, doesn't have sex, and has only like 2 people in life he cares about

he has deep dread about dying and think life may be utterly meaningless and pointless. he also read lots of classic russian literature

2 people

I only know of his son. And a few comics he really respects, like Letterman.


he lives in the same complex as her and visits everyday

i know way too much about this person, lol

It's not wrong to know a lot about Normie ;^)

he also read lots of classic russian literature

Well, there goes the reason for his dread. I mean have you tried reading The Punishment or Katlovan? That shit is depressing as fuck

His humor has always been pretty dry and full of irony, he may be referring to nihilism and existinialism

So he's an incel


Norm could get laid, he's doing it voluntarily.

How everything is meaningless

You don't know Norm.

Nah, he really thinks that. I used to have two links laying around, but one of them (this one) was removed from Youtube. Here's the other one though;

I'm listening but I predict Norm won't come out as a nihilist.

I think the other video was more based than this one, but it's still OK I suppose.

He isn't a nihilist, at least he doesn't act like one. But whenever he opens his mouth he speaks like one, and he is 100% unironic about it.

But whenever he opens his mouth he speaks like one

You can't both be a nihilist and believe in God the way Norm does.

Not really. You can believe that nothing in the material world matters and also believe in heaven/hell. It's misguided religion but it can happen.

It's misguided religion

sounds like an oxymoron

I’m not proud to be a Canadian

huh, I didn’t think I could respect this guy more but here I am

He has a bit that he does about suicide that's pretty telling too. He talks about how some people are shocked at other people killing themselves. Something to the effect of, "Really? You don't know why someone would kill themselves? Have you ever experienced life?"

He’s also a xanhead which can make you do weird stuff

Wait what

Abuse of Xanax I believe.

facepalm . I mean Norm Macdonald is a xanhead??? since when? I didnt know that

IDK, I just telling you what xanhead means

Maybe this is because deep inside Norm Macdonald pretty weird.

Staying the course as a conservative while living in Hollywood is not something normal comedians do tbqh.

He doesn't identify as a conservative, though he certainly finds value in traditional morals

I really want to read this image, but someone should make a smaller version.

It's a lot of Norm tweets which means its quality in every pixel, but those pixels could be smaller.

>he doesn't know how to zoom In/Out in a browser


his browser doesn't crash when opening OP's ten thousand pixel width image

Check your privilege

Probably a g*mer with a daddy-bucks pc

Or a smartphone made this decade

This was hilarious why did he delete it?

Somehow this kind of makes sense to me. I can see a drunk Norm either begrudgingly crushing on lena or Norm just having a problem with the fact that lena molested her sister. I can't say though, since I can't read the tweets.

I once had a boss who pegged me a lena dunham type (i'm not since i don't molest anyone and also don't share her political views), but I just went with it. He would try to lecture me all the time and I would just mouth off to him. I got away with it too.